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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin

    Noob Question

    Well, Dreamweaver is a good choice. I think what OTTO is concerned with is using it in Design Mode - and he is right. However, if you use it in Code Mode you will have certain luxuries and features that will expedite your learning experience.I would also follow his advice regarding hosting. Do not host your own site at your PC. Find a free service (tripod.com) or a cheap reliable paid service (crystaltech.com). You do not want to open your home PC to evils of the internet.
  2. this is a double post - please post your topic in only one section.here is your answer:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=8399thank you.
  3. You can use any database with any scripting language - so yes, you can use MySQL with ASP.
  4. Here is the easiest way to get started and get paid:http://www.google.com/services/adsense_tour/
  5. <head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function init() { setTimeout("shake(3)",1000); setTimeout("this.focus()",4000); setTimeout("shake(3)",4100); } function register() { var isAol = "no"; var res = 800; } function shake(n) { if (self.moveBy) { for (i = 10; i > 0; i--) { for (j = n; j > 0; j--) { self.moveBy(0,i); self.moveBy(i,0); self.moveBy(0,-i); self.moveBy(-i,0); } } } } a=275; b=275; r=20; x=1; z=1; function rotate(r) { while (z<=3) { for (var i = 0; i <360; i++) { x = (r * Math.cos((i * Math.PI)/180)) + a; y = (r * Math.sin((i * Math.PI)/180)) + b; window.moveTo(x,y); } z+= 1; } setTimeout("shake(3)",10000); } </script></head><body ONLOAD="init()"></body>
  6. this would involve a function. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">function MyAlert(){alert('Hi');alert('Go Away!');alert('Go Away Already!');}</script>
  7. post your code so we can provide a specific solutions:)
  8. unfortunately we can't ignore IE - it still owns 85% of the market share. catering to one browser - although I am an avid FF user as well - will not help the situation.I'm not saying you have to code pages for all browsers - but there are compromises we (as developers) have to make sometimes. I'd strongly recommend avoiding situations where you have to say "best viewed using". I don't think there is a problem saying "we recommend using..." but your page should be bale to accommodate all the main browsers.In any respect - IE is more than 3 years old, so we can't expect too much out of it. I, personally, hope MS take as much time as it need to develop IE7 - it has given other browsers some breathing space. And, when it does finally come out - if MS hold true to form - people will see just how much more BS they force upon us.
  9. You'll need a server side sripting language to do this. If you're suing javascript - then it (at best) can only keep track of how many times one individual downloads the file - and that would only be available to that person.Here is who I would set it up. lets say this is your file kingkarlssen.net/files/xxxxxx.xxx create a page with nothing on it except a meta refresh tag that points to your file (maybe put something on the page but lets start with nothing. that page would have to be a php, asp, or cold fusion page to avoid using a database, make a file (filecount.txt) and put a 0 in it - nothing else your php, asp, or cold fusion page will be programmed to read the contents of the txt file and add 1 to the number it reads everytime the page is run (since this is the page with the meta refresh tag that prompts the download) on what ever page you want to display your counter, you'll need to write something to read that txt file. I've done this several times with cold fusion and have even used it to generate unique one-time gift certificate numbers. I can offer you the code, but I'm assuming you are like most folks here and do not use cold fusion.BTW - that is a HUGE dog above the main entrance to your school - wouldn't recommend standing under that on a windy day:)Oh, and this is how you spell Curricular - just in case your english teacher runs into your site.
  10. have a safe trip - who ever you are.:)we look forward to your second post when you get back.
  11. Skemcin

    line too long

    your answer is here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=8239 (in the future, please try not to post the same question twice - thanks)
  12. your answer is here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=8239 (in the future, please try not to post the same question twice - thanks)
  13. the attribute you would think you would use is called "size". So you would think your code would look like this:<input type="text" name="firstname" size="10">The problem is that each browser looks at "10" in a different way. So, the best thing to do is use CSS like this:<input type="text" name="firstname" style="width:50px;">
  14. your answer is here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=8239 (in the future, please try not to post the same question twice - thanks)
  15. Skemcin


    lol no no no, what he is seeing is the source - thats the funny part.you see this right: <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><title>James Otto : The Otto Show</title></head><frameset rows="15,*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0"> <frame name="header" scrolling="yes" noresize target="main" src="flash_player_heading.html"> <frame name="main" src="main.shtml"> <noframes> <body> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p> </body> </noframes></frameset></html> well, that is the source. Your browser does support frames or you would not be able to see the site. The source you read is the code that generates his site.What you are looking is the source code of:http://www.theottoshow.com/main.shtml (the main site)and/orhttp://www.theottoshow.com/flash_player_heading.html (the flash music player at the top)Those are the two pages that the pasted code above calls.
  16. Skemcin

