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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin


    Personally, I was insulted - just so you know.You cannot say: Who are you to determine whether or not I was insulted by something you said. If anything, you were OBVIOUSLY doing just that. Heck, I'd argue HTML coding (which we all know is not technically programming) takes skill - especially after the legacy crap I've come across over the years. I'd suggest you not be so assumptuous with the statements you make. I'd also suggest you tone it down a little when you have a disagreement with someone. If you keep calm and stay rational, you'll look like less a fool when all is said and done.Respectfully,Skemcin.
  2. advertsing your website is like advertsing you house for sale - I just had to say that for some reason . . . here are my points . . . first, do you service customers on a global, national, regional, or local level? this will greatly dictate your marketing approach. If you're global, then I would focus more money on internet advertising as a means to draw folks to my site. If you are local only (the other side of the spectrum), then I would use traditional means of advertising to draw folks to my site.You also need figure out what your site's mission is - to inform your customers, to service your customers, to gain or retain customers, or strictly advertise your products/services. This, again will dictate what fdrms of advertising will work.I've got much more to discuss, but everything is a case by case basis. Respond to the couple points I made and I can definitely get you steered in the right direction - any more stratigizing will require an offline discussion/consulting.
  3. post your code please. . .(exclude irrelevant code)
  4. off the top of my head (since you asked) . . . . dislike frames unless used in certain ways header takes up too much real estate color combination are distracting - design just doesn't for much for me text is small/hard to read borders around all your linked images news could be offered in RSS if you wanted to get fancy
  5. Skemcin

    My site

    blatant forms of advertising are not permitted and have been discussed:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...ounce&f=45&id=2(which only appears at the top of EVERY section)The fact that you have come here, posted a topic (if you wanna call it that), question its validity and then admit to be too lazy to check if its okay to do so only tells me that you do not respect the owner, moderators and members of this community. If I was in any worse a mood I'd actually issue a formal warning - but I'll let it go (for some reason) - maybe I'm too lazy to click teh warning button and fill out all the forms.NO ADVERTISING ALLOWED
  6. Skemcin

    more help

    your error during your cold fusion server is due to the fact that you must not have Microsoft IIS running. So, when you install Cold Fusion, you will have to select a different webserver (i.e. Apache if it is installed) or just use the one that Cold Fusion provides.Once you have all the other stuff installed, then you will need to move files into the folder(s) that are associated with your web server. Then you can try accessing then from a web page by typing http://localhost/myfolder or an number of different IP Addresses depending on your situation.If you are behind a firewall - using a high speed internet connection through router - then you will need to open your router to your pc in order to gain access to your server externally.Once again, I willl suggest you read this post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=5355it has all the other details you will need to know.
  7. Full name: Derek V.Alternative name(s): SkemcinBirth date(dd/mm/yyyy): 05.11.1971Gender: MaleZodiacal sign: TaurusCountry of residance: USCity of residance: Chicago SuburbsHeight: 6'3''Weight: 195lbsEyes: BlueHair: Dark blondSmoking/Drinking/Drugs: Never/Sometimes - watching football on TV or poker/ping pong nights/Not anymore unfortunately (I'll be honest)Favourite Music: ReggaeFavourite Movies: Mr. and MRs. Smith, Matrix Trilogy, Shrek, Princess BrideInterest: Wife & Kids, My Porsche 924, Cold Fusion, Volleyball, Ping Pong, and a few othersPets: A Norwegian Buhund named MarleyAdditional comments: I'll keep everything else to myself - this is more information that I am typically comfortable giving.
  8. I'd think most folks would consider SQL as a scripting language, it does stand for Structured Query Language. So it is a language where .htaccess is (as you mention) a set of commands. If anything, HTML is probably furthest from a language when considering them all - I mean it can't DO anything.
  9. Skemcin

