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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme


    Yes, this database saves and retrieves information in JSON format. In order to use it you have to query the database with HTTP requests. The request tells the database what to search for. You must have prior knowledge of HTTP to use this mechanism. CouchDB is a type of database called NoSQL. These databases can store more complex structures than ordinary tabular databases and are useful when there are very complex relations between elements. This article explans NoSQL databases, their advantages and disadvantages, and lists some places where NoSQL databases are used: http://hebrayeem.blogspot.ca/2014/01/making-sense-of-nosql.html "Dangerous" isn't the problem. The problem is whether the database is suitable for your task or not. You haven't even described what kind of application you intend to use. For CouchDB, you have to install that on your server, most web hosts won't start off with support for it
  2. Ingolme


    There aren't viewpoints in science. Things are what they are regardless of who is looking at it, which is why it shouldn't make a difference where you're getting the definitions from. HTTP is a networking protocol. It doesn't occur on the client or on the server, it's communication between them. The client sends an HTTP request, the server sends an HTTP response.
  3. Ingolme


    GET is used to request a file from a server. Ideally a GET request to one particular URL will always return the exact same thing, in practise it doesn't always work that way. POST sends data to a server to be processed. HEAD requests a file from the server. The server does not return a message body, only HTTP headers. PUT tells the server to put a file in the specified URL. DELETE tells the server to delete a particular file. OPTIONS is too complicated to explain in a sentence and you're never going to need it. See a full description here: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html#sec9.2 You can specify HTTP methods in Javascript when making an AJAX request. You can use PHP's cUrl library to send HTTP requests with PHP. You'll almost always be using just GET and POST.
  4. Ingolme


    It's part of HTTP, the protocol browsers use to request information from a server. You can learn about it in a network theory class. It's not a language, it's a protocol. Here's the specification: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html
  5. Ingolme

    Flash Tutorial

    Why do you care so much about Flash?
  6. Ingolme

    Flash Tutorial

    I'd like to see some evidence of that. Where exactly is Flash making a comeback? All its main functions (video, audio, animated interfaces, interactive content) is replaced by native browser functionality which is more efficient and accessible.
  7. Ingolme


    Databases don't look like anything. They are just collections of data. Different databases store data in one or more files which are generally organized for optimal retrieval and manipulation of the information within them.
  8. W3Schools is not open source (the term "open source" only applies to code anyways, not to intellectual property in general). It is protected by copyright, as stated on their Copyright page.
  9. Ingolme


    You don't need to worry about processes and threads, they're not strictly related to web development. They're a software development concept. You have to stop, go back to W3Schools.com and learn the languages you see there. Forget about operating systems and processes and just learn to code. HTML, CSS, Javascript, and your choce of a server-side language (one of PHP, .NET, Ruby on Rails, Perl and many others)
  10. Ingolme


    A use case for a process? Well, your browser is a process that lets you view this web page. In programming you use threads so that your process can have multiple things being done independently from each other at the same time. Javascript doesn't have threads because it's a very high level language.
  11. Borders can be applied to almost any element.When it comes to the iframe, though, the frame's rectangular shape will probably cover the rounded borders of the element that contains it, unless that element has some padding to separate the borders from the video. Reference for CSS border attributes: Border color Border style Border width
  12. Ingolme


    You didn't ask a question. All you did was provide two definitions of computer terminology.
  13. As the image shows, the element is going behind the other one because it is floated and the padding is behind the blue box as well. I think this is another one of those cases where setting overflow to hidden solves the problem.
  14. Ingolme


    Oh, goodness. We all know that there are more databases than SQL databases. It just happens to be that the XML database that you pointed us to is one that uses SQL, which is what you wanted to avoid. It would be nice to talk with Michael Kay directly to clear this up because you didn't do a very good job as a middleman. Actually, all the people on that forum you got these quotes from. Please link them to this thread. And this quote you just provided proves what we've been trying to tell you: XML Databases do not use XML files and they have complex engines just like the SQL databases do. You have told us you intended to use XML files on your website to store your data but that's not an XML Database. This sounds a whole lot like you, you like XML so much you don't care to investigate relational databases. I'll repeat that the XML you are using is not an XML Database, just plain XML files.
  15. Ingolme