    Need some ideas

    Here the info:http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?dsid=2297&dekey=attarCrystal Tech is not one of my site (I wish) but is the hosting service that I am a reseller for - I have over 25 sites hosted there at the moment.
  17. Skemcin

    Need some ideas

    Advice: your prices do not need to necessairly have to be cheaper - if you work is better and/or your service is better, then you can charge more - thats how I make my money. winning your prospects trust will close a deal more than your skills and abilities Don't bite off more than you can chew - be ambitious but not rediculous. don't use boring email addresses like firstname@, sales@ or info@ - have fun, it gets notice. I use jumpin@iribbit.net - its inviting and it also says something. Verbs make great email addresses - ######@mcdonalds.com would be great to see on someone's business card. Ideas ODG. - Otto Development Group OO - Otto Online Otto is a variant of the word "attar" which is a fragrant essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers. As a male or female, it could be used as an underlying theme to your site and/or advertising. iribbit.net - I ribbit, do you? or Leap into the online experience. (oh thats taken, sorry) Thats all I have off the top of my head . . .
  18. Here is a tutorial that should help:http://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html(skip the intro stuff and go right to the examples and script source half way down)Setting the cookie will be easy enough, the creative part is using the cookie to determine what stylesheet to use.Do to this, you;ll have to use the document.write statement to render the correct absolute link to the stylesheet the cookie remembers.Set the valueof the cookie to the filename (dropping the .css) of the stylesheet theme and then render that cookie value in the respective javascript condition.
  19. No, its not - and if it were written in all CAPS, many would ignore it anyway. There is no way to broadcast a message to all internet users because there is no way for any one computer to know when any one person is online. The only way one computer knows another is online is if one requests information from the other. And, if that were happening everytime I was online, then it would be an invasion of my privacy.So, you have to get you message place in a location that you think users will see it - enter stage left - search engines and web directories. Of course, as already mentioned, all other means of internet and traditional advertising is also fair game.
  20. you'll have to escape all your special characters, including spaces in order for the browser to sucessfully pass the information to the email client.
  21. Skemcin


    you're right - I should have used the word cited or interpreted instead of quoted - but you use and quote w3schools to support your point:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=8074Like you, I also feel that members need to see where the truth lies.(pun intended)Even though we both have said our peace - its unfortunate that this will continue (hopefully for not long) in PM.:-(
  22. Sorry, but good advertising is not about taking stabs in the dark. There are certain mediums of advertising that right for some and wrong for others.We know NOTHING about what this cat is trying to sell and who he works for. Would any of the advice given so far be a appropriate say for Vivid Video? TV Advertising in particular could be a very good idea, but there is an art to figuring out which spots to grab on which channels and on which shows. The same holds true for radio - not to the extent, but still.The biggest thing we lack from the initial post is the definition of their target audience. Now, if he replies with even the smallest description of what that might be . . . then we are getting somewhere.P.S. I'm curious, besides candy and non-alcoholic beverages, what product appeals to a kid, an athlete, and an action movie buff?
  23. Skemcin


    The quote you cite specifically refers to HTML - and every should understand that HTML is not a scripting or programming language. Your comment implied that you were speaking of laguages like cold fusion, asp, and php - that is what got the reaction.If you are going to cite someone elses beliefs, make sure you understand in which context they are being used - that is your error in this situation.What you quote from w3schools: is not what you said. You said: Now look closely at the difference . . . The first says you do not need to know how to program or use a programming language to be bale to copy-n-paste prebuilt snippets of code. You mention that you don;t need programming skills to use scripting languages.The reason why I was insulted is because that implies tha tI have no programming skills because I am using a scripting language. Although I may not know how to use a programming language, I still use the skills commonly associated with programming in order to make my applications portable and expandable.I admit its a fine line and that is why I honestly said nothing when initially reading the post. I only stepped in later when the discussion turned away from the initial point.Having said all that, any other points that need to made on this topic ought ot be made through Private Message so that the initial question can be resolved. If any replies not related to resolving the issue appear, they will be removed.Additionally, any apology that is followed by a "but" is NO apology.
  24. first, understand that javascript is a client site language - this means that it can only do things once it is download.so, by itself, NO, if cannot create and tally a poll. It can be used to send information to a server side application coded in cold fusion, php, or asp which in turn database the results in some form. But, by itself, javascript is limited to operation on the client side.
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