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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin

    VB Script sucks

    I have issued warnings to G1337 for trolling and use of inapproriate language - this type of behavior will not be tolerated here.
  2. Skemcin

    Please help

    stay on topic please . . . any conversation about IE being worth anything is trolling.
  3. there are several ways to do this, most commonly it is done with javascript but it can be done with CSS. a.tooltip { z-index:24; color:#FF5E2F; position:relative; border-bottom:1px dashed #FF5E2F; text-decoration:none;}a.tooltip:hover { z-index:25; color:#7a7a7a; border-bottom:1px dashed #7a7a7a; text-decoration:none;}a.tooltip span { display:none;}a.tooltip:hover span { position:absolute; top:2em; left:0em; border:1px solid #F0D070; padding:3px; display:block; width:245px; color:#D0A010; background-color:#FFFFE4;}On the text you want to tooltip you add a link (HREF) with a hidden SPAN tag, like so: <a class="tooltip" href="#">This text is shown and gets a tooltip<span>This text is shown on hovering the link</span></a>
  4. I can appreciate your enthusiasm about XML and I agree to a point that it will find its way into many more applications in the future. But it will, by no means, replace a database system as you elude to - it simply can't. It is simply a structured based, stand alone way of formatting data. It needs something else to be worth anything, it needs a XSLT or a server side scripting language in order to do anything with it. A database, like Sequel Server, has a number of additional capabilities that XMl simply does not and cannot have - mainly saved queries (views), user defined functions, stored procedures, etc. Plus, there is little security in an XML, if your web page is accessing it then there is a good chance a simple hack can manipulate it - thats not the case with a database.Don't get me wrong, I love XML and I love the applications I use it in, but there are very few situations where XML can solely replace a database.
  5. Skemcin

    Shopping cart

    I would suggest that you first analyze exactly what requirements you have for your shopping cart. Take those requirements and search teh web for a solution that already exists. There is eay to much to learn and way to many places to make mistakes for this to be your first real asserted effort - you are dealing with peoples money which means if something goes wrong you will get sued. I do not mean to sound negative, but Iam just trying to make sure you make a realistic choice.Having said that, if you are interested in asp, php, cold fusion, mysql, and even ms sql, implementing and manipulating an existing application will be just as much of an educational experience.If you are going to build a cart from scratch, you really need to already know what you are doing - no offense.
  6. Skemcin

    Search engine search

    SEO - search engine optimization is based on a combination of many things. As Xenon mentions you will need to have the proper meta data in place on each of your pages - and they should be specific to that page. But there really is a fine art to making this really work.Basically, there are three principles involved - your content, your code, and your popularity. Please understand that I am just giving a high level overview of this, each site and case has particular specifics that dictate different stategies.Your Content - the content within your site is indeed what search engines crawl through. The content is indexed and matched up with your meta tags and given some relevency accordingly. So you have to look at your title and header tags, your body text, keyword prominance and density, meta tags, robots.txt, alternate text, url/filenames, and even special characters. Any manipulation of this, especially to the extreme, can easily penalize you and even ban you. Of course, the goal is the opposite, so the correct manipulation and implementation can provide the extremely favorable results.Your Code - the way your code is written can play a huge role in you ability to show up in search engines. Certain bells and whistles can hurt you - the over use of flash and javascript are the most popular user enhancements that can effect your SEO. You also have to consider how the use of frames effects the ability to spider your site just as much as looking at how your dynamic pages are generated. Each have caveats that can restrict search engines from moving through your site.Your Popularity - this is probably the area that is gets deprived the most. Search engines actually look at your keywords and meta tags as an alternative to the real way they rank your site. The real way they rank your site is in popularity. The easiest way to illustrate this is for you to think of something you need - say a car mechanic. The first thing you would do is ask a friend, "who do you trust to fix your car". And your friend would hopefully refer one to you. Depending on how much your trust that friend or how you feel about the referral, you might ask someone else. If they happen to refer the same mechanic, your chances of choosing that one increases. If you ask another person, and the same mechanic is referred again, well then you become more and more convinced that is the guy/gal to go with. Now, if no one knew anyone, then you would resort to the yellow pages and then tab through automotive, then repair, then maybe a specialist like mufflers. Search engine work exactly the same way - they work off of referrals. So the more links you have pointing to your site will make search engines and humans believe that the content with in is relevent and trustworthy - just like that mechanic that got all those references. So that is why big sites show up in search engines, because people link to them and a good site will have content that links to itself....and this doesn't even go into the post-go-live strategies and other best practices.(where should I send the invoice)
  7. thanks for finding and posting the solution - sorry I was not aware of that attribute.
  8. never goto a production environment with a beta product
  9. been there and done that. most of these services are affiliate leased providers - someone selling someone elses hosting space. the end resutls is horrible support, horrible stability, and a waste of your time. there are many paid services that do not cost that much more and will stand behind their service 100% 24hrs a day. many, who know me, will be surprised that I didn't drop the name, ok, I can't resist - crystaltech.com. they are one of the highest rated hosting providers out there and their rates are unbeatable next to their service. over the last 3 years I have migrated all 30+ client sites to their servers and have never had any issue that ever made me consider leaving them.you get what you pay for - any many of you younger folks may see that as a cliche, but as you experience things, you begin to understand why there is such a thing.
  10. its a browser "feature" - there is nothing you can do to prevent that other than code your form in flash.
  11. Skemcin

