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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. we do not have access to the database. You could download and install phpBB and then look at that database for ideas.
  2. try this when using the doctype. position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 200px;
  3. ah, I see, yes you will have to use Server side code for that.
  4. %99.9 of the time I do to, I use XHTML 1.0 strict but sometimes I am forced to downgrade the doctype due to client needs (or due to horrible third-party code) and then some CSS behaves different in IE.Sometimes you just can't have the ideal situation.
  5. depending on your doctype this will not work in IEI always do this so I never have to worry about the doctype body{ margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center;}div.wrapper /*(or something)*/{ width: 800px; margin: 0px auto; text-align: left;} BTW you need to give the div a width inorder to center it else it is already taking 100% width.
  6. also product_id="xxxx" is invlaid HTML, there is no such attribute on any HTML tag.
  7. you can also use<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>above the doctype
  8. the design is very clean and simple, very businessy. However for a photgraphy site you might want to think about making it more flashy with good photographs and effects. Just a suggestion.Take a look at http://www.photography.com/http://photo.net/The deisgns are still simple and clean but they spiced things up a littel with some pictures.
  9. The license was created by MIT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License. THe coders are not from MIT. Mootools was created by an Italian web company, http://mad4milk.netSome of the top javascript people are just regular people not super genuises. Take Dean Edwards for example http://dean.edwards.name. He runs his blog/dev site from a server nect to his fridge in his kitchen in UK. He is an average person with a passion for JS and looks to improve his code.As you read about coding and discover new techniques your code will improve. If oyu keep at it you could easily produce the same quality code. It just takes time.
  10. it looks good, keep it up
  11. true, but chances are if you are in business and broke you are not under as much pressure to deliver rock solid services or you are broke because oyu didn't in the first place :)
  12. I realize that...I mentioned it because you said they would all look the same. They probably would in IE but I doubt (hope) Firefox and Opera wouldn't render junk code like that.
  13. do you have a working example? Have oyu looked at moo.fx from mootools.net before. That is a sweet animation library too.
  14. It would have to be pretty amazing to get them to drop IPB. IPB has been around for many many years and is a respected and very stable piece of software. Open Source is great but is not always the best business solution. But then sometimes it is
  15. It is #4. #2 and #3 are not even valid in any version of HTML.
  16. that was what I thought after I started doing it.
  17. When testing I usaully build in fail safes against infinate loops for example while(original_condition && loop_protect < 10000){ //your code here loop_protect++;}
  18. in the example I gave would you put a paragraph inside a paragraph?A <p> is a block element with margins on the top and bottom if I had used the follow instead... <p>This is some text but this <p style="color:red">word</p> is red</p> The word would be red but the code would be invalid, make no sense semantically, and the output would be liek below instead of on the same line.
  19. Currently we aren;t looking for any more moderators but when the need for one arrises we contact members we think would do a good job.
  20. #2...span is used to wrap inline elements (ie apply a class to a section of text) <p>This is some text but this <span style="color:red">word</span> is red</p> Well unless Google changes there page ranking system (which relies heavily on <h> tags then I won't be using XHTML2. Although Google seems to keep up with things like that.
  21. this code outputs the current url <cfoutput> http://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#?#cgi.query_string#</cfoutput> so I guess what you are looking for is #cgi.script_name#
  22. please post your code. Are you getting error messages?
  23. I am unfamiliar with that quiz
  24. Thanks for pointing those mistakes out. I have never been really good with grammer. I'll get around to fixing that. As for not getting a mouseover change in IE7 I'll check into that too. Checking and hacking one version of IE was bad enough, now there is 2.getacoder is okay but I like scriptlance and getafreelancer much better.
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