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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. You don't need any certificates at all to make money from web development. There's nothing illegal about that.
  2. W3Schools certificates don't have the same kind of validity as a college degree. They're just an indication that the owners of W3Schools.com accept you as understanding the language. Their word may not be enough for a potential employer.
  3. These rules are causing the problem: li:hover a {background:#CC0000;color:inherit;}li:hover li a:hover {background:#FF0000;color:inherit;} You can just delete them and the code should work just the same except without the problem. When targeting li:hover, you're highlighting the <a> element as long as the mouse is over the entire <li> element.
  4. Ingolme

    Valid number?

    You can use a regular expression to check that only numbers are used. if(!/[0-9]+(\.?[0-9])?/.test(str)) { alert("Number not valid.");}
  5. Setting margin instead of padding to position the link will prevent that from happening.
  6. Cursive isn't a proper value for font-style: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_font_font-style.asp1800 isn't a valid value for font-weight. Only values from 100 to 900 are allowed.Most browsers don't support varying values of font.weight, so 200 is equal to normal font-weight.
  7. What's wrong with retrieving the data from the $_POST or $_GET array?
  8. Rather than last_logged_in I'd have a last_activity field. Anytime the user loads a page this timestamp is updated. To find out which users are online, check the difference between now and that date. $now = time(); SELECT username FROM users WHERE ($now - last_activity) < 900 900 means 15 minutes, 900 seconds.
  9. I think that's probably the comma in the WHERE clause. That should be an AND. And the "and" after SELECT should actually be a comma.
  10. Anything that you can see in the source code sent to the browser is output. All HTML and text, and anything that isn't PHP logic.
  11. The problem with your approach is that subtracting is going to give wrong results. If the current month is 0 and the previous month is 11, it's going to tell you that -11 months have passed. If the current hour is 3 and the past time was 20 then it's going to tell you that -17 hours have passed. The same with minutes, seconds, milliseconds and all other units. Simply subtracting the units of time separately is going to result in really inaccurate values.
  12. Ingolme


    This error usually shows up if you have a PHP script sending a location header to itself.
  13. Ingolme


    It can't be done with HTML. You need a server-side script to do the sending. It can be PHP or some other language.
  14. That's a more complicated issue, normally counters don't show more than days.
  15. This tends to happen a lot. You really should offer a payment for the work that is done rather than from a potential success. Most web developers charge by hour of work.
  16. If there's a feature that a browser doesn't have, test for that particular feature rather than for the browser.
  17. Look at the $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] and try to figure out which one Chrome uses. The change all the time and the user has control over what is sent or whether it is sent.
  18. You should save the start time as a unix timestamp (using getTime()), then subtract that from the current time to know the amount of milliseconds that have passed between the two dates. With the resulting number you can use divisions and remainders to determine the days, hours, minutes and seconds.
  19. Why would you want to do that? Not everybody has or wants Chrome.
  20. IDs have the highest precedence of any rule. A rule with an ID will always override a rule without one.
  21. Hmm, the problem is that the character won't be right under the numerator as it should be. OpenOffice and Microsoft Office both have equation editors, there are so many mathematical notations that can't be represented with ordinary character formatting.
  22. A site link is far more useful than the HTML because you can use Firebug to look at the actual elements and the styles that are applied to them.
  23. Generally, people use images to represent equations, as most browsers don't support MathML and it's a complicated language to learn.Use an equation editor and save the equation as an image, you can use the image's alt attribute to describe the equation to devices that can't see images.
  24. The code only works if the page you're displaying in the iframe is in the same domain as the parent page.
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