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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. Simply because there is no reference to 'kids' in the url, you have '=' and value, but no key of 'kids'
  2. That is a Wordpress theme/forum question. Your theme may have a simple enable/disable option for comment count from admin dashboard or add Wordpress code to functions.php to disable this feature.
  3. Everything that is duplicated into every page you add to, for example 'head-tag-include.php' which would be css files, meta tags such as charset and viewport. Other meta tags, css files that are specific to that page can be added under the 'include' or 'require_once' function calls to 'head-tag-include.php', css files need to load first, cause they load usually lighter and therefore quicker to show your design as the page is read from top to bottom. That is why javascript is included at the bottom of page, it can take longer, but more importantly, any html elements js refers to through id or class, needs to exist before javascript does any processing.
  4. I generally use one for head to hold css links, meta tags charset etc and another for js links and coding at bottom.
  5. In Javascript, It is a simple str.length. with braces it trying to run a function of that name.
  6. Because the alt is a attribute that it part of img tag and is always viewable (if text description present) to the browser, the src attribute is a external file link, if the path is wrong, no image will show, but! the alt attribute text value will. right-click image and select inspect, It should show that img element, check the src has the correct path, you can right-click that img tag element within inspector window and 'edit as html' to edit the path directly if you discover an error. Once finished click outside the edit box, and it show img element with new src and if correct the image on web page.
  7. You can't have column names with spaces
  8. The other problem is it seems they get removed after a certain time, so they might not even exist anymore.
  9. Shouldn't the css properties be quoted to separate from javascript 'top': rect.top -40, 'left': rect.left + 0
  10. Inspect and compare form elements with this field, check if it has the same width attribute or class name values that define the width it should be.
  11. If its not a multiple select it should be <select name="col[]"> <option value=" tablename, columnname"> blah </option> explode the values from post using ',' as the delimiter into a variable as array, then use $postarraytest[0] and $postarray[1]; Its not like a checkbox where you have multiple values sent depending on individual checkboxes checked, you are sending multiple values on a single selection.
  12. Study all aspects of CSS, then you'll have it all covered to pass.
  13. The admin of tutorial site don't view posts in this forum, that would be the 'report error' link near bottom of page. Also there is already a note on those pages describing the change example: Definition and Usage The gap property defines the size of the gap between the rows and columns. It is a shorthand for the following properties: row-gap column-gap Note: The gap property was formerly known as grid-gap. Definition and Usage The row-gap property specifies the gap between the grid rows. The row-gap property was formerly known as grid-row-gap. Definition and Usage The grid-column-gap property defines the size of the gap between the columns in a grid layout. Note: This property was renamed to column-gap in CSS3.
  14. The body height by default is set to content within it. If the html element has no background-color set it takes on the colour of the body. So the body is continues to behave as default, but is hidden by html element background colour, until exposed by adding a styling such as a border to body as you did, or adding background colour to html element.
  15. You have all the information required from element itself, without the need of inline event attribute. You just need to know how to gain that information. // Hungarian notation style const cTabButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.tablinks'); cTabButtons.forEach(tabButton => tabButton.addEventListener("click", function() { openCity(event, this.textContent); }));
  16. The reason it should be done that way is because it should be separate from html, if you need to add another argument to inline html attribute, it means going through each html element using that attribute and changing it! Whereas you would just have to amend possibly a single line of code in a js file. It is really bad practice to add as a inline html attribute. You can't just say 'event' is deprecated, as JavaScript can't function without an event triggering. It is how its used is the question. Its not an element, its the current event ATTACHED to a element that triggered the function. 'this' refers to the element object that ran the function that was triggered by the event. THAT! should be referred as 'elem', 'el' if anything.
  17. Usually positioning and z-index layer level problem. If you have nav sibling container and a content sibling container i.e nav above content container. The nav (with child menus) with position: relative/sticky etc with a higher z-index than below content sibling container of position: relative; (this is usually all that is required without the need for z-index being set). The nav and its child menu should show above the content sibling AND children elements within it.
  18. In CSS the last identical selector always overrides the previous selectors styling if properties values are changed. Just add additional class of 'columns-style1' so class ref will be class="navbar columns-style1" Then apply different styling to that class ref.
  19. You can't have multiple functions of the same name. You only need one, the parameters are filled on the click of button that calls the function using the colours and whatever else passed as arguments within the braces.
  20. Usually means its the submission of form reloading the page when it shouldn't.
  21. https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_doctype.asp
  22. dsonesuk


    More over, what is the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything and don't give me some obscure answer like 42.
  23. DNA test http://blackenedroots.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/EvanDNA.jpg
  24. Sorry! this DNA result, proves the child is Not yours!😁
  25. Apart from where it will only show the last option everytime. (.= required to append each option) $statelist .= "<option value='".$states."'>".$states."</option>";
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