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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. dsonesuk

    ASP web page.

    Yeah! I just added '=' as a decoration, it has no real purpose....oh wait! Yes! It does.
  2. Jquery click event to add class and focus, all within a IF condition? Thats a new one! So basically it will return false or true then ...........................................................................................what! Do i do now??? ......................................still waiting.........................................oh i give up! Someone needs coffee.
  3. dsonesuk

    ASP web page.

    Because that is text, you are getting exactly what you entered, you have to separate text from asp usually using <%= %>
  4. Are you using new classes as described in listing at bottom? For deprecated classes.
  5. Did you clear cache and reload? Ctrl F5.
  6. Identify width from side, then with calc() subtract this width from total 100% width.
  7. Refresh page with cntrl F5, hopefully you are using local server 'wamp' or 'xamp', and not laptop file system.
  8. Use random script to produce number 0 to 1, https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_random.asp if 0 add a class to body tag example 'bg0', if 1 then use 'bg1' then use css to apply background depending on class name used.
  9. Sort of, but even stacking of elements will cause linebreak which is treated as space and therefore a alignment problem. You get a similar problem in using display: inline-block; it usually results in a gap following it.
  10. its a vertical-align issue, of all the ones to give it, they give it one that give a space at bottom. many ways to fix it, change default vertical-align, display: block, for img, font-size: 0; line-height: 0; for parent.
  11. Like i said, you have find this font at a site like google fonts, then link or download it, bur some you might have to pay. https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_font_google.asp
  12. ??? You have to get the font that matches that. 'valentine' font looks very much like it.
  13. $('.basics :radio').on('click' ,function(){ $('.basics #med').remove(); }); remove the previous code, add this separately on its own on click function as this does exactly the same for all radio buttons. https://jsfiddle.net/0no1zbyh/
  14. No silly, you dont use the textual html as selector, you use the id of that newly created input $('.basics #med').remove(); Use a existing parent as guide to element, as the newly added element did not exist on page load. You might to make it hide completely if other radio button are checked, then make it show only when #medical is selected.
  15. On change you remove any existing input elements of that id ref, before inserting the new input after radio button radio selection.
  16. class="grid-container" style=" class="text-align:left; font-size: 20px; " You can't see the problem here?
  17. You have got it the wrong order. the container should follow header,, .row should be child of container, then lang (col that is 100%) wide) should be child of .row. The container should be 100% width, not 82% as you have it, once that is done change .lang to .lang { /* float: right; */ /* margin: -24px 5px 0 0; */ text-align: right; display: block; margin: 0 25px; } .container { /* width: 82%; */ margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1100px; } <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="lang"><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/">GR</a>/<a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/en">EN</a></div> <aside class="col-6"> <div id="block1"> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/en/laboratory-structure">Laboratory Structure</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/en/equipment">Equipment</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/en/photos">Photos</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/tmimata-exetaseis">Departments – examinations</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/proliptikes-exetaseis">Preventive examinations</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/politiki-poiotitas">Quality policy</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/asfalistika-tameia">Social Security funds</a></li> </ul> </div><!--block1--> <div id="block2"><h2>Blood sampling from children</h2><hr><p>Our laboratory has extensive experience in blood sampling from newborns, infants and older children and treats them with particular sensitivity</p></div> <div id="block3"><h2>External quality control</h2><hr><p>Results: <a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/files/aimatologia.pdf" target="_blank">Hematology</a>, <a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/files/kliniki-himeia.pdf" target="_blank">Clinical Chemistry</a>, <a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/files/ormones-karkinikoi-deiktes.pdf" target="_blank">Hormones and Cancer Indexes</a></p></div> <div id="block4"><h2>Job Vacancies</h2><hr><p>If you are interested in working at our laboratory, you could either bring us your C.V. or send it through our website’s <a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/en/contact-form">contact form</a> </p></div> </aside> <div id="content" class="col-12"> <img id="mc" src="https://s.mikroviologos.gr/image/microscope.jpg" alt="Microbiology Laboratory in Kavala, microbiologist Haris Karahristianidis" width="656" height="395"><p>The microbiology laboratory of Haris Karahristianidis, Biopathologist (Microbiologist) has been operating since the beginning of 2005 in Kavala, in the city center. Located at a key point, with easy access from the villages of our prefecture, as well as from other prefectures, we offer medical services with validity and accountability.</p> <p>Our well-equipped laboratory with state-of-the-art analysers, combined with our specialised and highly trained personnel, guarantee reliability and security.</p> <p>Consistency, support, professionalism and the human factor are the key elements of our laboratory's health services in order to meet your needs whenever it is necessary.</p> <header class="rule"><h2 class="news">Latest news</h2></header> <div class="newsrow"> <div class="floating-box"><span class="newsdate">November 26, 2018</span><br>Our laboratory was certified today according to the standards of ISO 9001: 2015 by TÜV Hellas<br></div> <div class="floating-box"><span class="newsdate">July 28, 2017</span><br>Our laboratory equipment was supplemented with the bloodless transdermal neonatal bilirubin meter Dräger JM-105<br></div> <div class="floating-box"><span class="newsdate">June 6, 2017</span><br>Doutsaridou Fotini’s diploma thesis titled <a href="https://www.mikroviologos.gr/arthra/ilikia-kai-parametroi-spermatos">Age and Seed Parameters</a> was added to our website’s articles<br></div> <div class="floating-box"><span class="newsdate">February 9, 2017</span><br>The Roche Cobas e 411 analyzer was added to our laboratory equipment, which is <a href="https://s.mikroviologos.gr/files/FMF_official_certificate-early_weeks.pdf" target="_blank">certified</a> by the <a href="https://fetalmedicine.org" target="_blank">FMF</a> for PAPP-A measurements and free-HCG in the first trimester of pregnancy. We will also increase the number of examinations we perform and reduce the delivery time of the results.<br> <a href="/exoplismos#e411">More ...</a></div> </div><!--content--> <a href="/en">News archive</a> </div><!--row--> </div><!--container--> </div> After that is done, the lang element being placed at top, will remain at top, whatever view, removing the 82% will make aside and #content fit within device area and not force #content to extend beyond right edge of screen.
  18. opening and closing javscript window does not work, if that is what you are attempting, try to create a html modal popup instead . https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_modal_img
  19. I would imagine it would be browser popup blocking issue.
  20. The only possibility of achieving this is by using setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval and possibly javascript promise to wait for result before moving on or pausing with graphic.
  21. I suggest you place non media query styling above the uppermost media querythe hamburger icon should be on the right from the start using position absolute, then hidden till required using display none/block for the device width it is required.
  22. If you mean fixed within the viewport area with no scrolling down with content, you need to use position: fixed or sticky, with properties top and left;
  23. The first slash usually represents the root directory or domain name that is directed to that directory, images is a folder within that root directory and then the image within that images folder.
  24. You can use javascript to include html such as headers and footers, but i generally use php include. https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_html_include.asp
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