    hack this site

    please read our posting rules - we do not tolerate any reference to hacking - we don't care if it is for "educational" purposes. what would you be educating yourself to do?sorry
  12. I can agree with a lot of what boen_robot says. One particular thing to point out is that RSS is not a language since it is XML, it is a convention - but nonetheless his point is clearly made and valid.A university should develop programs that introduce individuals to a variety of options that when put together create a career path - and it should be left up to the indivudal to choose it. So, a program could be setup like this: Project Planning/Management Web Design Graphic Design Web Development Testing/Implementation Marketing Managing Feedback and Change (off the top of my head mind you)I think there shoudl be a distinction made between server side and client side options and tools when it comes to development.Two side notes:a.) Here is some related and interesting information:http://www.tiobe.com/tpci.htmb.) International hosting should the last resort first because of service (as boen_robot points out) but more importantly because their "middle of the night" maintenance downtime is often the peak of your business day - and I am speaking from experience.:-(
  13. pay for it - unless you find an actual photographer that will work for free - you will have to pay for it in some way or another - now or down the road.
  14. First, welcome to the forums - glad you found your way here.:)1.) This is a pretty broad response given that the term "design" is very often misused in this industry. I elaborate on that in this post:Designer/ builder/ developer, What's the difference?In any respect, I see your question more relating to the things one would use to create the best web based user interface. My response to that would include things specific to graphic design and user testing. For graphic design, you would need products like (or similar to) Adobe Photoshop, Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Flash, and another graphic design resources (photo CDs, sound loops, etc.). From a testing perspective, an interface designer would need to consider connection speeds, browser plugin/downloads/extension availability, security, and user testing software/hardware configuration.2.) For those who might not know, RIA stands for Rich Internet Applications. Flex is at the forefront of this development. I would recommend, in addition to what you mention, that you introduce folks to Cold Fusion. It offers a seemless and very powerful extention to Flex. So much information is out there, but this guy is the official CF Flex guru:Ben Forta3.) I think there is no question that RIA will be a huge hit. Already you have cell phones that have better luck rendering flash applications than standard XHTML simply due to the vector based graphics. If you combine the right RIA developers with the right RIA designers you will nolonger have retail stores - you'll be buying everything from the palm of your hand.(imo)
  15. go to your local library - if you just want to see whats happening. if you need to develop and make change during this process, then follow jonas' suggestions.
  16. testing testing and testing. there is no real straight froward way to answer your question. each browser has their own little quirks on each operating system platform. Each operating platform browser versions can also have subtle differences.The cleanest design that is HTML compliant will be your safest bet. Not too many tables and not completely reliant on CSS will typically give you the most compatible look and feel. Not to say it can't be done exclusively in CSS or even HTML for that matter - but a combination of both would give you the result you are looking for.Here is a site I recently built that took some platform and browser specific tweaks to get a uniform look and feel - http://www.pedialink.org
  17. <cfquery name="qryGetMyStuff" datasource="mydsn">SELECT *FROM mytablenameWHERE xxxx LIKE 'yyyyyy'</cfquery><cfform action="destinationpage.cfm" method="post">...<cfselect name="myoptions"><option value="">-- select one --<cfoutput query="qryGetMyStuff"><option value="field_key_value">field_display_name</cfoutput></cfselect>...</cfform>
  18. use BBedit for the mac - it isthe most popular text editor you can find - and it supports HTML coding.
  19. you'll have to use javascript or make a frameset page for every combination
  20. seeing your code will help, but make sure you are using the border="0" attribute.but your content will dictate alot of what happens in the frame. post a URL(web address) so we can look at what you are doing.and welcome to the w3schools forum. there seems to always be someone online, so being in china shouldn't make too much of a difference.
  21. try this:<option value="red" style="background-color:#00FF00">Röd</option><option value="green" style="background-color:#FF0000">Grön</option><option value="yellow" style="background-color:#FFFF00">Gul</option>OR<option value="red" style="color:#00FF00">Röd</option><option value="green" style="color:#FF0000">Grön</option><option value="yellow" style="color:#FFFF00">Gul</option>and make sure you close your <option> tag after each item.
  22. Skemcin

    Help me

    this forum caters to internet development, you might find a helpful response on another site - sorry.
  23. I can't say I got a laugh out of this - its almost like laughing at contestants in the special olympics
  24. I'd go with either:http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sample16gz.jpgorhttp://img240.imageshack.us/my.php?image=concept25ny.jpgBoth have obvious navigation and simple layouts. The first might offer a little more flexibilty because of its left column, but that wouldn't be so hard to add to the second one either. I'd stretch both designs out to 750 pixels wide - they seem a little narrow. But they are great choices.This one (http://img202.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sample29yu.jpg) is too pink and therefore implies the PTA is focusing on women. Fathers need to be and are involved and I, personally, would have a hard time visiting that site if it were my PTA.The navigation in this one (http://img122.imageshack.us/my.php?image=concept19gk.jpg) is tucked away in the corner. I recently redeveloped a site for a client who's site had its parent navigation in the upper right hand corner almost exactly like that - people hated it. People want to see the parent navigation, they don;t want to look for it - especially for this type of site.
  25. as far as I know, you will still need some sort fo serer side scripting langauge to manipulate the XML document. Be it ASP. PHP, Cold Fusion, or even an attached Java APi - the text that is in the document has to be processed by something.this may help some?http://dev2dev.bea.com/pub/a/2004/01/returningXMLbeans.html
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