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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. Yea.. well sounds way wrong to me.. It can be either way!When are the polls going to end?
  2. wow... you have.. way too much code!!! try this: <button onmouseover="this.innerHTML = 'Changed now!'" onmouseout="this.innerHTML = 'Change this!'">Change this!</button> That would change back and forth from "Change this!" to "Changed now!".If you want it to change like a background picture replace .innerHTML with .style.background-image = 'url("urlofimage")'
  3. Yes your english is very well.. Lol, no offence! But its not the best. try this: lol.But yea, maybe we should split it up when everyone is on the project.
  4. reportingsjr


    that is really wierd! Maybe it has something to do with it just stopping the while after it sees that the index.php didnt get put out..
  5. You will need to use preg_replace, I recommend going to php.net and searching the functions list for that, it will help you!
  6. reportingsjr


    You shouldnt have to. I dont see why you would have to anyways. if you put in your if statement another "$file = "index.php" " it should work, so if it isnt index.php it will display. What problems are you having anyways?
  7. reportingsjr


    So you want to exclude index.php from showing or do you want it deleted or what? you if with the filenames should exclude it from echoing out so you shouldnt have a problem!
  8. Hmmm.. I live in est.. I think thats like 7ish or something for me?Maybe the initial meeting should be on a friday or something? People usualyl dont work sundays so, that should allow everyone to be allowed to get on pretty late and allow for a full meeting.But if you are in school like me, (im a freshmen in highschool) then we cant nessicarily stay on late considering getting up at 7AM for school plus people who work usually get to work at 8 or 9 pm.
  9. Do you have any idea what was wrong? Was it just that you were using mysql for the extension when it was really mysqli? (How exactly are those two different, ive never used mysqli, only mysql..)
  10. Im pretty sure that it is one of the standard ones, ive had some issues with it before.. I tried it one time, it worked great, then I tried again and didnt work at all! Try the isfunction() to see if it exists on your server (right function correct? I forget what it is exactly).
  11. If you want you could also use SSI (Server Side Includes). This can be done easily with HTML. I saw a thing on it before where it can get the weekday if you have two tags, not as complex and alot less code... Im not sure about the month though. I bet you can.. Just search HTML includes on google and look at them all until you find it!
  12. I have seen joomla before.. It was a while ago, like half a year ago? I dont really want to do the forum, guestbook, or blog. Just because they have been in PHP probably dozens of times, I would like to create something that not many other people have done! Maybe we need some new creative ideas on the poll?
  13. Well, it all depends.. doctypes are just so validators know what type of HTML you want to validate.. they wont change the look of your page or anything. You dont really need this, but if you do validate you will need it!the closing of an <li> tag is pretty much the same, it should be closed if you are using strict html, and maybe later in time the browsers will make it so you must close it.. I would recommend closing them though...
  14. Hmm, could it be like an entire website with features built in with it and such? Because thats what I would like to do, make a very ineractive site for users.. not one where you just read it all... Im not sure now =\
  15. Ah great! I thought it would be more of a system for controling a site, like an admin center, where you can have users and stuff like that =\.Im going to go look at that again, so aspnetguy when I post what I want can you change it please? Sorry..EDIT: okay, I voted for CMS, full one, and I would like to change to forum! So sorry! Big misunderstanding!!
  16. None of them really sound exactly appealing to me now.. Except the CMS, which I know have no clue what it is. Could someone please explain what it is?
  17. You are probably better off emailing one of the refnes, they dont visit the forum often, like 2 times a year. So just email this to them and they will probably fix it!EDIT: okay, Kaijim visits it a few times a month.. sorry =\. I guess I never see any of the admins on..
  18. root would be the main default user for your mysql, you can log into it and change it if you need, it should have been an option to change when you instaled mysql..
  19. I think thise is wrong:if ($data['password'] != $password) {I dont see an array called data.. and if you are trying to use $_GET or $_POST then this is wrong, you can use $_REQUEST for this but thats a bad idea considering people can use mysql injection with that.. also around everything going into mysql use mysql_real_escape_string like so:$query = mysql_query("SELECT username,password FROM portkey_table WHERE username = '{mysql_real_escape_string($username)}'")
  20. phpMyAdmin isnt actually all too bad, but I guess you could go with making your own MySQL center.. Its sounds like your username. are you sure its root?
  21. Thats what im saying, maybe a bacxkground or something too.. Not the entire thing made out of graphics!
  22. holmed, what you are saying seems wrong to me...jpg and .jpeg are both accepted, also they can be either all caps or all lowercase..Also, .htm and .html are the same exact thing, but when the .htm extension came out they shortened it to the standard for that time, which was 4 characters, the first being a period. They are both accepted as a standard, and unless someone changes the setting for it they will stay that way.
  23. No, three weeks is too short.. I say 5-6 weeks, that way the project will at least be pretty nice... We might need some graphics people too though?
  24. Lol, ill pass on the year part.. maybe . But maybe the project should be like 6 weeks.. that wouldnt get too boring.I hope I dont get nominated I dont really want to be a manager (if I do get nominated, which I highly doubt will happen, please take me off!).
  25. Maybe we should extend the project deadline a bit.. We dont want this to be a waste, we want it to be a nice powerful product.I say it should be like a community place where people can upload photos and files, and there will be a forum and such.. just things you would want to use often. Since we already know PHP is most likely going to be the main lagnuage, im definetly in for the backend coding. I just cant wait to start!!!
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