    more help

    the only point ot make is that you used the word "modem" to describe the internet connection you plan on using for a server. I am hoping that you meant to say something with a little more speed than any modem out there - eve if it is a DSL modem.Most "resident" accounts do not offer the same upload speed as they to for download. Since the typical residential customer (which is what you would be) gets less than half upload speed when compared to download. Your upload speed is what is important for serving pages to others since it is your intent to upload pages to the internet for others to download.So there is that to consider, plus you up time, plus your crisis management time, plus risk to exposing your network at home to the outside world (which is not very nice), plus so much more. I think I've said most of what needs to be said. The money I save with using my reseller discounts actually buys me two hosting service and the domain names that go along with it. And, that is because I planned it that way. Was it this thread that I harped on planning as being so important - maybe not, ahh, here is my post about planning:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=7343Anyway - I may come off a little harsh - but I'm nothing compared to hwo it is in the real world. I ran a web design business for over 3 years and still do independant work - I'm not making this up.
  10. post your page url so we can see the source . . .
  11. Skemcin

    more help

    if you want to cheeseball your way into the industry - by all means, build your site on your local computer - open you firewall to the world and auto-forwar your domain name to your home PC - just don't keep anything on that network that you wouldn't miss.Many many poeple have posted here inquiring (in one way or another) how to save money and do things themselves. And that is very applaudable to have hte motivation. But, at some point you have to come to grips with the truth - no one person can do it all on their own.Even if you are successfull setting this up at home on your own, you will no sooner be managing everything and nolonger developing. then you'll have to go find a developer who will work for dirt cheap "until you can afford to pay more" since you've been wokring for dirt cheap your self by putting everything back into the company . . . hmmm this whole story is sounding familiar . . .Anyway, you can't do it all - so do what you can do - develop or host - pick one. Anymore and its a headache or a heartattack.Respectfully,Skemcin
  12. yeah, its really hard to respond to your question with it being so vague - not to mention the fact that one design might look good to you but ugly to another.you need to figure out if your design is going to play a large or small role in your site. do you need it to simply organize things to make links easy to find, or does it have to be appealing in order to emphasize your point.In any respect - show us what you got now - give a link to look at - maybe that might help you get some feedback.Go to www.freewebtemplates.com and see what they have - maybe they will inspire you to design something your self - or bypass all that time adn trouble by using one of those provided.
  13. Skemcin

    more help

    ok, lets clarify a couple things about this business venture: you will need to legal establish your business - license, ank accounts, etc. you will need to market yourself, get new customers you will need to meet with them and kiss their a$$ you will need to build the web pages/applications you will need to provide support and service after the site launches you will need to find new business all the while Now, on top of all that you want to HOST the sites yourself? Trust me - unless you have a deep pocket, you have figured out a way to stay awake 24/7, and you are hooked up to a feeding tube you will not be able to do it. And if you still want to try it, then don't offer your design and development services. If you get into hosting for your clients as well, then you will never sleep. You will need redundant servers, you will need backups of your sites run twice a day, you will need redundant internet connections so if one fails ALL your clients don't go off line. There is so much involved in hosting - so much more than just design and development.So, let me put it this way, if you want to design sites, develop sites, and host sites . . . you are bitting off more than you can chew.I'm not saying that you can eventually do it - I'm just saying that starting off that way is suicide. Not one successfull company I know started off doing more that one thing until it matured into those areas.Outsource your hosting - at CrystalTech.com, they give you up to 30% off hosting if you keep using their services.I'm done . . .
  14. Skemcin

    Need some help

    I know, so that is my point. Uninstall anything that your first attempt tried to do.If that message appeared during the intitial install sniffer then your install file might have been corrupted whrn you downloaded it.If you have not had Cold Fusion on your server before, your install should be clean. So,I'm just suggesting that you look through your hard drive to make sure none of the folders I mentioned exists. And then try to reinstall.
  15. Welcome and contragulations on getting to the point you are at. The whole web thing has three basic components. the website the web server the domain name It sounds like you definitely have two of the three things tackled. So, you just need a hosting service. I personally recommend Crystal Tech (crystaltech.com) If you are just using good ole HTML and not any scripting language like php, asp, or cold fusion - then you can get away with the $8 a month service. Other might recommend free hosting - but I imagine you don't want adds and you want 24/7 support - CT has been around ofr years, won many awards, and I have over 20 accounts there, one of which grosses over half a million dollars in annual online sales - so they are no joke (don't let the cost of the plans fool ya).Anyway, after decide on your host, you will upload your files to the site. You will be assigned an IP address - this is the physical location of your site - just like the physical address of your house. You cna use that to test everything before getting your domain to point there.Once everything tests out, you will have to log into what ever service you bought your domain through (i.e. networksolutions.com) and goto your domain name server settings. They will need to be set to your new hosting service machines - i.e. ns1.webcontrolcenter.com and ns2.webcontrolcenter.com - which are the CT servers). This will take 24 to 72 hours to propogate world wide and what it does is poijt your domain name to your IP address.And easy analogy is like this:web site address is to domain namelikehome street address is to the "Johnson Family" lives hereTwo ways of getting to the same point. I could say I am going to just like I could say I am going to 1234 My Street Chicago, IL.orI could say I am going to www.iribbit.net just like I could say I am going to Skemcin's house.Anyway, putting your files up is first now that you are as far as you are. Then getting you domain to point to your site wraps it all up.
  16. Skemcin

