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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. No! I didn't mention a specfic folder therefore whatever number of folders you have does not matter, its the folder you are trying to target. Again! We can't answer you correctly until we see the code. The code you linked to goes to a specific folder, you to create that folder, how do you change it to upload to another folder? Do you select from dropdown list, is it separated so each upload is to a specific folder? Is each parent folder saved to database along with image? We don't know, you are the one whose been cut pasting code without possible understanding how it work, we don't know, because there is no code to determine why it fails. We don't have powers to magically identify the problem. I mean have you ever been to garage with a photo of your car and said this is my car, there's a banging noise coming from, i have spent many building this car but i can't figure whats causing the banging, tell why its banging?
  2. I would imagine you are repeatedly coping the parent container element when you just require content. Also you might be missing/misplaced opening and closing tags (such as <div>...</div>) which will result in the browser wrongly trying to correct it.
  3. Right, it has nothing to do with coding, its magic! Sorry! You are on the wrong forum try https://blackwitchcoven.com/ If it was coding and you actually provided the code, we might have been able to help, but a vague question will result in a multitude of possible answers of which the most likely answer is its pointing to the wrong directory, it can't find what it is coded to look for, so it fails. But! All this nothing you want to hear so i will now depart, Abracadabra!
  4. It kinda doesn't. It points only to a specific folder, it joins the specific folder and image file name to where the distination will be for that file.
  5. As far as i can see, nothing is being sent through formData(), there is no form element with attribute name, for it to retrieve.
  6. <!-- All url generated dynamically from database table column holding website url --> <input type="hidden" id="website" name="website" value="https://www.marielofficial.com/"> <br> <a href="https://www.marielofficial.com/" target="_blank">https://www.marielofficial.com/</a>
  7. Then why not just add the url to a type hidden input, if not supposed to be edited, you could then just add the url to an anchor link with url in href attribute and innerHTML of that anchor link with target attribute value of '_blank', this requires no javascipt as everything required is dynamically added by database.
  8. Is this data entered dynamically from database? then i don't know why the form, if not! And it is all done manually, then you need the website input to be showing all the time, so someone can add/amend the website and can be submitted.
  9. <input type="url" id="website" name="website" value="https://www.marielofficial.com/"> <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" onclick="triggerlink()" value="go to url"> <br> <script> function triggerlink(){ var x = document.getElementById("website"); window.location.href=x.value; } </script>
  10. Use a valid url in input value, it will break if contains the exta apostrophe at beginning and the '</a>', if you copy to address bar and after hitting go and it shows an error, obviously its not valid. Once that is sorted the clicking of added button 'go to url, a function will retrieve the now valid url then redirect to it you need to change var x = document.getElementById("homepage"); to var x = document.getElementById("website");
  11. https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GLUYIZID0KYP
  12. You can't use anchor link within attribute value and expect to work, its treated just a string value, nothing more nothing less. The only option is as suggested grab url value and redirect using javascript
  13. Why not use anchor link? To use a input you would need to add click event that run a function to get the url value from input, then use that url for redirect using location.href="http//:urladdress";
  14. The console shows a error that you need to down/upgrade your jquery, which is difficult as it seems to use many versions. Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37936751/bootstraps-javascript-requires-jquery-version-1-9-1-or-higher-but-lower-than-v suggests you upgrade your bootstrap instead to no less than Bootstrap 3.3.7
  15. The modern way is to use .clearfix::after { content: ""; clear: both; display: table; } On any parent element that has floated child elements. (Add class clearfix to title1 element).
  16. https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GLQ0I6OYUXDA
  17. The div does not detect boundary of floated elements so it collapses to zero height, so no height no background. Fix by adding overflow:hidden to title1 class.
  18. What is the reason for updating price? Couldn't you give id for books and toys specifically 'book_idnnnnnn', 'toy_idnnnnnn' then add the id ref into array of those you want to change, then loop through these changing the value during the loop.
  19. It appends open ul, then the looping of li elements with array fruit values, and finishes with closed ul element at end after looping is finished.
  20. Give nav links specific class name as in .navlinks then try a:hover:not(.navlinks){ } Should work.
  21. No i want everything! even the terms and conditions, copyright info about its is illegal to copy, and the full power of the law will be used to prosecute those who break this copyright.
  22. dsonesuk

    Help With Flexbox

    You just need add ftp host and password settings correctly to ftp config file.
  23. Then don't use anchor link to that image, that will always open a new page before anything else, open a bookmark link to that id element with that img src to that same url <a href="#newsletter">About us</a> <div id="newsletter"><img src="https://www.linkpicture.com/q/unnamed_10.gif"></div> https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GLDM0XJCEEVD
  24. dsonesuk

    Help With Flexbox

    We use Atom at work.
  25. dsonesuk

    Help With Flexbox

    If you use media queries the idea is for every device width extra small, small mobiles, medium/tablet, desktop, extra large desktop, you have to define using media queries the size of parent element holding the images, if you use only one that size can be carried on to the rest, depending on min-width, max-width queries you use and how you positioning the order, one has sizes in ascending order, the other descending order. I personally don't think you require it for this, just extend full width, and let the images stack themselves naturally, you can add margins, or use justify-content: to space themselves evenly, and align-item: to center. You might just use media queries to adjust image sizes or spacing depending on device, but that's it. With the slow revision update, you do clear history? ctrl-F5, if your host caches content on the server, temporary turn it off! must be option for that! DON'T rely on Dreamweaver preview, always view through a actual browser. Use F12 web developer tools to make changes live! (some browser have ability to store the changes you made, so you can copy changes to your css file) use mobile toggle toolbar, which gives you the ability to view changes in many device sizes, (portrait and landscape).
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