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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Hey it is no problem I just don't want to be misunderstood and have people thinking that that is what I thought, how else could they afford to do the work for so cheap. That is how dollar stores sell so much stuff, it is from China and $1 goes a long way. Some items I've seen in dollar stores for $1 would easily cost more than $5 if made in North America.
  2. I never said that at all. There are many talented people in India. In fact there was a 12 year girl how passed the Microsoft Networking Certifiaction exams and I think she was form India.$1 USD is around 44 rupees I think. I don't know how much that will buy but it must be a decent exchange since many people from India bid very low on freelance sites. that is what I said. Yes there happens to be many programmers with really bad reviews that come from India but I didn't say everyone in India didn't have talent or that everyone was dishonest.
  3. yes, I was refering to completely static pages when I said that much....and also that was when I didn't have a lot of experience that I could show off.
  4. unbelivable. If I had done that my wife would have been furious (possibly slashed my tires). This would have been after she said no and joined e-harmony.com :lol She is not a computer person at all...she uses the computer to watch music videos and that's about it.
  5. You are very right, local market, is the determining factor. I haven't done a local site since I was just out of college so at the time I think $475 was fair considering I didn't have an "recognized" experience and there was no CMS backend. Plus where I live 90% of the businesses are exteremly cheap.
  6. no so not put <style> and </style> around your TD. You only use <style></style> to define page wide CSS classes and it can(should) only be done in <head></head>.<td style="your css"></td> is the correct way to use inline css.
  7. trying to pass a variable to a function that doesn't accept one would do it Good luck learning javascript
  8. actually I said $25/page but if you can get $50 go for it :)
  9. I use getacoder.comscriptlance.comgetafreelancer.comI prefer scriptlance because they have the lowest comission fees (5%) and they have a nicer dashboard.the other 2 sites take 10% and getacoder deducts and extra $5 on top of the 10%.
  10. you just illistrated my point on why outsourcing overseas is so cheap
  11. I like to charge a lum sum and generally clients like that so they are not having to worry too much about how long it takes you (unless they have deadline ).To the comment about outsourcing it for $50...when getting a project through outsourcing (getafreelancer.com etc) for $50 you'll get some guy in India (not to say that is bad necessarily) because nobody in North America (that is trying to make a living) could afford to take that job.With outsourcing you run into many obsticals like language (how good is their english), will they be honest? I see countless reviews on freelance auction sites about many buyers that got ripped off or they got a poor quality product. Those are the risks you take when hoping to get it for $50.Many businesses that hire locally don't mind paying more if they know you are professional and reliable. I generally charge (for static HTML sites) $100 for the design (they get 2 mockups and can make 2 revisions) and then I charge $25 per page to create the pages. So if that site has 15 pages (for example) I would charge $475.
  12. not sure, I have never had to use special characters for them.
  13. aspnetguy


    yes you will need to know SQL if you want to interact with databases, but again, how you write the code determines how secure it is.
  14. aspnetguy


    not really, your host won't tell you even if they have some security holes. There are no legal ways, that I know of, to test this.
  15. aspnetguy

    PHP - No SQL

    yes you can open the physical file into a textarea, make changes and save it back to the file.Look at the php manual (php.net) and look at file handling functions.
  16. tested and works in IE6 and FF2 <html><head></head><body><script> var table = document.createElement("table"); table.border = "1"; table.cellPadding = "5"; var tbody = document.createElement("tbody"); var heading1 = document.createElement("th"); heading1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Number")); var heading2 = document.createElement("th"); heading2.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Square Root")); var heading3 = document.createElement("th"); heading3.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Cube")); var row = document.createElement("tr"); document.body.appendChild(table); table.appendChild(tbody); tbody.appendChild(row); row.appendChild(heading1); row.appendChild(heading2); row.appendChild(heading3); var num = 1; while(num < 10) { row = null; row = document.createElement("tr"); var cell1 = document.createElement("td"); cell1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(num)); var cell2 = document.createElement("td"); cell2.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Square root of " + num)); var cell3 = document.createElement("td"); cell3.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Cube of " + num)); tbody.appendChild(row); row.appendChild(cell1); row.appendChild(cell2); row.appendChild(cell3); num++; } //alert(document.body.innerHTML);</script></body></html>
  17. I suggest that you switch. The website is for sale and there is absolutely no documentation for this CMS. try modxcms.com
  18. aspnetguy


    If you are using a hosting provider then they should have taken care of securing their server before selling you space.
  19. Yeah it is pretty tough Seriously though I do love my job...we are rebuilding our server soon so hopefully some of the minor annoyances will go away...
  20. you are supposed to use .value because a textarea is essentially the same as <input> you just place a closing tag. IE executes wrong code and tries to guess what you meant while other browsers just don't execute the wrong (which what should happen).
  21. use .value instead of .innerHTML instead and it should work in both.
  22. aspnetguy


    that depends on what the website will do. Will you have users logging in? Will you be dealign with personal/sensitive information? you may want to have SSL
  23. just to add to that great explaination is that .Net is Object Oriented and alot of code, paticularly, classes can be used for web or windows applications.
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