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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. reportingsjr

    captcha test

    sfb, -- makes it go down one, since you did it to $i and not $u it makes $i go down and since you make $u equal to that they both change. just use this:$u--and it will subtract 1
  2. I had the same type of thing happen to my web page when viewing in IE, all because of a little javascript error (wasnt an error.. just ie -.-).
  3. So distinct will make it so it will only pull one record out of mysql with the post_name row as "wee!"? Thank you!
  4. I know this should probably be in the mysql forum but meh.. dont feel like it .I was too lazy to create a topics table and posts table in mysql, so now I have run into any issue.. how do I get it so it only echos out one of each posts? If this isnt possible.. then I have alot more work to do to re format it . I might just start reformatting it now lol..Tell me if this is possible, the way I have it now it just echos out every post with the topic title...EDIT: scratch it, it wont take too much work to reformat it, but is there a way to do this?
  5. oh sweet, looking nice! I have one question though, I have never used java or C languages (any compiled language..) to actually create and run a real program from the web, so how woul this be done exactly? Issnt the cgi bin where you store these types of scripts?
  6. go to mozilla.com, then addons, then firefox and search for IE tabs .I had them then when I tried to update them the browser stopped working, so I had to remove it .EDIT: oops, me and aspnetguy posted at same time, but the name of it is actually IE tabs like he said..
  7. You have to have the encypte or it wont work, its kind of like method=post, stick this in there:encypte="multipart/form-data"and it should work..
  8. hey apsnet, when your finished could we see the un compiled code for it? Im interested in how exactly you would pull this off...
  9. Larry the cable guy: health inspector I saw it when it came out..I had some chinese fighting fish, they lived for a few months in vases with plants on top (they eat the algae and dead roots and stuff..).We dont have any more fish though.I did have 2 iguanas, one was a green one and erm.. I kind of, ran over it with a big wheel thing.. .The next one we got was like 3 or 4 eyars old and a brown one, it would bite you if you tried to pick it up . We gave him back to the store after a year or two..
  10. Ohhh, double qoutes. thanks! Ill test it now :)But wouldnt the double qoutes interfere with the surrounding doubles? Maybe the curly brackets let them be there..
  11. See aspnetguy, now were just going around in circles lol.. that was my original question basically .Yes I do have parents..
  12. Thats the issue.. we have user accounts, but mines limited and hes the only one that as access to the admin account -.-
  13. so you want like a guest book or chat? it will take more than javascript, you will need a server side language, check out http://dcole.ath.cx and go to scripts, then the message boards.. they are made with php and you can just use those.
  14. I have a system where you can select how many forms you want to create, and it uses a for statement to create all of these, then I need it so when they submit it, the forms get submitted into a mysql database 1 by 1, but since the naming system uses numbers, it wont work. how would I do this: for($i = "0"; $i < $_POST['amt']; $i++){ $query = "INSERT INTO `monsterdb` VALUES( '" . $_POST['{$i}name'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}level'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}members'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}habitat'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}exp'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}100%'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}gold'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}weapons'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}armour'] . "', '" . $_POST['{$i}other'] . "' )"; } How can I get this to work? I really need this because it will make my job like 100X easier .
  15. Lol justsomeguy.. its compatible.. now we just need one of the admins to get on -.-..
  16. Yea, I dont like capacitors anymore . Bad experience.. I was talking apart my moms treadmil and um, I was seeing something and plugged it in then turned it on, then I touched the top of one I was like.. Ow!But ok, and if I did snap off any my brother in law is a comp. tech guy, and my uncle is an engineer .
  17. Well, why do you have showmenu setting a timer interval to call function show? Why would you want it to call that function every 10 milliseconds (10/1000th of a second, or 1/100th) to show it.. you would only need to call show and thats it..
  18. No, this is not for revenge. This is just to change my password back on the computer. Im not sure why he did it, but he did.. I hope to get it back soon though =\. Maybe Ill get it back when my school starts back up. Oh well.
  19. That, and this isnt a forum for advertising your sites, this forum is for web help, and this sub forum is for web services like xml and such..
  20. Sweet, is there like a demo game people can test out so we can see what it will be like?
  21. reportingsjr

    captcha test

    Yea, good but really hard to read some times..
  22. ohhh, they used to have a target attriute for that, just google it.
  23. huh? Do you want the page to reload, or to go to a different page?
  24. reportingsjr

    captcha test

    Nice captcha SFB, but the font thing isnt working. Is it possible to make the letters in bold and italics and such?
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