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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. are you looking for wmode="transparent"?
  2. please use this post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1489thanks
  3. hi and welcome to the forum.what you want to do is not that uncommon. first, lets make it clear that you are correct in your assumption that you will need a database to do this. furthermore, you will have to build it so that it can accommodate the entire purchasing process - customer information, production information, order information, etc.once that is in place, then creating reports on historical purchases is as easy as querying the database for that information - the tricky part is to get the who ordering process down and coded first - then worry about reports.
  4. technically speaking, you do not NEED a domain name. All a domain name does is make it easier to find your site. Think of it like this:website IP address is the same as saying the street address to your houseand your domain name is the same as saying FireDragon's Houseno matter what, I eventually need your street address to find your house - just like a computer eventually needs to know the IP address of the website you are trying to load. Once you've been to either place, it is easier to refer to it as mydomain.com or "hey, lets go to FireDragon's house for beer and football". Can you imagine having to say "Hey, lets goto the house at 12345 My Street in MySmallTown, FL 98745 for beer and pizza"?thats thats the difference. so, no, if you set up your own web server at home, then you do NOT necessarily have to have a domain name poiting to it.however, here are the two things to consider:a.) unless you pay for a static IP address, the one assigned will eventually change. how are you going to manage that?b.) how are people going to remember your site - do you expect most people to say "dude check out that site at, its wicked cool man" - not likely.finally, none of this even considers the risk you take by opening your local home grown network (and everything on it) to the outside world.IF you intend to go through with this, I would hope that it is only for a very select few folks that you simple what to share stuff with - I do this with my home PC just for the sake of testing certain applications before I move them into a live environment.
  5. no - all domains MUST be paid for. there are only free domain name pointing services
  6. Skemcin


  7. Skemcin

    Amazing sites

    google is the only search engine that has the technology to spider a SWF file. Whenever you publish a flash file, the "Create HTML" will produce a comment tag in the HTML file that is made up of any meta data and text tool content used in the flash file.that is good and bad - more like meaningless is most repsects since the comment tags have nothing to support their relevance, there is little for the typical search engine to weigh the page on. So, it looks like a good thing, but more or less irrelevent.if you decide to make a site that primarily or entirely runs off of flash, make sure you leave money in your budget for Google AdWords cuz your index ranking will suffer.here are a few classics (flash finds):http://www.stickpage.com/http://www.newsandentertainment.com/zFxaioxaio9.html
  8. Well, the function is being called. One way to check this is to simply put an alert statement in there like this: <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function MouseOver(){test.visibility="hidden";// alert('MouseOver');}function MouseOut(){test.style.visibility="visible";// alert('MouseOut');}</script></head><body><div id="test" onmouseover="MouseOver()" onmouseout="MouseOut()"><a name="test" target="_blank">Peter S.</a></div></body></html> Of course, mine is commented out. But if you un comment that code and run it, you will get both alert statements.I took the mouse over/out commands out in to the div in an effort to see if the browser was just not able to appy this function to an anchor - just like you can't assign an anchor text a certain width - so maybe it cannot be turned on and off like a <div> can.But this seems to have fail since this code too doen't do what I think you want it to do
  9. Skemcin

