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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    take a look at photoshopcafe.com they have some great effects tutorials.
  2. aspnetguy

    Mock Ups

    I do freelance work through some sites like scriptlance. When doing a project that is only HTML/CSS/JS, etc I on,ly provide screenshots of the work as posting a live page would allow the buyer to take allt he code without paying so sometimes an image is for your protection.
  3. aspnetguy


    thanks, where were 12 days ago j/k thanks very much
  4. I had this happen again today. What did was open Word and clear the clipboard. After that the firefox clipboard started working again. So this leads me to believe there is aconflict going on between the Windows clipboard and firefox clipboard, chances are they are using the same clipboard and ff is dropping the ball somewhere.
  5. try this http://www.dotnetjohn.com/articles.aspx?articleid=7
  6. The only beef I have with .Net (and it is mostly to do with Visual Studio) is how hard it is to get standards compliant, validation XHMTL. VS2005 has improved hugely on 2003 but I haven't tested enough to know if they fixed it completely.as far as the future of .Net I think it is here to stay. Whether it becomes the dominate platform really depends on MS and if they are willing to extend the CLR to other OS's. There are projects like Mono to try and port .net to Mac and Linux but they will always be a step behind and most likely not include all features of the framework.I hope .Net gets porteds to other OS's and becomes more popular. I make a living also writing C#.Net windows and web applications. However I also am keeping a strong hold on PHP (use it to do freelance work) and trying to improve on C++ because in the industry if you focus too closely on one area you could quickly find yourself an expert in a dying branch of the IT tree. wow that was a mouth full
  7. Basically what they are sayign is we should have 1 language, 1 browser, one OS....not really based in reality. Besides that is how we ended up with the IE6 mess to begin with.Well if C++ has to go I guess we can through out Linux and Windows, and probably Mac OS cuz they are written in C++ not to mention 99% of all games are written in c++.
  8. those are just some opinions on where the owners of w3schools would like to see the internet go. They are not standards and you don't need to worry about it. They can dream all want but C++ and Java are not going anywhere
  9. You will have to be more specific. I have never heard of that and cannot find anythign on Google either.
  10. okay I was confused. this is actually not related to .Net at all ??? I am moving this ti the SQL forum. You will get more help there.
  11. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    they look like a pretty good host. Do they let you host more than one site per account (ie. have 3 domains go to 3 diffrent sites on same account) or better yet can you manage your own DNS? I couldn't find the answers on their site, thought you might know since you use them.
  12. can you post your code
  13. there are now JavaScript libraries approaching 100k and blog and forum pages can easily become very large.
  14. aspnetguy

    photoshop cs2

    Just to point out that you would be so much better off in a dozen diffrent ways if you wrote teh HTML and sliced the images yourself. Photoshop produces invalid code that is bloated and takes forever to load...but hey what do you expect for taking the easy way
  15. if you go to ASP.Net use C# not VB...you'll thank me later .Use MSSQL if possible. There is a free express edition of Sql Server 2005 from MS aswell (so really there is no excuse).
  16. http://dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/cmarquee2.htm
  17. <li> is for displaying lists and <dl> is for displaying definitions (they produce different output also).
  18. just to explain why.Javascript doesn't allow (-) in member names ( a member is a property or function of an object) so you need to use camleCase.You will run into a problem with the float property aswell so you will need to do something like the following. //float is a keyword in other browsers besides IE so you have to account for thatif(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") document.getElementById('myThing').style.float = 'left';else document.getElementById('myThing').style.cssFloat = 'left';
  19. If you are taking about text in an input box you cannot have different colors.
  20. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    I am not too good with apache or php.ini but I believe both can set a root path...maybe they are different???
  21. I used to use http://www.kickme.to/ before I bought my domain. You can come up with some interesting names.
  22. BCC means Blind Carbon Copy meaning it's whole purpose is so you can send emails to other recipents without the original recipiant seeing. If oyu want them to be seen use CC (Carbon Copy).
  23. I never noticed that mootools had the MIT license until you pointed it out. GPL is the most common.
  24. assuming <hn> represents a number like <h1> or <h2> then I would say #1
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