    Need some help

    what set up are you attempting to do this on?windows, linux, IIS, Apache, CF Server . . . etc.First, I would uninstall whatever tried to install. Then, goto the CFusionMX and delete it - by default its on your root. Then remove the CFIDE folder from your system.Try to reinstall the server.
  18. Skemcin

    Need some help

    Cold Fusion can be installed on either windows or linux. And you can obviously develop in any environment as well. CF can be installed with any popular web server engine, but it also has its own if you don't have one. So it can be self sufficient if need be.If you go to http://www.macromedia.com you can download the single server license for free.
  19. Skemcin


    This is what we are dealing with - OMG!!!! An insect or similar organism, such as a centipede or an earwig. A disease-producing microorganism: a flu bug. The illness or disease so produced: “stomach flu, a cold, or just some bug going around” (David Smollar). [*] A defect or difficulty, as in a system or design. Computer Science. A defect in the code or routine of a program. [*]An enthusiasm or obsession: got bitten by the writing bug.[*]An enthusiast or devotee; a buff: a model train bug.[*]An electronic listening device, such as a hidden microphone or wiretap, used in surveillance: planted a bug in the suspect's room. Run for your LIVES!!!
  20. Skemcin


    He is suggesting that the information you collect in the web form shuld be saved into a database. Then, a page would be programmed to send the information out through an e-mail.The reason you get the message you mentioned is because the web browser is trying to take the information from the form and copy-n-paste it into the person email program. So the browser feels responsible for letting you know that this is not the best way of sending data.BTW, here is my tool I mentioned earlier:http://www.iribbit.net/_tools/decrypt/email.cfm
  21. I'm not too familiar with xlink, but this sort of task could be accomplished using a server side scripting language like cold fusion - for one. What would you use for the filname - the value of the <id> tag?
  22. Skemcin


    yeah, that would be the ideal way. but the I was asked to build it without the DB is because all the information neded to be confirmed by a human before having it inserted it into the DB. As much as I argued that the data should be inserted and then flagged as not "confirmed" the company insisted that the data be delivered via email first, and then that person would enter the data into the system if needed. I know, I know, I made point after point, mainly focussing on human error on the re-entry - but they still insisted. At the time, I was contracted and getting paid by the hour - - so I argued for as long as I could and then ultimately programmed it they way they wanted.[edit] if anyone is interested, I can take some time to post it on my site for you to try out.
  23. Your goal should be to be programming for the end user - then you should be concerned with your efficiencies. Having said that, all these changes are geared around making things more portable and more expandable. A more portable and more expandable website makes things easier to change for the user in the long run.So, the focus of efficiency is not just one of the short term. You have to think a lot farther down the road. I've spent countless (but billlable) hours recoding crap from previous developers - those "code in the now" fellas. Stupid <center> tags and useless <font> tags littering the page and making all the changes that need to be made very hard to find.If things are coded like Xforms, for instance, then it is conceivebale to understand that at some point a change in site design and layout would never come from the raw code anymore, but just from something like a CSS file. Right now, 99% of the folks have to change the HTML file, all or some of the code in it, and the CSS file just to implement a new look and feel to a site or page. If you conform to standards as they are designed, then you will be seperating content, from design, and both of those from function. This is when it all comes together, when you don't have to change all three things when you just want to change one. And that's why traditional HTML is, well, traditional and XHTML is the right direction.
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