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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. Well, im just curious as to the age of everyone. It seems to me like almost everyone here is either in college, or out of it (with the exception of a few people, like me and I do beleive SFB is around my age).Anyways, if you dont want to tell your age then dont! Just dont flame this or anything. (thats includes mild flaming, like saying whats the point of this lol)I am 13, almost 14!! (sept. 14th is my bday )
  2. Hold on, there was a site I was on before that had a tutorial for this. Ill check it now.EDIT: okay, I checked it out and it would be confusing for me to post. So here is the link:http://uiv2.com/tutorials/55 I hope this is right, I scanned it and it looks like both can communicate with each other...
  3. Yes I asked this.. So how exactly do you use this? (I wanted to load the gd library, since my host says he has it, it just must not be enabled).
  4. Yea . Did you put where u were on there?
  5. I dont think you must put the mysql connection at the top of the page, at least doesnt matter for me.Anyways, your problem now is this line: "<a href ="inbox.php" target ="showframe">Inbox <? if ($messag > 0) { echo [$"messag new"]; } ?></a>" First, im guessing your wanting to print or echo this on the pageso you put this: echo "<a href ="inbox.php" target ="showframe">Inbox <? if ($messag > 0) { echo [$"messag new"]; } ?></a>" Second, im confused why you have this: echo [$"messag new"]; I see there you are trying to print the array out right there. but your doing it way wrong. Try this: echo $messag['new']; I am blanking out on mysql_num_rows right now though :)Try that and see what happens.The final code should be: echo "<a href ="inbox.php" target ="showframe">Inbox <? if ($messag > 0) echo $messag['new']; } ?></a>"
  6. Here, (btw, please respond to my pm).In the header: <style type="text/javascript" language="javascript">IsEntered(input){var input= document.getElementById(input);if(input == ""){alert("You need to fill in the "+form+" section of the form");}}</style> For the form: <form ...>.....<input type="text" name="blah" id="name" onblur="IsEntered(name)" />.....</form> So when people click outside of this it will check, and alert the person if its empty. You might want to use a function to strip the spaces from it to check it. Not sure what function to use to do that though.
  7. reportingsjr


    Well, seems like your not here but id be willing to help. LittleNicky want some help? Im a decent coder.. I know my php and such
  8. I can see it to.. glad you got your site up finally .
  9. Well, I know this is possible because its been done before, but where can I get a program to run on a windows computer (Xp home edit. to be specific) to delete or change the password of an account. I ask this because my brother decided to change my password on this computer.. so now I cant use it, and I have alot of files on it that I need.Also, since its windows they decided to be stupid and not put a floppy disk drive on that computer and the laptop im on...I know this can be done and I need it desperatly! (btw, I didnt really want to google it in the case that it has viruses.. and I dont really know of another forum to go to for this).Thanks!!BTW, im just curious but what language would this be programmed in? Ive never really worked with anything like this.EDIT: ok, the guy who had it came over but I didnt get to use it, and it was a password changer.. can anyone even point me in the right direction?
  10. you can use ajax to 'communicate' with a php page and do this.
  11. h1 { color: black; font-size: x-large; letter-spacing: 1px; z-index: 2;}h3.h3red { color: red; font-size: large; letter-spacing: 2px; padding: 3px; line-height: 14pt; z-index: 2; background-image:url('../images/spiderback11.gif')}h3.h3green { color: #00CC00; font-size: large; letter-spacing: 2px; padding: 3px; line-height: 14pt; z-index: 2; background-image:url('../images/spiderback11.gif')}} Thats your problem.. in each of those you have to put position: absolute;It looks like the rest of the stuff has that though.. and the extra bracket.
  12. Yea sfb, I want to use ubuntu.. I cant install it though cause ill probably screw something up .Many people use windows because that the only thing they are ale to use, if they tried anything else they would be stuck looking around the internet for somehow to fix it or send hours on the phone with support centers.
  13. Yea, lay off the caps. Whats bebo?
  14. most definetly number 2.. It just looks more solid and put together.
  15. Actually, one of the main differences is, windows is an easy to use OS. So people who dont know anything and dont want to actually spend time to install things and have them run extremely well use windows. They just like to use the computer for fun and such.. And linux is for people that know how to actually use computers, and want a stable computer. But they do have to actually work on it a bit but in the end it is worth it.I wish I could try Ubuntu but im only 13 and dont have a comp. of my own (plus I have no idea how to do much else besides program websites )
  16. nope, thats the only way. sucks doesnt it! But most decent editors you can get have the search and replace functions, so write your codes then search and replace them for those.Notepad does this.. but, if you arent using the get method, all you need to do is change the < and >
  17. okay, to replace all the tags so they show do this:< = <> = >(thats for anything that has those). and since /* */ and those comments are only parsed when they are in the coding lanuage, not in html, you just write them along with the rest of the code. but if you are using the get method (?page=1, ?page=2, etc..) then just escape all slashes by doing this:\/ and escape all escapes like this, \\ lol. Its as simple as that!Wow, im suprised I knew this. Im guessing your out of college and like 24-27? Im 13 14 on sept. 14!! woohoo!!
  18. you want to be able to show code in the browser.. so its not parsed. I dont get it. for the beginning tag (<) you put < in place of it, for the end tag (>) you put >! Do you want it in like a code box or something?
  19. ahh, you want indents to? Pre should do that, but ive had bad experiences with that lol. ummmm, you could take the long way and use a css to do text-indent (takes px, or em). But that would take a while..
  20. < = <> = >, thats all you need to replace.Is this in fact what you need? Just to make codes display..
  21. huh? Please explain a little bit better.. you want like to have some php and have it parse, without the page refreshing or anything? Use ajax.. I can help you out with this, if this is in fact what you want...
  22. The answer will almost always be no.. This is because w3schools would go down because when people already bought every tutorial on here they wouldnt go to w3schools anymore, and the ads wouldnt pay as much, therefore the refsnes wouldnt be able to pay for hosting, and you can say bye to any more tutorials that they produced.. so you uys might as well stop trying with this. It will just ruin the site.
  23. like a user updated blog? Not a bad idea actually. Just have to control spam.
  24. It looks like its basically all object oriented (I am not a fan, since I dont really know too much on how to use OOP yet, confusing, but usually very powerful) programming language thats compiled..Im probably wrong though.
  25. oh sweetness! Hey boen, where do you find this stuff out? I would really like aan rss or something to read on this stuff if you could provide one
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