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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. please post the entire code for bookseats_process.asp...I am having trouble remebering what is being changed.
  2. lolanyways I assume the user is only reserving one seat with this form right???so you want to only update that one seat.Without a WHERE clause your script will reserve EVERY seat.so if you add something like "UPDATE ....SET.....WHERE seat = '" & Request.Querystring("seat") & "'" providing the seat querystirng contained the name of the seat like A1 or B7Also assuming that the field 'seat' is the proper name.Do you see what I mean?
  3. Why are they programmers? lol it is about keeping up with the latest technology and producing hte best, most efficient, beuatiful code you can.
  4. what does this mean? WHERE tblseats.seat=" & no
  5. Thats your problemchange this to UPDATE tblseats SET status='',cust_forename='',cust_surname='',cust_book_id='',cust_address='',cust_postcode='',cust_area_code='',cust_tel_number='',cust_cc='', to UPDATE tblseats SET status='',cust_forename='',cust_surname='',cust_book_id='',cust_address='',cust_postcode='',cust_area_code='',cust_tel_number='',cust_cc='' However this will update every record in your table you need to set some conditions like WHERE cust_id='233' or something like that.when you run this be sure to uncomment line 26 so it starts executing again.
  6. aactually I meant do this ' conn.Execute sql, RecordsaffectedResponse.Write(sql) Then run the script and tell me what the sql statment is that is outputed
  7. are all sql fields of type text or varchar???I don't see anything wrong either
  8. so is it updating or still nothing is happaning???Try the thing s I suggested above and be sure to comment out the page redirection to so you can see the sql statement that will be written to the page
  9. here is a bit of background info on the situation. I am running the code on Apache 2.0.58 with PHP 5.1.4 and I have MySql 4.1I have written a script that displays the contents of my server and allows me to edit php files in my browser.The script runs perfectly on localhost. But if I get up and walk over to my other PC and use instead The script only displays some of the files in the list...gets to a certain point int he list and then just stops...html is incomplet and occasionally I get weird text symbols on the page.I tried using a pre-made script off the internet witht he same results. If I refresh the page sometimes I get more of the list and sometimes less and about every 1 in 100 I get the full list.I have also tested a similar script written in ASP.Net on this same setup with no problems at all.So it must be something about my PHP configuration right? Why is it not passing (or amybe not creating) the full html the script should?
  10. just to clarify <> means not equal too.What is the value of the querystring('action') that is passed to the processing page? because in the form action there is no querystring being sent. You can remove that If statement completely...it serves no purpose.Okay lets debug your sql.comment out line 26 to stop it from executing and giving us the error. underneath of it type Response.Write(sql) Post what you see on the screen after running the form again.
  11. have you used functions made like that before??? I doubt that would work.Not to be iopinionated but your style of coding breaks about everything ASP.Net stands for. You are using classic ASP scripting style which really defeats the purpose of switching to .Net.Since you have vs 2005 start using the code behind and having it compiled. You will get code that is faster and easier to manage.
  12. comment out this line on error resume next it will hide the sql errors and will appear to work correctly. You should get an error ont he screen now.Problems like this are usually sql syntax errors
  13. There is your answer. We did do something except we chose to do it legally. Instead of hacking them back and haveing the site back up in 30 minutes we chose to report them and now their site is down permently.It pays to do things properly! More than fair!
  14. Thats because seat=A1 not ""change it to if Request.Querystring("seat")<>"" then
  15. They could be down for a number of reasons...but hopefully that is the case.
  16. wow all that instead of $arr = explode($delimitedString);for($i=0;$i<sizeof($arr);$i++){ //check the length} I see no advantage to using it at all.
  17. is request.querystring("seat") = "" ??? If not the form will not show Heck no...I work to buy Pepsi...among other things.
  18. :)Anyways your simple example should easily work so unless you want to post the code or pm it to me there isn't much more we can do.
  19. I agree, but that is because 15 years ago there wasn't the push for re-usable code and nobody cared about the poor guy that would have to maintain it once the original programmer left.Thinks have changed and programmers seem to have discovered a little thing called // or /**/If a program is written well and you know the language it is usually not too difficult to read.
  20. Perhaps I had leave before further insults are made.... jkWell I will except your offering out of politeness. Thank you....*murmers under breathe*
  21. Only thing I would change is all the single celled tables to <div>
  22. I just might take if I drank but I don't...how about a pepsi? mmmm pepsi
  23. oops try = instead of ==I am used to C# not VB sorry
  24. All you need to do is check if rs('seat') == "A5" and if it does create the row like the rest but after you create the row add the <td rowspan="3"></td>
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