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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin


    having your page load in an SSL will only send the information collected from the client to the server in an encrypted format. if your application is programmed to take that information and then send it in an email - then no encryption takes place. So SSL doesn't resolve your entire issue.I've built a tool in Cold Fusion that I've used many times for many clients. Basically, a form (loaded in an SSL) page collects information. My action page then runs the various fields of imformation through one of the encrypting functions that Cold Fusion offers. Then, take the encrypted content and send that to the intended recipient. If it gets intercepted, there would be nothing the person could do. Lastly, I built a form on our server that decrypts the content. So, the recipient copies and pastes the email's contents into this page (again loaded in SSL) and when submitted the original information is discovered. The decryption tool is tucked behind the firewall and is protected with a server level login.
  2. Duplicate Post, please go here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1590
  3. Duplicate Post - please go here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1590
  4. ok. I guess this has gone long enough . . . ...THE EASTER EGG IS..........................................................................................photoshop
  5. Skemcin


    Try this: <table width="800" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top">Content above the subnavigation iframe<br /><br /><iframe src="subnavigation.htm" name="subnavigation" width="150" height="339" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" /><br /><br />Content below the subnavigation iframe<br /></td><td valign="top">Content above the content iframe<br /><br /><iframe src="content.htm" name="content" width="550" height="339" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" /><br /><br />Content below the content iframe<br /></td></tr></table> However, if your content on top of either side is longer than the other, then your <iframes> will not start at teh same point. to get around this, just add a row at the top with two columns and/or a row at the bottom.
  6. Skemcin


    Specifies a summary of the table for speech-synthesizing/non-visual browsers.re: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_table.asp
  7. Here's a simple sight that has a simple script that should help you along after to read this to understand the concept:http:///www.deepcreeklakebreezmotel.com navigation on left is javascript rollover menu for each menu item, there are two images - an on and an off image - these are all stored in a "rollover" folder - not your images folder the wbe page calls a javascript file called "rollover.js" which has two components. The first simply take one image and replaces it with another. The second is the list of images it uses to do the replacements. now, the web page itself has the images defined and in each image there is a name attribute that tells the javascript which image in its list belongs to which rollover effect. now that the javascript is defined with your images and your images are labeled to be associated with the script, your anchor tags just need help in your anchor tag that you wrap around each image, you'll add onmouseover and onmouseout attributes as you have already figuired out. For this script, you use the function SwitchImage and then tell the script whihc image to use and which on to replace it with. So, view the source of the page I gave you. Then check out the javascript used as well.You should be able to peice everything to gether there.Good luck.
  8. even easier: <html><head><title>Home Page</title><body><form><input type="button" value="King Karlssen HomePage" onclick="document.location='http://www.kingkarlssen.net';"><br></form></body></html>
  9. glad to help - trade the desktop in for a laptop - its for school (w3school that is).
  10. smiles - why do you hijack other peoples posts. you half attenpt to answer the questions, then ask your own question which leads to the initial question being left out. I'll leave this hear for now. If the original author's question gets lost, the thread will be split.
  11. now add some javascript to dynamically change the values for positioning and you have movement - since you said "moves an image left and right " in your original post. If you just need to reposition it, then the examples provided with suffice.
  12. you mean a form button or an image button?can you paste the code that didn;t work so we can see what might be wrong?
  13. yep:)I'd make sure the target is a new window, so you dn't have folks accidently closing the file and your site when they were just interested in closing the file . . . <a href="xxxxxx.xxx" target="_blank">download xxxxxx here</a>
  14. Skemcin

    IE sucks!

    it's not a bug, its a feature - gosh, when are you guys gonna get it right.
  15. why not just call the AVI and MOV files directly?if you want to move them into flash, version 7 has the easier way of doing this. You can actually make a small SWF and then call the AVI or MOV file into it without directly importing it - liek you used to.you can see how its done here:http://video.google.comSorry, I can't tell you exactly how to do it - but hopefully gets you in the right direction.
  16. Skemcin


    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top"><iframe src="frame2.htm" name="subnavigation" width="150" height="339" framespacing="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" border="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" /><br /></td><td valign="top"><iframe src="frame2.htm" name="subnavigation" width="150" height="339" framespacing="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" border="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" /><br /></td></tr></table>
  17. yeah, expanding on real_illusion's reply . . . anything that you want to act as a "download" would be anything that a web browser cannot process. If a browser knows what to do with a file, i.e. jpg gif html, then it will render it - otherwise it will prompt the user to download.Of course, this can very from browser to browser and therefore user to user. If I do not have PDF installed, then I'll be prompted to download. But, if I have PDF plug-in installed, the file will get loaded in my browser. keep that in mind.
  18. Even the latest web phones, like the Treo, only have a color screen resolution of 320x320. This means that it will be very hard to create a one size fits all site - especially with CSS.Since phone browsers still vary so much, its best to program in WML and that will require a seperate set of pages. However, if you are approaching things correctly and you plan everything well, Server Side Includes (SSI) can save your day.For example, the site I recently built had to accommodate regular web browsers and phone browsers so this is what I did. First, I sniffed the browser type and set a session variable that tells me if I am on a mobile device or regular web. From that, all my SSI files were dynamically determined based on the first session variable. Each of those SSI files was coded twice, once for regular web and once for phone - with this client I was lucky since it was a appliation specifically design fro salesmaen in the field - not general public - so I could program for one phone, the Treo 6500. And my content - which I had to pay very close attention to - was using same application (dynamic or static) for both.So everything, including DOC TYPE was part of my header SSI.Again, it takes planning, good planning. The amount of time you alot for planning should be equal to the alotted time for development. If you follow this rule of thumb, you'll be ok.
  19. They created this image:http://widgets.yahoo.com/images/headers/generic_header.gifand then set that as the background in a div. Then, they used an unordered list aligning horizontally to lay the links over top.So, to recreate the image above, two thing would be done in photoshop.a.) paint fill your space all blackb.) use the gradient tool with white and black and start a little out side the top boundry and drag/release your gradient tool half way down your canvas.
  20. you should never not allow font size changes - its not good practice - old, blind, and partial blind people surf the web too you know.
  21. Homesite was basically Cold Fusion Studio without the Cold Fusion language support. When Cold Fusion 4.5 moved to 5.0, the stopped making Cold Fusion Studio and Homesite since all their combined functionality was added to Dreamweaver.I still think Dreamweaver is the best - use it only in Code Mode and you're set - not too overwhelming.
  22. post your URL in your profile and/or signature.disguise your intent to show off by asking a question or by seeking feedback on your design . . . :)For instance, I might ask you if you have ever heard of RSS. I just implemented some code on my site and I love it . . . http://www.iribbit.net/news.cfmP.S. Please do this moderately - I do not want to see everyone of your post say, I solved this problem on my site, here . . .I'm really more joking that serious.So, to be serious . . . start a thread called - SHOW ME YOUR SITE.and if feedback is good, then it might be a sticky!
  23. make sure you are using "Code Mode" so that you can be certain things are going where you want them to go.Post some of your code or your URL so we can have a look.
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