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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. go herehttp://www.opensourcecms.com/index.phpThis has many cms programs listed and has lost of reviews and ratings for each. It should help you decide what is best for you.
  2. I have no further suggestions...I am a bit concerned as well...hopefully you can resolves this soon.
  3. that is inline CSSyou could also do thisCSSbody{maring:0px}frame{margin:##px;padding:##px;}
  4. This happens only in IE opera and FF are fine.
  5. Give the surrounding table a width<table width="###">
  6. You could try <frame style="margin:##px;padding:##px">and on the pages displayed in the frame do this <body style="margin:0px">
  7. If you give the columns a set width the text should just wrap
  8. my guess is that the CSS does not define a specific width for the codebox as it does for
  9. you create / design databases with SQL...SQL is more than just select insert, delete, and updateyou can actually CREATE DATABASE, and setup the configuration of the database through SQL...if you are using a database with an interface like SQL Server the program is doing that for you as you choose the options visually.The Tutorial could go into to the creation side of SQL but there is no need ofr a seperate one.
  10. Sorry Intense, after looking at Joomla's templateing system I won't touch it. Systems like these are supposed ot make maintenacne easy and save time...most systems I have worked with make it easy for graphic artist who know HTML to make templates...this system requires extensive knowledge of PHP and you have to know how the source code is working to make an effective tmeplate..I recommend finding a different system.
  11. You will need a server side language (ASP or PHP) and a database (MySql).You will have ot have a table with account information/users, etcYou will then have to setup the form in HTML then process it with your server side language (I will mention ASP from now on). The processing will include verifying that the correct password was entered. Then it will have to generate the the email and send it to every user via the email address in their account.If you do not have programming/scripting experience you need to set your sights a little lower.Recommended learning curve.1. HTML or XHTML2. CSS3. JavaScript4. ASP and MySql
  12. try this. let me know if you need something explained. <html><head> <title>test</title><style type="text/css"> html,body { font-family:verdana; } .tab { float:left; padding:5px; background:#eeeeee; border:1px solid #b8b8b8; margin-right:3px; font-size:11px; cursor:pointer; }</style><script type="text/javascript"> function toggleTabs(tab) { var focusTabPane = document.getElementById(tab.id + 'pane'); var tabPanes = new Array(); tabPanes[0] = document.getElementById('tab0pane'); tabPanes[1] = document.getElementById('tab1pane'); tabPanes[2] = document.getElementById('tab2pane'); var i; //hide all tabs for(i=0;i<tabPanes.length;i++) { tabPanes[i].style.display = 'none'; } //show clicked tab focusTabPane.style.display = 'block'; }</script></head><body> <form action="form action page" method="post"> <div class="tab" id="tab0" onclick="toggleTabs(this)"> Tab 1 </div> <div class="tab" id="tab1" onclick="toggleTabs(this)"> Tab 2 </div> <div class="tab" id="tab2" onclick="toggleTabs(this)"> Tab 3 </div> <br style="clear:left"/> <br/> <div id="tab0pane" style="display:block"> Form elements group 1 go here </div> <div id="tab1pane" style="display:none"> Form elements group 2 go here </div> <div id="tab2pane" style="display:none"> Form elements group 3 go here </div> </form></body></html>
  13. just looked at the source for this page in the latest FF and Opera...the scripts aren't there.You should take a look at your add/remove programs. You may have a stupid tollbar or other spyware installed.Do a spyware scan and virus scan too. Ad-Aware is good and it is free.
  14. I haven't seen, I am downloading latest version of FF right now so I will test it out.
  15. it is better to use JavaScript, IMO, that way you don't have to PostBack when switching tabs...plus PostBacks make it harder to keep the data in the fields.I don't have time now but I'll see what I can do later.
  16. these just 'appeared' on your pages???? That can't be right! Have you viewed them in other browsers besides Opera??? Perhaps it is a Opera plugin messing things up??? I have never seen or heard of this before.
  17. if you had this HTML <div id="div1">some content blah blah blah</div> Then this javascript could manipulate it. var theDiv = document.getElementById('div1'); //div1 objecttheDiv.style.display = 'none'; //hide the divtheDiv.style.display = 'block'; //show div again Are you familar working with JavaScript??? It is not a difficult task to do but you do need a good understanding of JavaScript to do it.
  18. What I do in a case like this is divide the fields into the 3 groups of 50.place each group into its own <div>Then when a tab is clicked hide all <div> except the one that should show with the current tab, etc.In reality all 150 fields are in the form, but 100 are hidden and 50 showing at any given time.Then when you submit everything gets sent.Did I explain that good?
  19. I just about had an brian hemerage when learning OOP with JAVA...OOP is no problem anymore I just haven't had the time to learn c++ yet.Most of the people I had talked to were learning c++ as a first language...I can see how that could be tough.
  20. aspnetguy

    SPOT the NOT

    ok I see where you went wrong, you forgot 2 very important lines. the connection to mysql and the slection of a database $host="http://mydomain.com/directory where mysql is installed/"; // Host name $username="my user name"; // Mysql username $password="mypassword"; // Mysql password $db_name="Customer"; // Database name $tbl_name="subscribe"; // Table name $db = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password)if(!$db) die("Unable to connect to MySql");@mysql_select_db($db_name) or die("Unable to select database");... give that a try
  21. loo I have heard that from a lot of people. They all said c/c++ was so hard to learn. I had just started learning it when I got offered a PHP contract so I dropped it for now.....hope to master it some day.
  22. I am afriad not I am having trouble getting the pages and datbase setup. I just don't have the time to play with it. sorry.It has been so long since I setup a ASP website on my local server...
  23. UPDATE cat c, students sSET c.Category = 'Volleyball',s.Category = 'Volleyball'WHERE c.Category = 'skiing' AND s.Category = 'skiing' this query should update both tables at once.
  24. you need to use a server side language like ASP
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