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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. You will need to upload it, if you dont have your own website on a server where you can upload it at imageshack.us (not .com ext, trust me.. =\ ). Then just use <img src="linktopicture" alt="picture" />
  2. My bad, I have visual web developer.. thanks aspnetguy!
  3. Why thank you for fixing that justsomeguy! HAHA!!What problems have you had with firefox? Just get some support for it!
  4. *pulls out gun and shoots* Wow, IE always the best?!?! Im not going to try argue, with someone being that arrogant I just wont try! IE is possibly the worst major browser.. ever! Try out Firefox and download extensions, then tell me which you like better .
  5. I dont think this is possible. What your saying is when someone clicks the link it stays focused on the subject input line?I dont think that would be too much hassle anyways. Try googling it?
  6. aspneguy got me started, I have visual studio, it comes with 2.0 framework, and thanks for the info! I dont know vb so ill probably stick with code.most of those questions have been answered for me.For web files, can you include them in another page? Would I just stick it in an iframe or something? Say if I had a message board could I just stick it in an iframe or use ajax and it would appear? Or is there some reason this isnt possible..Any good newbie tutorials on web page C#? I dont really want to learn the other version, which is the offline one that windows is made in.. just the stuff for websites now .
  7. Yes, that usually happens with me to justsomeguy, if I dont have my info inside of a <tr> or <td> it will just stick it efore the start of the table. Must be how you coded it!BTW, 400th post!
  8. C# doesnt have to be the main langauge.. And the framework for .NET is infact free, amazingly (). Im not saying we have to use everything for it, just maybe a few pages. This goes along with what aspnetguy said, the things we will end up making have been done in php dozens of times already, so it wouldnt be that significant.
  9. Okay, im just going to stop talking in here . It seems now as though we arent going to get it.. So.... oh well?
  10. C# can be used to interact with html pages, its basically php but alot more powerful, and compiles plus the coding is different of course.
  11. Hex HubThat has a list of literally thousands of hex codes, plus the have what each one looks like next to the code.. I always use this when using hex, and I never use words, always hex!
  12. Yea, i would be just a tad bit hard to remember session class "rfgjf424fasf" . Oh well, Im just going to try and learn C# as well as I can before this starts.. hopefully I can make some awesome things with it.. me and aspnetguy can be the C# team lol .
  13. Yes you do! You can just go out and buy one or download one you know! Ive seen some nice PERL ones.
  14. Well, I doubt it would be that hard.. Might take like a week, and the admins probably wouldnt mind doing it. There are a few issues with it, they could be sorted out though im sure. The admins are barely on though. I would expect that they could at least get on for like 10 minutes a day, its not like thats hard.. I think they just dont give a crap about the forum.
  15. You would need to use a foreach, and if you dont know how to check if a checkbox is checked here is how: if($_POST[$foreachnum] == true){//delete from table} Im sure you already knew that though
  16. wow!! I must say.. that forum is niiiice! Good job man. Yea I do remember you.. I remember you from your smiley .
  17. Well, this may make you feel stupid so.. here is your issue: ; after every closing curly braces you have that.. but it should be inside of the brace. This is your problem.. change it in your main_css.css file and it will work .
  18. I also agree with the backup admin.. maybe they could have like a button or topic or something a moderator could active and people could click on the button, or vote in the topic, and once the button has been clicked X times by unique people in a day, or the poll reaches X% is make mods backup admins they automatically become backup admins for say a week or two.. that way they can take action to whatever has happened.
  19. Yes, post the code and link so we can search for a problem. You need to be using a database or file to do this.. do you know what type of database your using? (Or if it is a file)
  20. Well, I want to learn a powerful language like one of the C languages (C, C++, C#) or JAVA. So since C3 seems easiest of the three c's, I was deciding on getting a book. This is new for me though. I have heard about PHP in a nutshell and like three other "in a nutshell" book, and I stumbled across this one:http://www.academicsuperstore.com/market/m...l?PartNo=701342 (C# in a nutshell). So if anyone has read and used this can you tell me if I should get it?It looks like there are two books on this, ones a sequel (book continuing the first). So please tell me something! Thanks!!
  21. Okay, so first things first. I want to make sure im in the right place! .NET framework is for running C# (This is right I think..) you use the .aspx ending to run these.. correct?So, thats the basics..Can some people start listing links to tutorials on this? Im sure I can find tutorials on basic things.. What I would like is tutorials on specifc things, like the function thats like php's preg_replace (or find, whatever. I know aspnetguy uses this to find links in his spider). And other things like that..So, support needed Newb in training
  22. Good, now I can work on learning C#!
  23. SFB -- That would be very hard to do, considering you would most likely have to use mysql to store the last date you were active AND logged in.. You couldnt really transfer sessions.What would this be coded in? Every language? Lol, would it be a combo of C/JAVA/Php/ASP/other stuff? Or what?I would like to work on this project no matter what it turns out to be! Im currently learning C# so I can make cool stuff in it . So, this will be a blog or forum or something?
  24. <?php$query = "SELECT * FROM `customers`";$result = mysql_query($result);while($row =mysql_num_rows($result){ if(strlen($row[0]) > 6){ //do whatever, like echo the name or do what you want }}?> Hopefully this will help you
  25. <input type="text" value="Search" id="txt" />The value in that might be causing some problems.. just remove it, you shouldnt need it anyways.
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