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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. in the <img> tags, you do not need the "px" defined - thats just CSS. Add a <br> tag after the image. That will make sure the browser knows you are all done with the line.Try that and let me know.You could also set the hspace="0" to be sure, but that won't make a difference.
  2. you can't unfortunately. but you can create your own image and try to use absolute positioning to lay over top the browse button. Then add an onclick function to reproduce its function.
  3. you do not use the <img> tag to call a flash file, you use the <object> and <embed> tags.The easiest ting to do is in Flash, set your publish settings to SWF and HTML. It will create the HTML fro you. So publish it, then grab the source code from the HTMl file Flash makes.
  4. I found the programmers easter egg: :)
  5. http://n.ethz.ch/student/mkos/pinguin.swf
  6. some browsers will do this - so make sure your width is set in your <table> and your <td> or <th>. Then make sure the last thing you do in any <td> or <th> is place a <br> there - it will ensure that you won't have extra white space.if all else fails, you can adopt the bandwidth hogging old school method which is take a 1x1 transparent pixel gif and set it to the width you want and make it the first or (my preference was) the last code in the table cell.
  7. It is very much valid but in XHTML 1.0 is being replaced with "id".It is VERY powerful as it identifies the element in a unique way - seperating it from just being another <table> or <tr>. Javascript uses the attribute most heavily.<table> vs. <table name="testscores">The second one allows me visually and programmatically single out that table from all the other <table> on the page. If each were assigned a name, then its easier to identify them. Think of it like naming your children - if you don't give the one, then how are you gonna tell them to shut up!!
  8. <object . . . wmode="transparent">
  9. <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" /><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
  10. Are you saying that you want to stream video or still images from a particular location - say your backyard - to your website?I created a site years ago that captured still images of a ski area and every 15 minutes would FTP them to the website I built for the area. I can give an overview as to how that was done, but I am not sure if it is exactly what you're after.Can you be a little more specific with your requirement?Thanks
  11. As far as still images, you are really only limited to .gif, .jpg, and .png. There are similarities in .gif and .png where .jpg is sort of on its own.This is what I do:.jpg - only used for more photo realistic images/graphics - usually compressed at 60% but often don't compress it at all if its less than 300px wide..gif - used for any layout graphic which is made from scratch and would typically be composed of less than 1000 colors..png - never use simply because I understand it to not be supported by several browsers and its not an official web mime type file - so there is not standard that justifies its use.
  12. sweet - glad you all like it. I was pretty happy when I found all the elements to make that script - took a few google hours but it's proven quite worth the time since its been running since June of 2005 on a site that sees 21,000 uniques users a week.
  13. First off, you should be coding manually - otherwise you'll leaving yourself open to doing more work in the long run - I prefer Dreamweaver.Photoshop has a well known reputation on any platform for being the best graphics and photo editing software.
  14. What Chocolate570 posts will work fine, but the only problem there is that it doesn't reset the timer if you move your mouse or scroll down the page. If your site has a lot of content or you are worried about someone walking away and coming back yu can use this: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">//////////////////////////////// session timeout redirect ////////////////////////////////var seconds=1200;function countDown() { if(seconds<=0) { document.location.href="xxxxxx.xxx"; } seconds--; window.setTimeout("countDown()",1000); }function resetCounter() { seconds=1200;}</script> Replace xxxxxx.xxx with the page that you want people to be redirected to when you time expires. I have this set to goto my log out function and the time is the same length as my overall user session - so that they sinc up and no one gets a session timeout error. <body onload="countDown()" onchange="resetCounter()" onmousemove="resetCounter()" onclick="resetCounter()" onScroll="resetCounter()">
  15. Skemcin


    This will require a server side scripting language like php, asp, or cold fusion. Therefore, make sure your hosting service provides it and find out what other related service it offers - like the database type that you will use to store the polled information.Google something like "web poll download" or "php poll download" or "asp poll download", or "cold fusion poll download" - or maybe even something else. But research the web for existing applications that you can download and install - otherwise, learn one of the languages already mentioned and build your own.
  16. Skemcin

    FLASH Versus HTML

    Flash is probably the most misused web software out there. But, it works wonders if correctly incorporated into a site design. I prefer to use HTML all the time unless there is a design element or requirement that only flash can accommodate.I never store content in flash that I want search engines to see. Although Google is the only spider that can get to the flash text, its not enough to rely on.So its only something I use when the client asks for it.HOWEVER. When Cold Fusion 7 was launched, server side flash has given me more options. I know use the Cold Fusion 7 Server Side Flash Forms to create most of my online forms. Coding web forms in Flash makes them virtually unhackable. No worries about hidden fields be ing hacked or target pages being sniffed out - its all in the swf file - and you cant hack a server side flash remote form like those created in Cold Fusion 7.
  17. when you define your GetURL, there is an attribute in Flash for target - use that just like you would in HTML.
  18. start by incorporating google's site search, just like w3schools.com does. This will start to get you to understand how a searcj tool works. Then, you can start to figure out how you might change your approach - by using search software like Verity (included with cold fusion) or by using a combination of scripting languages and database like boen_robot suggests.
  19. Stylesheets over will always get applied at the end of the file being loaded. So, even though you start in the <head> with a red <h1> because you later redefine the <h1> to purple, it will (theoritically in a split second) change the <h1> from red to purple - again the HTML gets loaded, then the CSS gets applied, so moving down the page it reads and applies red, then purple.Personally, defining more than one <head> and <body> is not the way to go - code to standards, don't let Microsoft's mentality (making your own rules) get to you too much.As for a solution, it would help to understand a little more about why you would even need to redefine the <h1> tag half way through your document. If anything, you define <h1> classes for as many <h1> colors you wish to apply and then for each <h1> define with class to use.Copy the following code: <html><head><title>H1 test</title><style>h1.red {color: red}h1.purple {color: purple}h1.green{color: green}h3 {color: blue}</style></head><body><h1 class="red">This is header 1</h1><h3>This is header 3</h3><h1 class="purple">This is header 1</h1><h3>This is header 3</h3><h1 class="green">This is header 1</h1><h3>This is header 3</h3></body></html> Paste it here:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?fi...e=tryhtml_styleIs this the effect you're looking for?Now, if you want to dynamically format the style attribute, then you might do something like this: <div style="width:#dynamicwidthvariable#px;">I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch sduty at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.<br /></div>...(some code that ends up changing the variable's value for whatever reason)...<div style="width:#dynamicwidthvariable#px;">I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch sduty at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.<br /></div> You could even define baseline <div> attributes in the main <style> stage that is in the <head> and let all the <div> tags inherit that but then have this set up to dynamically define the width.
  20. Nice find!!! :DMost of the sites we make here (American Academy of Pediatrics - aap.org and pedialink.org are the main ones) run Cold Fusion. Of course 30+ sites I've developed and launched over the last couple years are running Cold Fusion including one I did for Bridgestone/Firestone.:)If they had only not charged so much for their enterprise server years ago, it would be a much more popular choice.Nice find and indeed comforting to know that the NSA (of all agencies) is using Cold Fusion. :(P.S. Ben Forta - the CF guru - maintains a list of CF sites here:http://www.forta.com/cf/using/list.cfmAmong those present are (ironically) Windows IT Pro Netowrk and Windows SQL Server Magazine.
  21. Skemcin

    CSS Backgrounds

    http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.aspif this doesn't answer your question, post the issue you re running into.
  22. Skemcin

    media files

    View the page source and look at the HTML used to call the file. If its an absolute path, you're all set. If its a relative path (most likely) then you just need to take it and then take the url of the site you are visiting and put one and one together.
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