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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Best practise involves pure Javascript on the client-side and PHP on the server-side. AJAX would just slow down the process. Validation, both on the client side and on the server side, is just comparing the form element's value to what you want it to be.
  2. You can open developer tools by pressing F12. There's a "Console" tab on them where the messages will appear.
  3. I'm quite sure jQuery does actually use console.log() to send messages to developers that are using it. If you're building a Javascript library or application you might want to keep console.log() statements. To make sure your program will work in browsers that don't support it you just declare an empty method if it doesn't already exist. if(!console) { console = {}; console.log = function() {};}
  4. The browser is misinterpretting your HTML because it is malformed. Ensure that your HTML is valid and it should work properly.
  5. The inspector tells me that in jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.css the .ui-widget-content a selector is setting the link color to white and it has precedence over your other selector.
  6. It's not jQuery, it's available in Javascript. It leaves a message in the browser's Javascript console. When you're debugging it's far more useful than alert() statements to show the data you're testing.
  7. window.opener is the way to access the parent window, but the SetValue() function was only declared in the current window. You're going to have to work with what is available in the parent window. Putting this right where you invoked the SetValue() function should work: var txt = window.opener.document.getElementById('CWPROCESSEVENTLOG.USER_ID');txt.value = value;
  8. Ingolme

    Border around link?

    Alright, this thread is solved, and please try to avoid off-topic arguments.
  9. If you mean to put computer terms within ordinary text, you can change the font and color. I generally use Courier New for variables and code. I often set it to blue. You can also use italics and bold to give the text meaning.For example, in Javascript you declare a variable like this: var str = "A string.";
  10. You are the designer. It is up to you to create something that you believe is visually appealing to your target demographic. Go look at "professional" websites and find the kind of patterns that you think make the site look good.
  11. I wouldn't copy CSS from firebug. At times it adds some extra properties that only belong to the browser.
  12. You can set the colspan of the Dates cell to "2"<th colspan="2">Dates</th>
  13. It just gets user data and possibly sends a cookie. You can find user data in the $_SERVER array and send cookies with setcookie(). It uses the GD library to display a transparent pixel in GIF format.
  14. Why?All I can say is I can't imagine a situation where anybody would want that, so I don't expect anybody would make one. Flowcharts are supposed to be made before writing any code to get an idea of how a program is supposed to work. I don't think they're used very often professionally either.
  15. XHTML is pretty much going to be left behind. The point of XHTML was to allow building parsers easier but since browsers can parse HTML just fine there's no need for it. You're allowed to serialize HTML 5 as XML in what's known as "XHTML 5". Just put the <?xml ?> declaration before the doctype and use XML syntax.
  16. There seems to be a big flaw in the way they teach colors in school. The primary colors for paint are cyan, magenta and yellow. The primary colors for light are red, green and blue. If you want to mix two colors to get green, mix cyan and yellow. The color values in RGB for cyan are (0,255,255) and for yellow are (255,255,0). Mix them and you'll get green.
  17. I haven't head of a "MySQLi" database before. PHP's mysqli extension connects to MySQL databases.
  18. 500 kilobytes, which is equivalent to a text file with 512,000 characters.
  19. Ingolme


    The variable "clicked_id" is local to the first function, it cannot be accessed from anywhere else but inside the first function.
  20. Any element on the page can have an id attribute. It is done like this: <p id="section">This is a paragraph.</p> When you use a hash symbol # in a link it will go to the element which has an id attribute the same as the string that follows the hash. You can link to it like this: <a href="#section">Go to section</a> This also works if you're going there from another page and want it to scroll down: <a href="page.html#section">Go to section on page.html</a>
  21. Ingolme

    Gallery In IFRAME

    Another use for the iframe is a rich text editor on the web. Pretty much like the one I'm typing in right now.
  22. I'm quite sure that the validator isn't changing his code. From experience, I deduce that the error is most likely to be on the previous line.
  23. The page needs to be running in standards compliant mode. That means the it has to pass HTML validation. http://validator.w3.org/The lack of DOCTYPE is causing Internet Explorer to do things wrong.
  24. The particular line looks OK. There probably is something wrong on the previous line of code.
  25. If the edit button is a link (<a> element), then you can have it forward to an actual editing page if Javascript is disabled. I don't believe ordinary websites should be inaccessible to people without Javascript enabled.
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