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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. So.. if I took out the hard drive and connected my laptop.. while logged on to my name I would just use it like any other external hard drive and got to my computer then whatever drive and I would be able to edit the password there? Hmm..
  2. holmedwa04, nice avatar! Mr. Bean ...Yea, my iguana was a mean booger! My fish.. well um, dont live long . Thats pretty long for some feeder fish!
  3. Um, this isnt hard to do, I made a quick poll for my site. Well, I took it from zend.com's beginner tut lol. But I already had an admin center and I just stuck it in that page .
  4. reportingsjr


    Can someone help me with this? I would love to figure this out!What are all of the symbols to use?!?!I cant find a good website that has and explains these well! Please help, this could be really helpful to me..
  5. But you use a different method for the home page.. Why have a seperate page anyways? Just use the check.php method on the homepage.
  6. Well, instead of using session_is_registered() try setting the 'online' cookie an other ones to that to like yes or no or whatever, then use and if to check it, if($_SESSION['online'] == "yes"){do this}else{do this}etc.....
  7. Lol, files would be harder to use, or just use more code.. Ypu can just use my code. (justsomeguy posted a link to it).
  8. SFB, that will happen no matter what, because you use jpegs. Im not sure why people still use this, it should just be deleted from all lists.. Use .gif or .png if you want file sizes to be reduced and quality to be kept.
  9. Why not try removing the @'s so you get an error? Then tell us..
  10. You cant have any output, include spaces, html, or any of that stuff, before you set cookies. You can have any logic and such you want...
  11. Ask SFB, he made one and made it a zip for people to download.
  12. reportingsjr


    For some odd reason, I dont think anyone would really want to take this code.. there arent any hacks anyone would need and they wouldnt have any other use. Too easy to code to take lol.What you need to do is put a <div> around everything else in body, then use style to set margin: auto;like this: <body><div style='width: XXX;height:XXX;margin:auto;'>This is a bunch of html code</div></body>
  13. I see what you mean by solid, but not dashed.I think that what it is, is that the dots are so close together that when you scroll either the browser just mixes them accidently, or your eyes are too slow to notice the individual dots while moving (it blurs..) and just looks like a big line.
  14. You need to be able to use php, and have a sql database (mysql is most popular, plus its free..). And please dont call it java, I cant stand when people say that because java is a completly different type of language.. Its javascript
  15. reportingsjr


    Exactly wat kind of program is this supposed to be? Is it supposed to be like php or something?
  16. This is very easy, there is one way to do it on the submition page, and one way to do it on the page with the form.. here is the submittion page way: $query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username = '{mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['requested_username'])}'";$result = mysql_query($query);if(mysql_num_rows($result) > "0"){die("that username is already in use!! Please chose another name.");} Or a way so people dont have to re-enter all that info: <script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>function check_username(){var user_name = document.getElementById("username");window = window.open('http://domain.com/checkname.php?name=' + user_name, 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=600,height=300,left = 440,top = 405')}</script>.....Name: <input type='text' name='requested_username' id='username'><button onclick='check_name()'>Check is username is available</button>... Then on page checkname.php just have the first code, and after the die have "echo = 'Username available!';"and it will be easier :)Okay, I edited so people can use mysql injections.
  17. reportingsjr


    I would say yes... If its trying to access the internet, unless it is some type of program for taxes or something (my mom has one for her bank accounts and suff, but its microsoft access or something) then its not.So if you arent sure and dont really need it quarentine it and delete it..
  18. reportingsjr

    captcha test

    Because it doesnt work that way! Just leave it lol..
  19. Well, I was wondering that if you have a few tags nexted in each other then will the one closest to the info inside tem overpower all of the other ones styling effects? If you didnt catch what im asking here is an example code. <span style="color: yellow;"> <span style='color: blue;'> Will this text be blue or yellow? </span> <span style='color: red;'> Will this text be red or yellow? </span></span> So, which tag will make the text what color in the end?Im guessing its te inside spans because there style gets parsed last so the browser goes "Make text yellow, make text blue, print text, make text red, print text" (Note, this is just how it would go in way of words).So what do you think?
  20. Ok, easy enough!submit.php (form already submitted) ......$randomcode = rand(10000,100000);$query= "INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (....'{$randomcode}'.....)";.........$to = $_POST['email'];$email = "This is an email from you.com verifying that this is a real email account and to make sure you havent used a bot to register. To complete your registration please click the following link (AOL users may have to copy and paste this link into the address bar):<a href="http://you.com/verify.php?code={$randomcode}">http://you.com/verify.php?code={$randomcode}</a>"$email = wordwrap($email, 70);$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";$headers .= "From: mer@you.com' . "\r\n......mail($to, 'you.com registration', $email, $headers); Now on verify.php just do this: $query = "SELECt * FROM `users` WHERE randomcode = '{$_GET['code']}'";$result = mysql_query($query);if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){$query = "UPDATE `users` SET verified_email = 'true' WHERE randomcode = '{$_GET['code']}'";echo "Successfully verified!";} You fill in the blanks..
  21. Umm, this isnt really php, its more of one of the C languages..
  22. How about trim($str) ? Wouldnt that take off spaces..
  23. hex code have to have an octothorp (had to use my vocab its the #) in front of them.. so instead of e2e2e2 its #e2e2e2And naming colors only works for like 16 colors, try gray.. (I think its the primary, secondary, and neutral colors).
  24. reportingsjr

    captcha test

    Yep . Just clarify . ...
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