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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Setting the height in pixels will certainly make it work the same in all browsers.
  2. When you set an element's height to a percentage value. It takes that as a percentage of the nearest ancestor that has a height that's already set. If you don't give the <html> and <body> elements a height, then this element won't get a height either.
  3. Yes, you have to open the "Console" tab, then reload the page.
  4. Ingolme

    css help using divs

    width: 100% is unnecessary. <div> elements and other blocks take the full width of their container automatically. If you set it to 100% you have a risk of a horizontal scrollbar appearing due to added margins and padding. For the top blue bar, you just need a <div> with a set height. The light blue rectangle on the right could have a set width and a right margin, and be floated to the right.Your image isn't entirely clear as for what you want. Do these boxes have anything inside them? For the content box, just give it a width and margin: auto;For the footer, look up "sticky footer" on google.
  5. There are examples in the tutorials. But here's a simple example: Login.php <?phpsession_start() // This goes at the very beginning of every page // Log the user in if(/* Username and password match */) { $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;}?> Any other page: <?phpsession_start();?><?php if(isset($_SESSION['logged_in'])) && $_SESSION['logged_in']) { echo '<a href="url">Secret link</a>'; }?>
  6. The session is opened on all pages, and you check the $_SESSION variable for values that you want.
  7. I don't think you'll find free web hosts without limitations.
  8. I think that's because you haven't set the background-position for the <li> element.
  9. First you need one extra level of nesting. Then you need to change your stylesheet to adapt to it. I can't ensure this will work perfectly, since I haven't tested it and I'm basing it on some old code I have from a previous site. It may need a few changes, so try to understand the theory and make the menu yourself. <ul class="level0"> <li>Menu element <ul class="level1"> <li>Submenu element <ul class="level2"> <li>Sub-submenu element</li> <li>Sub-submenu element</li> </ul> </li> <li>Submenu element</li> </ul> </li> <li>Menu element</li></ul> .level0 li { position: relative;}.level1 { display: none; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 100%;}.level0 li:hover .level1 { display: block;}.level2 { display: none; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 100%;}.level1 li:hover .level2 { display: block;}
  10. This part of the URL is suspicious: ?affcode=E0ISeVhVRHYCQAk=
  11. LESS and SASS are libraries made by individuals and not any form of web standard. I do not need to know them. They also appear to have a serious drawback: they rely on Javascript to function. If Javascript is disabled on the browser, pages made with these languages will look very wrong. It seems that LESS does have a server-side version, though. If you're having trouble with these libraries, then it's probably best that you ask the library developers.
  12. Unfortunately, you're missing a bunch of included files in the link you gave "NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13032629/HTML5%20boilerplate%20v3/Stripped/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-v3.0.2stripped-0-g5f341a3/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-359a13f/js/plugins.js"plugins.js"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13032629/HTML5%20boilerplate%20v3/Stripped/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-v3.0.2stripped-0-g5f341a3/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-359a13f/js/script.js"script.js"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13032629/HTML5%20boilerplate%20v3/Stripped/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-v3.0.2stripped-0-g5f341a3/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-359a13f/css/style.css"style.css"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13032629/HTML5%20boilerplate%20v3/Stripped/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-v3.0.2stripped-0-g5f341a3/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-359a13f/js/libs/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js"modern....min.js"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13032629/HTML5%20boilerplate%20v3/Stripped/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-v3.0.2stripped-0-g5f341a3/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-359a13f/js/plugins.js"plugins.js"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13032629/HTML5%20boilerplate%20v3/Stripped/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-v3.0.2stripped-0-g5f341a3/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-359a13f/js/script.js"script.js"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13032629/HTML5%20boilerplate%20v3/Stripped/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-v3.0.2stripped-0-g5f341a3/h5bp-html5-boilerplate-359a13f/js/libs/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js"modern....min.js
  13. That can't happen unless one of the applications you loaded has overwritten the document or getElementById() properties. Could you provide a test page we can check?
  14. Without any code or a link to a test page we can't know what the problem is.
  15. I'm not familiar with anything called "LESS." Can you explain what it is?
  16. Ingolme

    Next step?

    It's in the tutorials: http://w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select.asp
  17. Does your document have a <!DOCTYPE> declaration?And if it does, are you setting the height of the <html> and <body> elements to 100% as well?
  18. That's because the string is sent to the client, and the client parses the Javascript. Look at the source code of the page on the client to see that it doesn't actually show a number.
  19. Ingolme

    appending id

    All XML DOM methods are correct to use in HTML, as their DOM trees have the same kind of structure.
  20. That looks fine to me, except that instead of just the video you'll be getting the whole page.
  21. Just use an UPDATE query and put the new password in the member's record. It's probably best if you require the old password for verification first. Don't forget to hash the password before saving it. UPDATE users SET password = '{$new_password}' WHERE id = {$user_id}
  22. The <embed> tag is not even valid HTML. The W3C validator would show an error for it. The code I gave you should work on every single browser.
  23. Can we see the HTML of the table? If one table is acting as the header for the other then you should only need one table.You can use the <thead> element to contain and style table header data separately from the rest of the data.
  24. The only problem I see if that your page is rendering in quirks mode and that's causing it to display wrong. Try validating your page: http://validator.w3.org/
  25. <object data="file.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="..." height="..."> <param name="movie" value="file.swf"> <!-- If flash is not installed --> <p>You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content</p></object>
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