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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. for whatever reason IE barfs at parts of Mootools if I have an xml declartion on the page <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> before the doctype so I had to take it out and use meta tags to set the char encoding
  2. What browser? IE? No it is not supposed to, I'll fix it.EDIT: Sohould work now. Forgot to update my code when I upgraded Mootools
  3. okay I think it is done. Could you guys look at all 3 pages and tell me what you think or if you find any errors. Besure to check the slide-down tabs on each page too.thanks.
  4. thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a try.
  5. this is as close as I can find http://www.411asp.net/home/webapps/voteThey are not free and I don't know if they give the source code.Have you tried other forums too?EDIT: spoke too soon. I found this http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/050602-1.aspx. It is a tutorial on how to build a rating system.
  6. First off I will assume you are using windows XP if you are using Windows server 2003 replace ASPNET with NETWORK SERVICE int he instructions belowright click on your database file.Choose Properties -> Select Security tablook for a user called ASPNET. If it is not there Click the Add button and type in ASPNET. Then change that users permissions to have "Full Control".Close all dialogs and try your code again.
  7. did that work? an .ico is not a image/png
  8. try this <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="myicon.ico"> The icon id int he same folder as this page right?
  9. I posted this here because it doesn't relate to a specific language I am looking for an algorythm.I have the following XML <tree> <node> <node/> <node> <node/> <node/> </node> </node> <node/> <node> <node> <node/> <node> <node/> <node/> </node> </node> <node/> <node> <node/> <node/> </node> </node></tree> What I need to do is process this to produce the following result. <tree> <node id="1"> <node id="4"/> <node id="5"> <node id="9"/> <node id="10"/> </node> </node> <node id="2"/> <node id="3"> <node id="6"> <node id="11"/> <node id="12"> <node id="15"/> <node id="16"/> </node> </node> <node id="7"/> <node id="8"> <node id="13"/> <node id="14"/> </node> </node></tree> What is the most efficient way to do this, I need to navigate throught tree in the id order.I have been trying how to think of a way to do this but everything I can think of does quite work.
  10. check the permissions on the database file and make sure to give NETWORK SERVICE (WinServer 2003 or ASPNET on WinXP) permission to read/write/modify the database. Make sure also that every folder in the path has the same permissions.
  11. thanks for doing all that research. It does indeed work just doesn't validate. Oh well, not valid CSS for me
  12. lol, that sounds to complicated to me. I just have a small home network with 2 servers and a gaming PC
  13. smartphone Resolutions: 176x220, 160x240, 208x240 (176x220 for most Smartphones).PDA resolutions 240x160 (palm)320x240 (palm & windows mobile pre 2003v2)640x480 (windows mobile 2003v2)
  14. I completed CCNA 1 (25%) of the CCNA Cert. Not sure I would be of much help unless you switch to a D-Link DI-524
  15. If you can using normal webforms would be easiest but make sure your target devices have XHTML enabled browsers, some only can view WML.
  16. I got tired of downloading a JS library that had been compressed to conserve size. This is great for performance but sometimes I what to take a look at the code especially if I get an error.So I whipped up this program to decompress JS files that have had all whitespace removed. It isn't perfect and the end result is not that pretty but is much better than adding the white space by hand.In the zip is JSDecompress.exe and jsdecompress.bat (plus source code). This is a Console Application written in C# it produces a file at the path you specified with _uncompressed.ext add to the original filename.Change the batch file to insert to exact location of the file you want to decompress. ENJOY!jsdecompress.zip* Doesn't seem to want to download.If you can't download the above attachemnt you can download the zip from here http://www.geekdaily.net/downloads/jsdecompress.zip
  17. well first off download the .Net 2.0 Framework and Visual C# Express and get them installed. Then head over here and check out this tutorial http://www.csharp-station.com/Tutorial.aspx
  18. some companies have measures in their websites to prevent people from putting them in iframes. This may be one of those attempts.
  19. I took part of CCNA and found it very good. I have not taken Netowrk+ plus so I cannot compare. CCNA focuses mainly on Cisco products while Net+ (I believe) is more generic in the hardware used.
  20. You have many choices. C, C++, C#, Visual Baisc, or Java. I would pick C# because that is what I am most comfortable with and it is easy to learn.
  21. can someone explain what this error means...since when does opacity not exist????http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validat...;usermedium=all
  22. try looking here http://www.computertrainingschools.com/?go...CFSalQAodmEYr5g
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