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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. You need to store the current value either with cookie, webstorage or session. Then get the current value onloading of page for the popup.
  2. You need to use inset for inner box shadow.
  3. https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GNU4PJEGMKOZ
  4. IS Wrong! partial code following it will fail and guess what's following it! go on! clue? what have you been trying to fix all this time?
  5. Must have done it wrong then! best answer i can give with information supplied.
  6. Requirements are, if you missed them If you want to change goal posts to not include those elements, i can easily check by using .has() to not include them.
  7. Can't you just search for any text(), no text remove(), doesn't matter if any elements exist $(document).ready(function(){ $("p").each(function(){ if($(this).text().trim() ==""){ $(this).remove(); } }); }); Yep! it works.
  8. I don't know? not a mind reader, I don't know what you are referring too. id value should butt against the '#' as in #ascrail2000 which is the same with class value but with '.' .nicescroll-rails ANY spacing between a selector refers to a child element of previous, BUT! all the id and class references are list on the same element so they don't refer to any child elements at all! So it should be #ascrail2000.nicescroll-rails.nicescroll-rails-vr (no spaces mean it refers to single element id and classnames used on that element)
  9. By using a selector that has a higher precedence and using !important on that. #parentid .someclass { } body .someclass { }
  10. Actually that is right, usually when you are logged in you are given session with for instance a user id. So if a session exist with userid that determines if you have access to a specific page or specific information on a page.
  11. I don't know if you are actually using 'element.style' as a selector, but if you are DON'T, that just shows the inline styling for current selected element. You need to target the 'id' if available at very least. '#ascrail2000' or if not available the classes '.nicescroll-rails.nicescroll-rails-vr' or to give more precedence '#ascrail2000.nicescroll-rails.nicescroll-rails-vr' Only target the css property you wish to change, the rest will just be duplication of the original. #ascrail2000 { background: yellow !important; }
  12. to so { position: relative; top: 0px; float: right; width: 44px; height: 33%; border-radius: 10px; background-color: rgb (65, 21, 98); background-clip: padding-box; } what is selector? If it is 'element.style, then no! it won't work! its inline css added to the actual element, if you edit this then yes! it will work, because you are editing inline css IT has highest precedence over any other css, inline or external. Even if you used its selector of .nicescroll-cursors {}, the inline styling will still override it, Unless each styling property you needed to amend had !important placed next to it example: height: 33% Important; and !important was not included with the inline property you needed to change.
  13. Yes!... but! Its obvious seeing that you have classes as it describes THEY have been forced to be unclickable and use hover instead, therefore if you do the reverse and add the actual url and not! '#' and remove class it will revert to being clickable. Use what god gave you!
  14. If you want them clickable see https://wpexplorer-themes.com/total/docs/adding-non-clickable-menu-links/ and undo what was done here.
  15. You have the wrong slashes in url. And because you have that wrong slash before the quote, that usually escapes the quote from being treated as javascript quote at the end to a quote within a string.
  16. No, for example, by default it may have class of "state-default" then when hovered the class changes to "state-hover" using javascript. If these classes are not included in your css code, it may not be enough to override these classes.
  17. It might be adding a class on hover to override your changes, in that case you have to identify the classes and make changes including those classes.
  18. https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/tryit.asp?filename=trycss3_overflow-y
  19. The div element is a block element, block elements effect is to occupy the total width area available, causing other elements following it to stack. Fix: float or use display: inline-block; instead.
  20. select the element, then go to dev tools and within the styles pane you should see :hov, that shows the pseudo types for hover: :focus etc, select each of those and see what happens to the styling for that element, it will probably show block now! for focus selection.
  21. All if condition, either give a true or false a=1; if(a > 0) true if(a ==0) false. it determines if the code following it in curly braces is run or filtered more with elseif or else, which usually capture the alternate result, true against if condition false, false against if condition true. The click event on its own determines what should happen to other elements manipulation on being clicked. A if condition would only be used within the click events own anonymous function. Like function(){ if($(".search-overlay").hasClass("open-search")){ $(".search-overlay").removeClass("open-search"); } } The only problem i see is if there is multiple search box classes existing, so it would be better to use id reference instead.
  22. Its a function created that uses promise and async/wait to give same result.
  23. What? Does that mean??????, I'm guessing you have a possible blur event happening, when you select inspect in dev tools, it loses focus and reverts to display: none; IF that is what you mean?
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