    SQL data loss

    the only thing that comes to the top of my head, without knowing anything else about your situation, would be to check your db size and see if it exceeds the maximum your host allows. Also, make sure that your database size restriction includes nothing else.. In other words, your 1MB DB could still be in violation if your FTP space is counted together and that is 500MB - for instance.
  10. Well I appreciate the feedback Taviii. But in my defense there are two important factors that led to that design. First, 60% of that site still uses legacy code - that is code that was created by the previous contracted vendor. Second, if you look closely at the site, you'll notice that only the shell of the site is coded in a table. All the internal sections and columns are all CSS. In fact, the site has three themes that a logged in user is assigned which are all CSS based.However, if you really want a good example of how not to code a site and one that is table intensive, look at "Fall 2003" on my portfolio page, Corvette Collection. Now that is a site that haunts my dreams from time to time. Aside from the tables, I got transparent spacer gif ALL over the place.All in all, it comes down to newbman mentions, it is hard to code a site entirely in CSS so that it can function and appeal to all the right people - mainly those paying for it.I'm pretty confident that if anyone were to look around the web to any of the more popular sites, they are all using tables. Until sites like yahoo.com, amazon.com, or even a minority of the fortune 500 sites are coded entirely in CSS, I won't feel like I am doing an injustice to me, my clients, or the rest of the web development community.(here is a link to Fortune 500 sites)
  11. Its important to understand tha BMW got banned for a combination of manipulations, that being javascript masked text, repetitive/irrelative content and excessive use of doorway pages. And that was only the germain domain - bmw.de. So you can still google bmw to death and get tons of results, just that domain has an index of zero. Here is a good article that explains it all:http://blog.outer-court.com/archive/2006-02-01-n31.htmlAnyway, I think a search engine tutorial would be a good addition. Conceptually, it is as basic as boen_robot outlines. However, there is much more to the implementation and maintenance of good search engine positioning. In fact, SEO is a HUGE commitment to make and depending on your site's reason for existing, might not even be worth it.Its the later point that would need to be emphasized in the tutorial. I've dealt with large corporations and small mom/pop shops. And their respective SEO plans are completely different - if at all even in existance. For instance, a small mom/pop ski shop in the mid-atlantic region has no real need to worry about SEO. They need to focus more on conventional marketing techniques to drive visitors to their site. Too many people assume that because you have a website you have to have good search engine positioning - and that is not true. Another example, iribbit.net, I have no reason to worry about search engine positioning. I am one small needle in the very large haystack we call earth. So people have to understand the SEO is global - it is not local. Therefore, there are two things you HAVE to assume to make things work.a.) your keywords and content have enough relevance to identify your geographic target marketb.) your potential customers are internet savy enough to realize that they have to use more elaborate keywords to narrow their search - "real estate attorney" vs. "real estate attorney chicago, il"There are so many reasons why and how to create good SEO. It really is not as simple as using <h1> and <h2> tags, writing good copy, and submitting your site. And that's why I would support a good SEO Tutorial.
  12. just like any other tag that contains the word frame, when planned for, used, and implemented correctly a frame can be very powerful. I've used it in the past for "plugging" applications into third party hosts. Say I have built and application that they want in their site, I can code my page to be called in a borderless iframe and when placed on their site with the proper height and width, no one would know it was there unless you viewed the source - especially when you consider my application is driven by a dynamic user defined stylesheet that allows the user to apply a look and feel that matches their site.My first implementation of this concept was done years ago for a hobby site I created:http://www.1lifeservers.com/cfm/infoapp-codecreator.cfm(the default IP is old, use this one: then apply some colors to match your site and paste my code - my application gets run (seemlessly) in your website.)This, as I mentioned is old and crude. Now, I do not pass all the information in the URL like I do there. Now I just pass an account ID and have teh page look up all the information it needs to dynamically create the stylesheet.So, frames can be very powerful if used correctly, but they are not neccessarily the only way to go as previously mentioned.lol - my forum was hacked recently - this site is so old I don't even check it anymore - HAH - I had to unhack it three months ago.
  13. The follow post seems to be covering this in a little more detail:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=760
  14. graphic designer = creates graphical and/or multimedia images web designer = primary role is to develop/outline the user interface, ditacte navigation and overall structure of the site and application contained within - they do not necessarily do any graphical work or coding work web builder = never heard it used but could only assume that it is the same as a developer but maybe only specific to client site languages web developer = someone who codes the web applications in any given language - asp, php, cold fusion, javascript, (x)html, etc. The important thing is to understand the subtle difference between a graphic designer and a web designer. Although they often are the same person, they are stil two distintive roles. Without a web design, the graphic designer would have no direction. There are plenty of situations where a site is designed well before the graphics are even introduced into the picture.So, chronologically, it goes:1.) web design2.) graphic design3.) web development
  15. Skemcin

