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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. This is a topic I have struggled with for a while. I have read alot of articles and tried a lot of things.I don't have much trouble getting ranked for specific words to my sites (ie. company name) but have not had much success at getting ranked for related words and phrases (ie. real estate).What are some technics you use and how successful are they? I would really like to understand this area better and improve my search engine ranks in a broader area.
  2. aspnetguy


    there is no public list as far as I know.It is hard to measure a web developers skills. Some are self taught and have to formal training but yet are awesome while I know "web developers" with a degree that can't program crap.The most common way to measure that I have seen is to ask for certifications as a side note and mainly focus on experience in each area (time frame, 1 or 2 years, etc) as well as ask for examples of work. Ultimately there finished product is the most important way to measure their skill.
  3. for example where you have MessageBox.Show("User Already Exists Choose Different Name", "User"); you need to use this.RegisterStartupScript("key","<script>alert('User Already Exists Choose Different Name')</script>");
  4. what about the function doesn't work? What errors do you get?
  5. I do not see any prblems with your code except that if an exception does occur MessageBox.show() will fail because that is on for Windows Forms not Web Forms...you have to use javascript alert() for web messsages.
  6. aspnetguy

    Beta Site

    when people use the word beta they generaly mean that something is in the testing stage and has not been "finalized" so calling a website may imply that it is not complete or not 100% bug proof (if that is actually possible )
  7. ohhh I se you want the default value to be H dived by AB?try tableName.[H]/tableName.[AB]but I don't think it will work. Think about this, which row or H and which row of AB do you want to use....it is ambiguos.
  8. Access will treat anything you place in [] as a fieldname
  9. using System.Windows.Forms;you will need to add a reference to the dll in VS as well
  10. I fund NeHe to be one of few places that provide decent OpenGL stuff. I found a lot of C++ forums were full of idiots making fun of my questions and telling me that OpenGL was too hard for me to learn and not to bother...Well how do I learn it then >_> anyway then I found NeHe and have been happy ever since, in terms of OpenGL anyways.
  11. nope, a "homepage" is determined by the server (apache or IIS) but the defaults generally areindex.htmlindex.phpdefault.aspdefault.aspxetc,etc
  12. yes you can run queries in Access
  13. php is handled on the server side so yes if it is working for you it will work in everyone else's browser
  14. well if you are still stuck post the function code aswell adn I'll see if I can spot a mistake.
  15. I found this example showing arrays can be sotred in a Session variable <?phpsession_start();$myarray = array('value1','value2','value3');$_SESSION['user_info'] = $myarray;?> does that work?
  16. I just thought of this. If you have password fields you will want to modify the if statement to look like this if(fields[i].type == 'text' || fields[i].type == 'password')
  17. I am not a fan of clipart in general so I am not a good judge in this area. I did look at some of your scripts and they are pretty good.
  18. I assume this is not for a web project then because you cannot use the MessageBox object for web projects you muast use javascript alert().That being said it is used like this MessageBox.Show("Are you happy now?"); or as a confirmation box like this MessageBox.Show("Are you happy now?", "Mood Test", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
  19. sorry I did not see the scripts and tutorials, I only saw clipart.
  20. will that really work? elm is just a form object, is the form object just a collection of the elements in the form?If it does work i did not know that,
  21. more clearly put, you can't...it is not possible plus would make users very angry with you.
  22. vbscript is nothing like javascript! vbscript is a stripped down version of Visual Basic (both created by MS). vbscript will only work in IE and should be avoided (server side scripting in ASP is a different story).
  23. If you are not going to help please don't spam with your opinions on IE.
  24. var fields = document.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var i=0;i<fields.length;i++){ if(fields[i].type == 'text') fields[i].disabled = true;} try that
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