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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. 1) JS Cookies are the same as any other web coding cookie, just google javascript cookies to learn more on them.2) AJAX is javascript that can "call" pages to run them, so you can run php scripts without refreshing the page. I have a chat done with this on my site (http://rsbattlehelp.com). It just calls a certain page with javascript and doesnt refresh the page, very useful for updating certain things!3) Im not too sure on this, I do beleive it is to tell the browser exactly how to process certain things.
  2. what if both computers have the same IP and you dont know the other comps. name? lol
  3. Ahh, try this:<a href="java script: alert(htmlcode)">View HTML code</a>and in some javascript tages put this: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">var htmlcode = "<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n</body>\n</html>";</script> Try it out BTW, If you want the code to be on seperate lines you need to use the carriage return (\n), it is the same thing as a <br /> :)EDIT: Whoops! My javascript code had a ug.. fixed it now
  4. He wants to know how to show code on his site so people can copy and paste it..
  5. Okay, ty for tell me this. Ill have to try it out some time Is it hard to use or set up?
  6. Nothing is free most of the times. ESP. programs for programming.. :)Im sure that they have trial demos you can try though.. just gootle. Or bittorrent it
  7. How do I do this? Do I like download VNC or something?Oh, and BTW dan, I sent you an email through your site. I used the send feedback thing. Check it out.. You messed up your captcha thing lol
  8. lol, nice! Where can I download VNC? Im guessing that its a program you put on one computer, then uses a connection to control the mouse of the other computer, then you can see the other persons screen so you just go change it? That sounds ownage
  9. Well, I wanted to make a screen so the page can only be viewed when its done loading. I figured you could do this by using z-index to stick a div that covers the entire page, then have onload call a function to change the innerhtml of a surrounding div for that.. but it seems this doesnt work :)Any thoughts?
  10. first off.. why would you need to do this? are you trying to make it so the background changes when its all the way done loading?
  11. Javascript cookies are the same as every other cookie.. They dont change, I recommend googleing it, but that would be nice addition..
  12. not really.. this is still a question about coding.
  13. Wow, this is an old topic. Gravedigger... Joe, can you please stop posting so many random things. It seems like you are doing this to raise your post count.I think that some people ask these questions because they dont understand the ones on the tutorials alot of the times..
  14. okay, you should keep it get. But the mime is automatically get, so no need to change anything.. but if you want to use post you will have to reset the mime. Heres my ajax request making code: r = 0;request = new Array();reqChanges = new Array();response = new Array();function Ajax(a, url, mode, data) {var requester = null;reqChanges[a] = 0;try { requester = new XMLHttpRequest(); }catch (error) { try { requester = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (error) { try { requester = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (error) { alert("Failed to Initiate Request"); return false; } }}requester.open(mode, url);if (mode == "POST") { requester.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); requester.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length); requester.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");}requester.send(data);return requester;}function AjaxHandle(requester, a) {reqChanges[a]++;// If XMLHR object has finished retrieving the dataif (requester.readyState == 4){ try { if (requester.status == 200) { response[a] = requester.responseText; return true; } else if (requester.status != 0) { alert("Error retrieveing URL: "+requester.status); return false; } } catch (error) { alert(error); return false; } return false;} else { return false; }} Just in case you want to use it.. just put that in a seperate file and include it.
  15. Joe, its to check on what browser your using, and to check if it supports xhtml or html or whatever..
  16. I think they removed css because of that huge glitch, when that guy samy infected over 1 million accounts and they all had to be deleted..
  17. what do you mean? If you dont change it, it will stay as get since thats the default way to do it..
  18. Just use a div or something, put style="border: 1px;" for a border or whatever and put your code in it.. is this what you want?Also, you will need to replace all > with > and all < with < to get it to show.
  19. oh sweet. I guess I got started coding early
  20. You dont need to set it as get, its get for ajax on default.. But if you are going to use post you will need to change the mime..
  21. try it with css (use the style tag, the attributes you are using are deprecated): <tr> <td height="100%"> <iframe style="width: 200px; height: 100%;" name="meni" frameborder="0" src="meni_glavno.htm" scrolling="no"></iframe></td></tr> Oh yeah, your problem was that you didnt have double qoutes (") around the 100% so it just ignored it and made each iframe the length of the page..
  22. Yea Dan, but this is about something stupid. He wouldnt listen.. He has admin privs. and change it.. Anyways I will proably be back on it when school starts (aug. 22).
  23. You have an extra } at the end of this: while($row = mysql_num_rows($result){$messag++;} echo "<a href =\"inbox.php\" target =\"showframe\">Inbox [{$messag} new]</a>";} so just remove it like this: while($row = mysql_num_rows($result){$messag++;} echo "<a href =\"inbox.php\" target =\"showframe\">Inbox [{$messag} new]</a>";
  24. Yes, mysql_num_rows has to be used certain ways.. just do this: $messag = "0";while($row = mysql_num_rows($result){$messag++;}Then the rest of the code will work! Replace that with $num_messages )
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