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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme

    Product Selector

    This is going to need more than just HTML and CSS. This is a combination of HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SQL.They might be around, but I don't, myself, know any Content Management System that has this particular functionality without plug-ins, Though I can think of a way this could be automated to work with any database so it's probably already done.
  2. If all the columns have to have the same width then you're just going to have to go testing values until you find one that works. I'd take a value that's slightly larger than the longest number just in case some browsers show the font at a slightly different size. To make the container wider than the table, just give it a left and right padding of 20px. I'm not sure how you're going to prevent the container from taking the entire width of the screen, considering block elements do that by default. Setting display to inline-block or floating the element could solve it but both of those would give you horizontal stacking if you don't use styles on other elements to correct it.
  3. No, there's no problem with that.
  4. This doesn't seem compatible with Firefox. I tested in Chrome. I'm looking for the #headerCenter element but there doesn't seem to be one.
  5. Try using parseInt() before using the value. $('#headerCenter').css('width', parseInt(amt)+'px'); The reason you don't need parseInt in the updateSlider() function is because it is automatically done during the subtraction operation. The + operator has two meanings, though, so it is what causes trouble if you haven't applied parseInt() first.As for loadHeader(), the precedence of the operation might be a problem. Use parentheses. hwidth = (screen.availWidth - 60) +"px";
  6. This is really advanced. You need to start off learning programming. PHP is the most popular server-side language, though there are others. You'll have to learn at least a server-side language, then learn to manage databases.
  7. The code was given by a different person.
  8. No, front page is not a very good editor. It creates non-standard code and may not look correct in all browsers.
  9. Open it in a browser. No other program is going to show things correctly.
  10. Check that the stylesheet is linked properly. The <link> tag must have a type and rel attribute.
  11. There's a free alternative to photoshop "GIMP" which you can use to manipulate the images. However, for the gradient it's probably best you make a new image from scratch, just make a gradient and cut out a strip from it.Now that I look at it, the button_on.gif image can be substituted by setting the border-radius on the two right corners of the element and setting a background-color. If that's not an option, the paint bucket tool from GIMP would be all you needed to change the image.
  12. Are you redirecting because the blog has moved or are you just showing a different blog?
  13. Ingolme

    css attributes

    Almost every property works on every element. Paragraphs and images accept every single attribute. There's no page on W3Schools that indicates which elements don't work with certain properties. Which element are you having trouble with?
  14. Yes, the tags work regardless of which doctype you chose to use. But this is non-standard behavior of browsers which you can't count on happening forever (though it probably will, anyways, since the browsers that render most websites are the ones people like best)
  15. It actually wouldn't matter much if you use an element that the HTML version doesn't support. Browsers let you do almost whatever you want. If you forget the DOCTYPE, though, the browser will render in "quirks mode". All browsers work basically the same in standards compliant mode, but in quirks mode they all behave differently.
  16. Most HTML 4.01 tags remain in HTML 5. HTML 5 has mostly added content and not removed it. If your page is HTML 4.01 it still is probably better to use the HTML 4.01 doctype: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> This table shows a list of elements and the HTML version that supports them: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_html_dtd.asp
  17. Ingolme


    I'm trying to get my site to work but it won't. My subtitle won't rotate and the right column is too far down. Here's the code: <HTML><BODY oncontextmenu='return false'><script language=javascript 1.2>j1 = "first sentence"j2 = "second sentence"j3 = "third sentence"j4 = "punchline"foreach(Number=0;Number<4;Number=Number+1)setTImeout("jContainer.innerHTML=eval('jNumber')",5)</SCRIPT><HEAD><TABLE border="1" borderleft=Aquamarine bgcolor=blue><img src="banner.gif"><H1>My Website<H1><!-- Changing subtitle --><font name="jContainer">Subtitle</font></TABLE></HEAD><font face="Arial"><!--left column--><TABLE align=left bgcolor=CCCCCC><tr><td><menu><li><a style="text-decoration:none;;" href="index.html"><font color="orange">Home</font></a><li><a style="text-decoration:none;;" href="index2.html"><font color="orange">About Us</font></a><li><a style="text-decoration:none;;" href="index3.html"><font color="orange">Contact</font></a></menu></td></tr></TABLE><!-- center area --><TABLE align=center bgcolor=#999><tr><td><font color="DarkBlue" face="Arial"><font size="6" color="red">Just added new script</font><p>2013/04/01</br><p align="center">&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspI added a new script that will make text in the banner change every five seconds, I hope it works.</br><hr></br></br></br></br></br><font size="6" color="red">Opening new website</font><p>2013/03/31</br><p align="center">&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspI'm finally opening my new website, I hope you like it. It works best in Internet Explorer so please upgrade <a href="http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/downloads/ie-9/worldwide-languages">here</a></br><hr></br></br></br></br></tr></td></font></TABLE><!--Right column--><TABLE align=right bgcolor=CCCCCC><tr><td><h3>My other sites</h3><a style="text-decoration:none;;" href=http://dtfox.deviantart.com>Art</a></br><a style="text-decoration:none;;" href=http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showuser=18212>W3Schools</a></br></td></tr></TABLE><!-- FOOTER --><TABLE><tr><td>Page is copyright to Ingolme. Please don't steal my code. I worked hard on this. <font size=7>April Fools</font></td></tr></TABLE></BODY> <!-- Add this line at the end of the content --></br clear="both">
  18. If you want a single frame, links can use the target attribute to open the destination URL inside the frame. <a target="framename" href="page2.html">Link</a> I don't recommend the use of frames. If you have a server-side language available, use it. Frames are outdated and not very user-friendly.
  19. It's a Flash document covering the whole page. The code in the page is a good example of everything you shouldn't do to build a web page all in one place. Web slices, misplaced tags, outdated Javascript. With some programming the sparkles effect could be done in Javascript without intercepting clicks the way a flash document does. It's advanced Javascript, though, not something you can learn to do in a day.
  20. Ingolme

    PHP Mail() Problem

    Are you running this on a local server or on the internet? If it's on a local server, perhaps you haven't configured PHP to work with an SMTP server. Unix systems have sendmail but Windows doesn't so you need to have special configuration for mail() to work.
  21. list-style-type works equally well on <ul>, <ol> and <li> elements, and any element with display set to list-item.
  22. Use HTML and CSS in the same page. If you're just writing HTML without CSS don't try to make it look good, because that's not what HTML is for. With HTML you can't set font, colors, sizes, positions or anything. HTML does pretty much nothing but wrap data in meaningful tags.
  23. HTML amd CSS to start off. After that you can learn a server-side language (PHP, ASP, Java server pages) or Javascript, I don't think either one of the two have priority over the other.
  24. It sounds like you weren't aware of the <textarea> element
  25. "pointer" is the cursor that normally shows up when hovering over a link. <area> elements use it as default, as far as I know. It seems that I can't change the cursor to anything else, though. I think that Chrome ignores all styling on <area> elements, after all, besides the cursor no other style rules even make sense on the <area> element.
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