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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    send buzz

    What chat server software are you using and what do you mean send an asp buzz?
  2. aspnetguy

    Data Islands

    I am not very experienced in XML but I believe that data islands are an IE only feature. I may be wrong though.
  3. Unless you have lots of money to advertise your site/service and can afford to provide it free for at least a year then you are probably not going to make a go of it.Another thought is...free sites make money too. If you can provide a service everyone wants and its free (and there aren't a million of them already) then there is a good chance you will be able to build decent traffic in the first couple of years.At that point you may be able to sell ad space or at least sign up for Google AdSense.
  4. Exactly. If you are that serious about moving away from windows you should learn PHP. You are already going to have to learn a new database unless you were running MySQL on windows.
  5. aspnetguy

    Radio Buttons

    Thanks that is a great idea.
  6. I suddenly have the urge to poke my eyes out with my pencil.
  7. I am not sure which would be the highest demand but whatever you decide to sell you should look around the web for similar websites.Ask these questions.1. How much do they charge or are they free2. Why would someone want to come to my website instead of another one, basically what do you have to offer that makes your site better.3. Is this market worth the effort? Is it already full of lots of similar services.These are important things to consider. You want to be in a fairly strong market with fewer competition.
  8. this should helphttp://codebetter.com/blogs/brendan.tompki...5/13/13484.aspx
  9. aspnetguy

    Radio Buttons

    Ok that makes sense thanks.
  10. A lot of public sites that I visit that use multi ddl usually have a little note underneath that tells the user how to select multiple options.Anyone who knows anything about windows would know how. But Checkboxes would be idiot-proof!
  11. No but but my sister did and filled me in on the details. The fact that the french fries lasted months without going moldy because of the grease and perservatives is disgusting.
  12. aspnetguy

    Radio Buttons

    isn't using $_REQUEST bad? Because it looks for both get and post, the user could make a querystring variable to override your form variable and depending on your application it could be dangereous.That is what I have been told. I was told to only use $_GET and $_POST and not $_REQUEST.Is this true or is it a little paranoid?
  13. I was using text-align:right to push my menu to the right side of the page but it wasn't working.Instead of having text-align:right; I had text-align:right:stupid typo
  14. I tried notepad2...the highlighting didn't do as much for me as I thought it would.I make good comments and space my code nicely and found that the highlighting didn't make it any easier to read.oh well I'll stick to notepad.
  15. 14 month hamburger...sounds bad but when you know that it is frozen there is no danger of getting sick it just would taste freezer burnt.I worked in fast food for 4 years. We did wear hairnets and the reason you find so many bad things about fast food places is because most of the workers are 16. They are in school and don't care about their jobs.Fast food is painted with a broad stereotypical brush because of so many stroies like that.I avoid fast food, not because I think it is 'unsafe' or gross, I just don't feel right about eating a meal that is 1500 calories and will clog my arteries.
  16. There is your answer...you can't. No PHP...No CuteNews
  17. it could also be this.style.background='url(yourimage.gif)' but this.background is valid as well since you can use hte background attribute in a <td>...it is just depreciated for XHTML.
  18. You need a product for Linux that will compile the ASP. Chilisfot has a good product that lets you write ASP (in a text editor or IDE of somesort) on Linux.http://www.sun.com/software/chilisoft/
  19. I don't think you can open the contents of a php file from another server. If you could then you could just steal other people's source code.
  20. does it have the extension .html or .xhtml?IE doesn't support .xhtml yet.
  21. margin: 0 auto is supported in IE you just have to give the element a fixed width first.
  22. change this line lbl1.Text="Your name is " & txt1.Text to lbl1.Text="Your name is " & txt1.Value The syntax may vary a little but the features are pretty much the same.
  23. here is one way to do it. ...<body><script language="vb">Dim StrPage As StringStrPage = Request.QueryString("StrPage")Dim sr As StreamReaderIf StrPage = "on" Then sr = File.OpenText("YourFile.aspx") lblInclude.Text = sr.ReadToEnd() sr.Close()End IfIf StrPage = "off" Then sr = File.OpenText("AnotherFile.aspx") lblInclude.Text = sr.ReadToEnd() sr.Close() End If</script><form runat="server">some content....<!--PLACE FOR INCLUDE FILE--><asp:Label id="lblInclude" runat="server"/>some more content....</form></body></html>
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