    Their database, IBM DB2, does not store data in XML files, it is simply optimized to store and extract data in XML format and this database actually uses SQL to access the XML data, as in this example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_database#Example_of_XML_Type_Query_in_IBM_DB2_SQL And a quote from the article on XML databases:
  16. Ingolme


    Do you even understand what it says?
  17. Ingolme


    SAX, and any XML parser, loads the whole document into memory. You can't get around that. JSON is just as bad as XML when it comes to performing a database role. It also has to be parsed and loaded into memory before being used. You can do whatever you like with your own website, I'm not even sure how you intend your website to work, though, because you still don't know any server-side languages. You can't store your website's database on the client.
  18. Ingolme


    The document is loaded into memory as soon as you open the page and stays there until you leave the page or close the window. JSON has the same drawbacks as XML does. It has to be parsed and loaded into memory before data can be accessed.
  19. Ingolme


    JSON has the same problem as XML: The entire file needs to be parsed loaded into memory before any data manipulation can occur. If you're not planning to change your website very frequently then XML files are good enough to store its data. As for users, it depends on how many people you expect are going to be on the site at once viewing or modifying user data. If you just expect a few hundred users then an XML file works, if you start getting into thousands or millions then you probably are better off with a database. There's more to it than that, but I don't have time at the moment.
  20. I don't work a lot with servers, but I'd assume the user associated to apache doesn't have the right permission level to modify the configuration file
  21. That might be because the content in the table cell is centered vertically. Try setting the vertical-align CSS property to "top"
  22. Ingolme


    You're just using the wrong tools for the job. There's a place for XML, but not as a database. You can use XML to describe the files of a template in a content management system, for example. You don't know SQL, so how can you assume XQuery is better than it? SQL is the tool you use to manipulate relational databases, XQuery is the tool you use to access data in an XML file. The core problem with Xquery is the XML file, I don't care about the language itself but the fact that XML is unbelievably slow to work with means that you can't use it as a database. You shouldn't be shocked that I post like this, because what I'm telling you is what every experienced developer will tell you. You've already demonstrated to us that you don't yet have enough knowledge to decide which languages are better or worse or whether they're even comparable to each other. You shouldn't get fond of any languages, learn the strengths and weaknesses of each one and decide which one is appropriate for each job. Or maybe even have multiple languages working together. You don't just choose a favorite. If you're looking other sources than my word, here's an article: http://www.room4me.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8:xmlvsdb&catid=2:technology&Itemid=5
  23. Ingolme


    XQuery does some of the functions, but XML and its parsers are very inefficient. SQL databases are designed to be able to retrieve and manipulate large amounts of data quickly. When using XML, the entire contents of the XML file have to be parsed and loaded into memory in the form of a large data structure. With SQL only portions of data are read from the file and are retrieved directly from the file without needing to pass through a parser. XML also occupies a lot of memory because each element has to have an opening tag and a closing tag that are nearly identical, and sets of data have these same opening and closing tags repeated over and over. The concept of relational tables is not implemented in XQuery either and it's important in database theory. Then there's also the fact that if more than one person is manipulating the file at once some data is going to be lost, real databases are prepared to handle this.
  24. Ingolme


    XML and JSON aren't databases because the data cannot be ordered or related. In a database you can ask for "all cars that are green, ordered by purchase date" or "all cars that were owned by John Smith" or even "5 cars that were owned by John Smith and John Smith's age". You can't do any of that with XML or JSON.
  25. Make sure that the syntax is correct on the lines before line 5. I don't see an error on that line in particular.
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