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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    I use AVG free with Ad-Aware, S&D and browse with only Firefox and I haven't gotten any viruses in almost 2 years.
  2. Invision Power Services (IPS) is the company that wrote IPB
  3. Try myFunction()Catch ex As Exception Response.Write("There was a problem")End Try
  4. no Invision had some hardware issues but we are on a new server now. Sorry about the down time.
  5. post the code for the webform that is going to use the class and post the code for the class
  6. if you have <form runat="server" method="post" action="yourOtherPage.aspx"><asp:TextBox id="txtBox" runat="server"/></form> Then on yourOtherPage.aspx you can get the values like thisC# Request.QueryString["txtBox"]; VB Request.QueryString("txtBox") This si pretty basic stuff, have you read the tutorial?
  7. aspnetguy


    lol I was going to say the same thing...he is the real father of the computer.
  8. I have adjusted everything I think unless I missed something.I played with the portfolio images B/W and makign them color on mouseover. I didn't like it, looked to dull so I just lowered the brightness of the mouseover I had.I just need to get some testimonials and I am all set.Thanks for all your help guys.
  9. you could store the url in the databse as well you would just have ot make sure you created the pages withte h exact names.
  10. we'll need to see some code and be more specific....what pages are you talking about and what is the data?
  11. Now that I finished your homework for you...did you learn something? <html><head> <title></title> <script> function showMessage() { var num = parseInt(document.getElementById("num").value); var msg = ""; if(!isNaN(num)) { if(num < 1) msg = "The number needs to be greater than 0"; else if(num > 0 && num < 11) msg = "1 to 10"; else if(num > 10 && num < 21) msg = "11 to 20"; else msg = "Greater than 20"; } else msg = "You need to enter a number!"; document.getElementById("message").value = msg; } </script></head><body> <input id="num"> <input type="button" value="Send" onclick="showMessage()"> <br><br> Message:<br> <textarea cols="30" rows="2" id="message"></textarea></body></html>
  12. there is a comment at the top of your html <!-- saved from url=(0026)http://www.playgames2.com/ --> did you use a program for this (that converted it to such messy code) or did you purposefully remove all the original CSS and cleaner coding?
  13. <html><head> <title></title> <script> var num = prompt("Enter a number",""); showMessage(num); function showMessage(num) { if(!isNaN(num)) { if(num < 1) alert("The number needs to be greater than 0"); else if(num > 0 && num < 11) alert("1 to 10"); else if(num > 10 && num < 21) alert("11 to 20"); else alert("Greater than 20"); } else alert("You need to enter a number!"); } </script></head><body></body></html>
  14. you can use AJAX and store the data in server side sessions or a database or if you want purely client side you can store your data in cookies.
  15. I am going to be trying some things a bit later. I'll let you know how I make out.
  16. No he means... in IE if you set font-size with px then even whent he users changes the browser text size your content won't change. But in Firefox no matter what font unit you use the user can always resize the text.
  17. found this reply to the same question on another forum There really isn't anyway to stop it.
  18. try this http://www.informit.com/articles/article.a...398883&rl=1
  19. wow at 1440x990 I imagine most things would be hard to read without increasing text size.
  20. the bottom graphic was blurred purposely but I will consider changing it to be more sharp. I am going to review the content for grammer, etc soon. I think I will take the advice and change the request a quote to testimonials as it is a bit redundant withe contact form. I will also be playing with rollover graphics, etc.thanks everyone for your advice and opinions so far. I'll let you know when I have made the changes
  21. once that data is encrypted you can't decrypt it.If you stored the MD5 password of "dog" you woun't check to see if the password == "dog" you would check password == md5("dog")
  22. good point Jesh...I'll change that.
  23. thanks guys...I'll look into making those changes.@reporting as for the html in the title...I know it was the only way to format the caption for when the image opens (not my code).
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