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Everything posted by Webworldx

  1. Mine's automatic, perhaps you should read the code more carefully. With yours, you'd end up with:colorNavs(1, 5)colorNavs(2, 5)colorNavs(3, 5)colorNavs(4, 5)in the footer, which cmuluna may aswell revert to her original switch code, as that's pretty much what you're doing with yours.By matching from the URL and storing the values in variables at the top of the page, and cycling through the list of objects in the DIV, it solves you needing to switch...
  2. 1. Agreed, perhaps the w3schools skin imported into an IPB format?2. Yup, this would be great :)3. Also agree!
  3. strHx = left(s,inStr(s,",")-1)Works fine for me. Why not:strHx = split(s,",")(0)though?
  4. var currentPage = 0if(location.href.match(/brilli\/(\d+).html/) != null){currentPage = Math.floor(RegExp.$1) - 1;} You'd basically put the above in the header of your document, then this in the footer:document.getElementById('Menu_With_Links').getElementsByTagName('A')[currentPage].style.color='#000000';So.. if you've got the bar:<div id="Menu_With_Links"> <a href="...">01</a> <a href="...">02</a> <a h....</div>Etc etc inside your menu, it'll just pick out your link without needing to ID each of them (although, you could do that if you wish). You could write a switch for the names, as this method wouldn't work with numbers, unless, for say painting, you had the url:brilli/0/01.htmland for stereovision, it was:brilli/1/01.html^^ notice how it works?If you need more help with this, reply back and i'll try and explain it a bit better!
  5. I personally use http://www.elixant.com/services.htm, and have done for about a year and a half now. They're up nearly all the time, and the basic package seems the best I could find on the net from a reputable company.
  6. It look like on there that they've just literally done it per page.. so colored the "3" black when you're on page 3, etc.It really depends how you're writing your page. Will you be having a separate HTML page per number, or will it be done in PHP?If it's just HTML, you could do something like:var currentPage = 0if(location.href.match(/brilli\/(\d+).html/) != null){ currentPage = RegExp.$1}in Javascript, which would look for pages like brilli/01.html and brilli/45.html, and then color from there.
  7. PHP here. I hate being different
  8. I guess it's wherever you feel! They're not definitive characters of someone who's "intermediate" etc.. just ideas.
  9. I've had this too. I just end up throwing all javascripts into a .js file, solves it
  10. I'll split it up a bit, Not an extensive list, but enough for you to vote on :)Just an interesting poll!
  11. Try: <Protocol ID="a1">Not sure whether you can start id's with numbers.
  12. .getElementsByTagName() is w3c standard... again.. Level 1 DOM ( http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-...l-one-core.html ). Where are you getting this information from?
  13. Apart from the "niceities" of some IE-looking functions, you should be able to make your whole site cross-browser, without too much trouble. After all, that's why you're at w3schools and not IEschools right?
  14. Yes, but you'd have to use PHP then, or IFRAME the content if you don't have a PHP host. For instance.. umm: <table><tr><td> <iframe src="home.html" frameborder="no"></td></tr></table> Would be your index.html page.All your content would be loaded through the iframe in the main cell, so changing the content of your index.html page would change the look of most of your site (although, you'd have to make minor changes to the colors of the "home" and other pages etc).If you'd like an example of what i'm trying to get at: http://www.sc-photos.co.uk/other/exile . The text in the middle is an IFRAME, but the bits around it is all part of the index.htm file.PHP would be the ideal option, but iframes aren't too bad
  15. <img src="originalimage.gif" onclick="this.src='newimage.gif'">
  16. My knowledge of ASP is confined to VB/VBS unfortunately, so i'm a bit limited in helping you here, but while running through the script in my head:vFile_Destination = vMapLocal & "\" and then:fso.CopyFile vFile, vFile_DestinationWould you not want it to CopyFile to the mapped network drive, rather than the original source? (so Z:\ rather than \\servername\sharedfoldername)
  17. Have a read of w3schools' very easy to follow HTML tutorial here:http://www.w3schools.com/html
  18. Say you've got:<table id="mytable"><tr><td>some text</td></tr></table>You can set the style of "mytable" through CSS using:#mytable { width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 4px.. . etc etc }Upload the style sheet and use a <link rel= .. to put it on the page. Then you just need to change the styling in that one file to alter all instances of "mytable" on your site
  19. Webworldx


    Should be able to fix it by just extending the parent element.. so:BODY { height: 100%; }
  20. Yup. Unless you had a variable called abc.
  21. Try something like: <script type='text/javascript'>function doCode(){ alert(document.getElementsByTagName('A').length);}window.onload=doCode</script>
  22. As I remember, childNodes is DOM core Level 1 specs... How else would you walk the DOM tree without .all or .getElementsByTagName('*').. ??
  23. But is it supported in Mozilla? Or are you basing this just for yourself and IE users only?
  24. Think of it as if it didn't have eval around it at all - so if you've got:3 + 6 + youit's going to error, unless you have a variable called you. It's a useful thing for converting text to javascript statements, like: <script type='text/javascript'>var t = 8var i = eval("3+5+t");alert(i);</script> If you can understand that.
  25. userAgent is a nicer one, Opera declares itself through that. A combination of appName and userAgent should provide you with enough to browser sniff. It's always good to check whether the function you're trying to use is directly supported though - i.e:if( document.thisThing() ){}
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