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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. By "include" and "exclude" what are you refering to?It makes sense in the context of a browser extension that should only run on certain websites but I can't imagine a similar situation with HTML forms.
  2. Without knowing what the HTML looks like or seeing the page, we cannot know.
  3. Fieldset tells the interpretter(browser or search engine) that the form fields within it are related.
  4. It's a transformation matrix. You need a certain amount of knowledge of algebra to understand it.
  5. In order to set the color of a link you need to target the link itself with CSS, and not any of the surrounding elements.
  6. The return value of a function is given to the function caller. $x = get_personal_db($username);if($x) { echo $x['name']}
  7. There's no correct way to do it, but I do find you've misunderstood something. When you see a URL like this: http://example.com/articles/article-titlewhat's actually going on is that a PHP script is reading the URL and extracting data from it to get information from the database. There is not one file for each article.
  8. Rather than the universal selector I would choose which tags to reset, to start off. html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0;}
  9. I thought this had been fixed in another thread. I think it should be clear by simply highlighting the code: <div id="bottom"><p id="design">web<br>design diseñar<span id="copyright">Copyright © 2013</span></p><img id="rot" src="http://www.linkedin.com/img/webpromo/btn_viewmy_120x33_es_ES.png?locale=" alt="Ver el perfil de Eduard Lid en LinkedIn"/* Rotate div */</div>
  10. Ingolme


    That code has the same problem as before. As soon as the first document.write() is called the whole page is erased.
  11. You should avoid ems as units for anything but text if you want to stop things from being misplaced when the browser increases text size: Values using em as a unit are directly proportional to the size of the text.
  12. I'm making changes to your code that should help fix the problem, along the way I'm also trying to teach you the right way to make websites to save memory, bandwidth and improve search engine reading. The isn't really the proper way to use a <fieldset> element, <fieldset> is for grouping form elements. You don't need the <b> element either, it's additional mark-up taking extra memory and bandwidth when CSS should do the formatting for you. You also shouldn't be using the style attribute, put everything into the stylesheet. HTML: <nav id="main_nav"> <a href="BTSMain.html">Home</a> <a href="BTSServices.html">Services We Offer</a> <a href="BTSAboutUs.html">Request Service</a> <a href="BTSTestPage.html">Contact Us</a> <a href="BTSTestPage2.html">About BTS</a></nav><!-- Remove float from article because only the first element needs float --><article> <h1>Headings</h1> <p>The headings should start with H1 and continue down as you need, it is not a good idea to start with an H4 element because it confuses search engines. Remember that you can set the font size of the heading, so if H1 is too big just use CSS to change it rather than substitute it for the H4 element.</p> <p>Removed the bold tag from the H4 element because H4 is bold by default.</p> <h4>Heading</h4> <p>The heading should be used as a title for the content in the paragraphs that follow it and not just because you want large text. Large text can be achieved with the font-size property in CSS.</p></article> CSS: #main_nav { background-color: red; border: 2px solid black; margin: 10px; padding: 10px; float: left; width: 180px; /* Giving width helps when floating elements */}#main_nav a { /* Styling the links so that the <fieldset> and <b> tags aren't needed */ display: block; border:2px solid black; text-align: center; background-color: red; font-weight: bold;}
  13. Please do not create misinformation. window.open() has been working for Internet Explorer since at least version 5.5 and most likely since before then as well. Firefox has supported it since the very beginning.
  14. Yes, any attribute starting with "on" is an event attribute. You can study about them here: http://www.w3schools...tattributes.asp It is preferable to remove the "javascript:" part. In the future it might not be supported because it's redundant and was intended only for the href attribute.
  15. I'm not sure if I understood the problem correctly, but it sounds like you forgot to close an <a> tag earlier on in your document. Be sure that your HTML is valid http://validator.w3.org/
  16. It's not actually the tag that's the problem, but the attribute. You were using the href attribute when you should be using one of the many event attributes. The "javascript:" portion can and should be omitted when using an event attribute even if browsers work when you put it.
  17. The best idea would be to wrap the <img> tag in an anchor: <a href="http://www.google.com/"><img></a> In Javascript, document.location doesn't exist, window.location and location are the same thing, self.location has to do with frames which you shouldn't need to worry about.
  18. The XML is just data, it's not on the page so it cannot be styled. Put the data into an HTML element and then style the HTML element using the Style Object. You're going to have to drop the document.write() method too, use innerHTML or text nodes.
  19. Just repeat the new google.maps.Marker() and marker.setMap(); statements as many times as necessary.
  20. Ingolme

    PHP releases

    OK, but what are you trying to say?
  21. That sounds weird. If you want to write binary characters you should use the chr() method. Using dechex() is just going to print the hexadecimal digits in string form into the file, literally characters like "5" and "F".
  22. Ingolme


    document.write() is the first problem with this script. The page will never stop loading because it stops at the script and keeps trying to write.
  23. In PHP, variables are declared the first time you use them. I don't find it convenient to have an extra line of $var1; $var2; $var3; at the beginning of a function.
  24. Ingolme

    now im pissed...

    Have you validated the page? To start off, you forgot to close <a name="top"> which is really going to mess up the DOM. Make sure that the page's content has all its tags properly closed as well. Seeing the output HTML would help spot the problem easier (Control+U in Firefox)
  25. Try using a relative URL rather than an absolute URL. xhttp.open("GET","/computerlabs/get_users.php",false); If that doesn't work, then check the browser's error console. There are actually a few errors in your code: Forgot closing brace: else{ At the moment you're not doing anything with this variable: xmlDoc=xhttp.responseXML; The action attribute isn't used like this: <form name="form" action="get_xml()"> You should forget the <form> tag altogether. Add an onclick attribute to the <input> element instead and change its type to button: <input type="button" onclick="get_xml()" value="Click"> To prevent any problems, you should declare all your variables with the var keyword: var xhttp;var xmlDoc;
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