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Everything posted by Webworldx

  1. Most free webspace's support CGI (or have a CGI-Bin directory for a guestbook), have you looked into using that for flat file? You could always XMLHttpRequest the .txt file and work with RegExp from there?
  2. I just tested your above script in IE, FireFox and Opera, and all browsers seem to parse it differently.http://www.ifcode.com/test-korean.htmlIn IE shows a few undefined's with your document.write and writeln, but displays the length correctly as 3, all 3 characters are shown with the substring and a=b is true.In FireFox, everything shows up as it should do, no escape codes.In Opera, the same as IE with the undefined's, and the korean text shows up as blocks.The page is uploaded as Unicode with no charset defined, not sure if that matters - but FireFox seems to sort it all correctly anyway, and the length of the string is always correct in each browser, so it's not as if it's parsing the escape codes in each instance is it?
  3. document.getElementById(app_table).getElementsByTagName('TD')[0] ??If you post the full code i'll be able to help you a bit more, but things like:this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.rows.lengthdon't look too healthy!
  4. mailto: runs through your e-mail client, so it'll output the info for sending to that.Use a CGI/PHP based mailer if you want a better approach
  5. Not really sure what you're looking for with that. Something like: <head><style type="text/css">td.mainlinks { background-color:#0099ff; width: 20%; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;}table { position:relative; width:100%;}span.main { font-size:18px; font-family:garamond; color: #000000; font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:2px;}</style><script type="text/javascript">var num = 1;var tmrColorfunction iDoColor(){ var clrs = "0," + (153 - (10 * num) ) + "," + (255-(10*num)) + ""; document.getElementById("mytd").style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + clrs + ")" num++;}function iColor(switcher){ if(switcher == 0){ window.clearInterval(tmrColor); num = 1; var clrs = "0," + (153 - (10 * num) ) + "," + (255-(10*num)) + ""; document.getElementById("mytd").style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + clrs + ")" } else { tmrColor = setInterval( "iDoColor()" , 100) }}</script></head><body><table border="0"><tr><td class="mainlinks" id="mytd" onClick='window.location="home.html"' onMouseover="iColor(1)" onMouseOut="iColor(0)"><span class="main">Home</span></td></tr></table> ??
  6. Webworldx


    It's messy, but it works: <script type='text/javascript'>function autoFill(input,len,nums,spn) { if(input.value.length > len ){ var val = input.value; while (nums < document.getElementById(spn).getElementsByTagName('INPUT').length) { var thisField = document.getElementById(spn).getElementsByTagName('INPUT')[ nums ]; len = (nums == 0) ? len : thisField.getAttribute('maxlength') if( len < val.length){ thisField.setAttribute( "value", val.substring( 0, len ) ); val = val.substring( len , val.length); } else { thisField.setAttribute( "value" , val ); break; } nums++ } }}</script></HEAD><BODY><center><form><table><tr><td>Phone Number : <br />1 - (<span id="spnPhone"><small><input onKeyUp="return autoFill(this, 4,0,'spnPhone');" size="4" maxlength="10"></small>) - <small><input size="4" maxlength="3"></small> - <small><input size="5" maxlength="4"></small></span></td></tr><tr><td>Social Security Number : <br /><span id="spnSecurity"><small><input onKeyUp="return autoFill(this, 3,0,'spnSecurity');" size="4" maxlength="9"></small> - <small><input size="3" maxlength="2"></small> - <small><input onKeyUp="" size="5" maxlength="4"></small></span></td></tr></table></form></center></BODY>
  7. I'm a big fan of this encryption:http://www.protware.com/demo_e.htm Check the source.
  8. If you still insist on writing a createPopup though, you could always use the_Popup.document.body.innerHTML = "<iframe....?
  9. Going back to a point that was brought up a while back...isn't the whole idea of w3schools to promote cross-browser coding methods....? Why pick a "solution" to your problem that relies on a method that not everyone will be able to take advantage of? I can't see any good reason why you wouldn't wish to invest your time looking into a floating DIV which would provide much better access to your page, and increase your knowledge of coding.For someone who prefers sticking to strict XHTML rules, it seems, why not try something w3c valid?
  10. Matrix and vertical-ideographic layout flow are the only ways I can think of.. and both are IE only.
  11. Was about to suggest floating DIV's....
  12. If they allow ActiveX, you could try the FileSystemObject, which i think getFile().size would do it.
  13. Copy it again from my post and hopefully it shouldn't get that error. You could indeed put it between yourIf choice = vbYes Then ....End If
  14. Could always do it using wScript.shell? OPTION EXPLICIT dim wins, yourprog, yourfileSet wins = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")yourprog = "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe"yourfile = CHR(34) & "C:\Windows\Desktop\YOURFILE.avi" & CHR(34)'You need to quote the file you're putting in, as you would in'start, run.. so the chr(34) does that (double-quote)wins.Run CHR(34) & yourprog & CHR(34) & yourfile, 0, "FALSE"
  15. All depends on how much access you have to the second frame, i guess. If it's on the same server, you should be able to pass stuff from window to window...
  16. Put the NavBar div above the BODY div, and then add FLOAT: left; to the navBar css
  17. If you're talking about w3schools' tutorial on JS:http://www.w3schools.com/jsif you're talking about any reference for javascript, try the MSDN archives for internet explorer implementations or for mozilla: http://www.mozilla.org/docs/dom/domref/dom_shortIX.html or http://mozref.com/reference/objects/Document if it loads for you
  18. Are you sure you know what you're talking about Dan The Prof? You are allowed to test for commands like document.getElementById usingif( document.getElementById ) {testing for compatibility with older browsers / text based ones...For instance.. QuirksMode..:http://www.quirksmode.org/js/dhtmloptions.html
  19. To be honest, I thought the whole idea of this was for it to be automatic. If she wanted to do it manually, like your way, she may-aswell just edit the links on each page to include:< ... style="color: #000000;" ... and not bother with your code....
  20. Try:document.getElementById('Menu_With_Links').getElementsByTagName('A')[currentPage+2].style.color='#000000';And it should solve it hopefully. Forgot you had more than just the 01-09 links in that div.
  21. Ahh yes, checking for the comma would be necessary.. I just assumed (naively) that all inputs would have it
  22. Webworldx

    Scroll Bar

    Remove: html { overflow:hidden; } from your CSS.
  23. It'd be great if you could post the menu so we could have a look
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