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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    SVG garafik

    what country is it from...all the search results I get are in dutch, polish, or something else I cannot understand.
  2. Thanks...this is by far the best forum I have been in, not only the quality of the members but the atmosphere of this place...it is easy to give an opinion or solution without worry of being critised if I am wrong.The thing I think that would help the forum most of all the ideas is the news...thats just my opinion tho.
  3. I know...I didn't take it that way...I just understood your explaination more after reading mine agina
  4. Well it makes more sense than my pathetic attempt to explain it. lol
  5. not yet I have been very busy...I am at work most days when posting to this forum so I have to wait for breaks...lolI hope to get it done today. Sorry for the wait.
  6. replace td with trtd are the cells tr are the rows which you asked for
  7. document.bgColor is the background color of the pagedocument.list is the form in the page called list.colors is the name of the drop down list.options references the options array in the <select>[document.list.colors.selectedIndex] is hte selected option of the select which is the index number of the value to get form the options array.value is the value of the selected option
  8. aspnetguy

    Link Help

    I am not a networking expert, by a long shot, but I think that requires a program like LimeWire or something.But there is no way to have people connect to files on your pc from a website on a web server.
  9. wow I had forgotten how confusing using tables for layouts could be.I could find the place where the dark purple border is defined but I think it you change where it says bgcolor="#EBEBFA" (probably have to change a few of these) to the new color you want...that should do the trick.In order to do it with CSS replace bgcolor="#EBEBFA" with style="background-color:#colorhexcode"
  10. aspnetguy

    Page Length

    post your code and we can adjust it for you.Thanks boen...I have never seen that and I have read a lot of forums and asked in a lot to and never recieved that answer.
  11. aspnetguy

    Link Help

    actually it is looking for a drive called M on the web server...if you want to share certain files you could setup a folder on the website an put the files you want people to see in their. You can give the website permissions to other parts of the web server (not your pc) but htis is very dangerous becuase it gives hackers and viruses more permissions to attack you.the only way for people to connect to your computer is through Remote Desktop Connection but that just shows your desktop on their pc.
  12. I think the news section idea is a good one, no so sure about the forum for showing off your work.I would volunteer to help out the mods in anyway I can if that would help get the news section going.I do not think a genreal 'off topic' discussion forum is needed or is even in the best interests of this site. I think it will turn into more of a chat site than anything useful.As far as having the posts approved before being displayed...please don't. I left forums.asp.net becuase they do that...it took hours to get/give answers to simple questions...doing that would hurt the site very much. The only exception, IMO, is you might do that on the news section...if people truely want to share some dev news (and not spam) they having to wait for a mod to approve a story is no big deal...but not the rest of the forums..please. Jonas I do not understand this concern. Is is in regards to the 'showing off your work' idea or the news section??? Even if you are showing your work there is no need to share personal information about yourself. Perhaps I am not looking at it from your point of view???
  13. trigun you have an attitude problem. People are here voluntarily. When we give you advice or try and help you out there is no need to be rude. We are trying to help because we want to not because we have to.If I have misunderstood some of your comments then disregard this, but I don't think I have.
  14. aspnetguy

    nav bar

    The purpose of this forum is not to provide full scripts for every request members make...it is to assist them in finding errors in their code, etcYou really need to try these things for yourself before asking for the answers...if you don't you'll never learn anything.You will become good at HTML, etc by practice.
  15. The closest you can come to your request is using hte XMLHTTP object of JavaScript to execute a server side script which would connect to the database and then return the results to javascript.But that is as close as you'll get...learn a server side language.
  16. have you tried uploading them manually or withan FTP client?
  17. There you go...sounds like everything is good.
  18. AFAIK they will still submit. Disable is just so nothing can be entered into them...they should be empty strings.
  19. your code appears correct...You said it worked on other hosts??? Did you just change hosting companies??? Are you sure this company uses CDOSYS??? Some use CDONTS which is different.Make sure this method is supported.
  20. A website is just a collection of webpages.If you mean about how you get it on the internet for people to see with a domain name like www.yoursite.com then you will have to buy a hosting plan and a domain name.Many hosting companies take care of registering the name for you and some even give you one for free when you buy a plan.
  21. aspnetguy

    Page Length

    You have to set the html,body height to 100% and every 'copntainer' you make to have a height of 100%...this will sort of do what you want but every browser seems to interpret this differently making it unreliable and clumsy..I have yet to find a sure fire way to do this.
  22. please write your posts in noraml fonts, colors, and sizes...it is hard on the eyes and annoying.use this<object height="#" width="#" classid="clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"><param name="AutoStart" value="#" /><param name="FileName" value="your sound file" /></object> LOL never mind I realized you posted a later post that said you found the answer...in fact the code above is your answer...LOL :)
  23. if you looked at the DOCTYPE of the w3schoold pages you realize that it is not XHTML strict but XHTML Transitional which is far less picky. That is why the pages don't valid to XHTML Strict...because they are not. :)
  24. I didn't use the 'this' object for a long time but it saves many headaches once you master it...it is an instance of the current object you are working with.It is great when writing unobtrusive JS.
  25. You can use global variables in JavaScript.
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