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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. thanks skemcin, I'll be sure to change that.
  2. Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")sConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("\UserName\db\dbname.mdb") & ";" & _ "Persist Security Info=False"oConn.Open(sConnection)'...oConn.Close You replace Username with your actual user name. Do you have your database in the db folder of your account? It will not work anywhere else.Did you upload an existing database or use their database manager to create a new one?
  3. I don't think you are understanding dynamic page creation. you don't needs 4.php.
  4. where did you look? It was the first FAQ under the Database section http://kb.brinkster.com/KbSimple.asp?kb=53890
  5. Maybe...the page already takes more than 10 seconds (on dialup0 to load. I haven't decided yet.
  6. no, I wrote it. I used a loading animation from http://www.ajaxload.info. basically you just make a div that is the width and height of the window, make it black and opacity 50%, append it to the dom. make the small box with the loading image and append it to the dom and whenthe ajax request is done remove both.feel free to take the code I have on my page.
  7. oops, I noticed it before and forgot to remove it. thanks.
  8. When using mobile.net all tags have to have <mobile:try <mobile:accessdatasource.....
  9. I really need to see the code and to have the EXACT error message word for word.
  10. There isn't much out there on that error. but basically it means you cannot use that control because it is not a mobile control. I don't know what a template is or hwo they are used.Is there a specific DataSourceObject for mobile apps?I would recommend taking your quesation to forums.asp.net also.
  11. I have the contact page done. Tell me what you think of my AJAX'd email form
  12. please post a screen shot of the error message.
  13. yes it is very possible, try reading this tutorial http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_obj_htmldom.asp
  14. you need to post your code so we can find the error
  15. okay I think I have optimized it to death. Here is the new speed test and the site doesn't look much diffrent either.14.4K 21.63 seconds28.8K 11.02 seconds33.6K 9.50 seconds56K 5.86 secondsISDN 128K 2.07 secondsT1 1.44Mbps 0.55 seconds
  16. Actually he didn't send it yet. I found that same one (online version) with a google search.Also I intend to move the CSS and JS to their own external files. Regardless, but do external files load lsower then witht he code all in one file? (I would imagine it would be slower).
  17. Point taken. I'll focus on that and see what I coume up with.
  18. brinkster can be confusing connecting to an access db. Make sure you read the knowledge base. THere are some examples int here to show you how to do it.
  19. ASP is a Windows technology and is designed to run on Windows. There are some projects like ChillyASP that let you run ASP on Linux but your host would have to install if for you before it would be available to your server and there is always the chance of bugs and problems. I have never used any products to do this so I don't know how good they are.Brinkster.com has Windows Server plans that give you ASP.Net, ASP, PHP, MySql, and MSSql all on one plan. You may want to think about switching if you are serious about getting into ASP.
  20. aspnetguy

    Upgrading from PWS

    If you want to run it on your own computer you will have to upgrade to a windows server (2000 or 2003) as Win2000 and WinXP pro have a 10 concurrent user limit on IIS.If you are able to switch from ASP to PHP you could use Apache and not have ot fork out money for Windows Server.
  21. miniclip.com provides free flash games you can download and place on your site if you are looking for any.
  22. ok I added my site resources and they weigh in at just under 70K (approx 17 seconds on 56K modem) not too bad but I can do better. BTW I removed 42K worth of JS libraries I was testing so that had some big effects on the loading time.Here is my new speed test14.4K 53.78 seconds28.8K 26.89 seconds33.6K 23.05 seconds56K 13.83 secondsISDN 128K 4.24 secondsT1 1.44Mbps 0.37 seconds
  23. Session can only be accessed within the same domain. You cannot access sessions from another website.
  24. hey I asked for honest. I had not even looked at speed yet but thank you for pointing that out. Where did you get the speed report? I would like to play with the site and see what I can improve.
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