    HTML Form POST

    I can't speak for PHP specifically, but Cold Fusion does pass the button information. I quite often check the value of the form buttons (what ever the "name" attribute is" and base my actions on them.(form page)<cfinput type="submit" name="update" value "update"><cfinput type="submit" name="delete" value "delete">(action page)<cfif ISDEFEINED("form.update")>(update record)<cfelseif ISDEFEINED("form.delete")>(delete record)<cfelse>(no action performed - return to page)</cfif>I imagine the same concept would apply to ASP and PHP - someone else here might help you more specifically. In the meantime, I'd try sniffing for it in a similar way.Hope that helped.
  16. thanks guys. and yes, those sites were designed and development by me. I still maintain them to this day as well.after a while, you learn a thing or two about what user interfaces work for certain types of sites. I basically look at each site like a three ring binder with a table of contents in the front (parent navigation) and then each application of the site as one of the little tabs in that 3-ring notebook. I start simple and force my clients to keep it that way unless they can more or less prove that it needs to be more complicated.
  17. practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, and then a little more practice.but what you really learn from is good cross browser and cross platform testing - then you get to understand what part of the languages work best for the most scenarios.
  18. XML can very easily replace a simple flat database. But xml will never be able to offer the additional functionality that database system provides.Examples of how xml can replace a database are really all around. Although RSS, as boen_robot mentions, is a good example of xml being used like a portable database, it is actually quite the opposite. RSS was evented from already databased information. Data was exported into a specific format (RSS standard) in order to share the data between different database types.Anyway, you could take something like the phone numbers stored in your cell phone - most likely all XML. Would make sense to have them database in something, but XML is perfect for that - no need to have heavy database applications installed on your cell phone - just a small text file and some hardware programmed to read and write to the text file.So, your website could conceivably have all your friends phone numbers store in an XML file. Using XSL, you can easily display that information in simple web page - no server side scripting needed and no database needed either.
  19. I've been a professional developer since 1998. But, like anyone else is my profession, I moonlight side jobs all the time.
  20. Skemcin


    there is no way to catch the user when the click File/Exit or when they click the X in the upper right hand corner of the browser window.The onunload attribute will, as you has discovered, always execute when the page is left. You could write some script so that it will only trigger when you click a link that is not a link to a page on your site.
  21. Skemcin

    RSS Feed.

    Hi,Welcome to w3schools and to our discussion forum. I'll try to answer your question as directly as possible, just let me know if you need more explanation.Yes, your code does satisfy the minimum requirements for RSS v2.0. Save it as a .xml file and upload it to your server. The URL will depend on a couple things. If you call the file abcdefg.xml and put it on your root - then your RSS feed can be found at http://www.yourdomain.com/abcdefg.xml. If you want the URL to be http://www.yourdomain.com/rss then you will have to set the default file to load for the RSS folder to be what ever file name you assign your feed. Either way, when you are done, you can always validate your code here:http://feedvalidator.org/This is an example of the latest feed I created:http://www.pedialink.org/_rss/news-rss.cfmI use a server side scripting language (Cold Fusion) to generate my RSS - that is why mine ends with .cfm. Although it is not an XML file, the Cold Fusion server, just like an asp or php page, can return the content as an XML mime type.One thing you will want to do is, on the webpage that shows the news, place the laternate source tag so that smart browsers and applications can tell the visitor that the informaiton is alternately available in and RSS feed:<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="http://www.pedialink.org/_rss/news-rss.cfm" />Let me know if you have any other questions.
  22. Skemcin

    Very Strange

    this is interesting.IE and Opera both give you the 4040 page not found page without redirecting. FF looks to pick the first search result it find (from maybe google) and takes you there. Netscape doesn't do the "I'm Feeling Lucky" auto redirect and simply conducts a search on their site.Definitely a browser configuration issue.
  23. I was trying to be funny. I was just thinking how funny it would be if it were an option of languages to translate in google's Translater Tool:http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en
  24. Skemcin

    table problem

    good to see you found the problem and sorry no one was able to assist you. We rarely delete posts - each one is a resource to the other.I'm glad you were curtious enough to post your solution - thanks:)
  25. wouldn't that be interesting to see that show up in the google translation toolslol
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