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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. gabbly.com/http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php:)
  2. Doesnt sound like float. I have had some major issues with float though. Maybe its the padding? try and remove that.
  3. So they liked porno? Interesting . Thats priceless.. steven hawking and some guy named kip bet on things using porno as currency .For some reason I dont think black holes have a density less than water. I mean... comeon?This has grown to be quite the topic so far..
  4. reportingsjr

    Exam Script

    I think you may be thinking about macros. You can edit macros through the microsoft office VB editor.
  5. Hmm, well secureness depends on what your dealing with. If its passwords and stuff no go. But there still isnt really a way to edit it, to the contrary with files, which you cant edit withoout FTP. So it just depends.
  6. Errr, I hope to god that one never comes anywhere even close to that far away from us. That would mean we would most likely start to get sucked in. That is actually really close considering that mars (closest planet to us) is alot farther away from us. That means its stuck in the suns gravity, and the black hole has a tad bit more gravity than the sun =\.
  7. No chris, he means a button for homepage on a browser. Im sorry autasebo, but I had to fix the script in your signature . <script language="javascript">function checkCoolness(){ var Jônin = document.getElementById("Kakashi") if (Jônin == "supercool") { document.write("<b>!!Kakashi's Awesome!!</b>") } else { document.write("<b>!!Wrong!!</b>") }}</script>
  8. I think this would have to be in the php.ini setting. Go through there and look for anything that has to do with permissions. Or you could just edit them manually without code..OK, after about 10 seconds of looking at the forum I saw something that was the exact same as this. Next time maybe just look over the forum?
  9. Maybe if we had the code . Post the code where you are having issues.
  10. errrr, why would it explode? It always stay pretty much the same size, and they are stationary. So you are kind of right, most things tend to stay away from them or the would get sucked straight in. Their gravitaional pull is so strong that it just keeps compacting it own self more and more, hence why it stays the same shape. Also, they would be a literally perfect shpere. What color? im not sure...I dont see why it would explode though..
  11. Ok, maybe I was off.. Just a little though . :)0.o, how are we supposed tounderstand that? Im guessing that it means once something goes into a black hole it doesnt come out because when it ends it will be the end of time (since its always try to move to the center of the black hole nothing will ever be there to destroy it.). I would be really interested to see what a black hole really looks like. Ive never even seen a picture of a black hole either. But would be cool to see the actual star inside of this "hole".
  12. That is in fact all a black hole is, a tiny sphere that has tooons of mass so it has an immense amount of gravitational pull. One thimble full wouldnt wiegh as much as mt everest, who even knows how much mt everest ways? I think that its more like a teaspoon is around 50~100 tons. But how should we know? We couldnt find out if we wanted to right now. (Maybe later when we create something strong enough and fast enough to withstand the gravity. And to wiegh it..)I think it would be fun to see 2 black holes collide. Heres my prediction of what would happen:1. they get nearer to each other.2. The closer they get the faster they go towards each other, the gravity is pretty strong after all.3. they collide4. Boom5. the two A) create some new super star from the explosion B ) just make the black hole bigger and have more gravity.6. Either way the objects around the two will either get blown up or get sucked in closer to the new object there.
  13. You also might want to know some info on the difference between databases and files. -Databases are faster -Databases are also less secure -You can organize and find things in a database easier, in files you could make you own sort of "phpmyadmin" but for a file..There are a few more things but that is just the main things.
  14. reportingsjr

    PHP Classes

    to get data from tables you would use one of these methods:$data = mysql_fetch_row($result);$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);$data = mysql_fetch_object($result);There are also a few more on php.net, just look at them there. You would just do $data->rowname for the mysql_fetch_object method. But as I said, look it up on php.net.You shouldnt need to close the connection to.
  15. How do sites make it so when you say search for something, instead of something like "http://mysite.com/search/search.php?search=poodles" just make it "http://mysite.com/search/poodles". I am just curios because I find it cool and it might be easier for people, the only site I can think of right now is dictionary.com. If you go there and search look at the URL and you will see what I mean. Its just interesting..
  16. try this, it will be more efficient: if ($_GET["lang"]=="en" || $_COOKIE["langd3"]=="en" || !isset($_COOKIE["langd3"]) && !isset($_GET["lang"])){ require("forums/SSI.php"); require("header.php"); require("rightsidebar.php"); require("content.php"); require("footer.php");}else if ($_GET["lang"]=="fr" || $_COOKIE["langd3"]=="fr"){ require("forums/SSI.php"); require("header.php"); require("rightsidebar.php"); require("contenu.php"); require("footer.php");} that checks if the cookie isnt AND the get variable isnt set.
  17. for($i = "0"; $i <= count($array); $i++){$array_message .= $array["{$i}"];}$body = "blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah! {$array_message} Bleh blah blah blah.";mail(......where it says $array in the for loop, replace that with the array you want the contents of (both places). Then just add $array_message wherever you want into the body of the email.
  18. Why not just do an "echo $generating_listing->pdedecker;"? The syntax is all right, or you would be getting an error. Try this: $getrating_result = mysql_query("SELECT pdedecker FROM votes WHERE id='0'") or die(mysql_error());$getrating_listing = mysql_fetch_object($getrating_result) or die(mysql_error());echo $getrating_listing->pdedecker; If that shows an error say what it says.
  19. darkninja, no, thats not it. If it was that then I would know.Anyways, all the code up here is the only stuff that uses this function, and there is not one piece of html! soooo, I need to figure this out to release my game, and I dont understand/see anything wrong with this function.
  20. Hmm, the carriage return (\r) and newline (\n)? Are you sure? And I dont think you need the return, just the \n FYI .
  21. Have you thought about expansion? Earth is pretty much going to die soon, ALOT sooner than projected, which was supposed to be about 5 billion more years, but with humans on this planet, no.. I dont think so! We need to find a way to expand, and there is much more knowledge to be found about space that can help us alot!
  22. I had it echo out, and oddly enough nothing got echoed! I think that the function isnt running at all.. Hmm, you find anything wrong?Oh yeah, I tried echoing it out in the procLogin function and that worked... Hmm, so its not even running .
  23. Do you think it would matter if this was in a frame? I think that could be the issue. The page with all this in it doesnt have any html, but its in a frame..
  24. echo sizeof($array);, just do a quick search on php.net!
  25. , nice one justsomeguy.. I dont think its very much better, still really long. Get rid of those lines!Anyways, you can still go to view->page source (in Fx its ctrl+u). So its not very helpful. You can get html decoders and such though .
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