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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Try this:http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_inputforms.asp
  2. Skemcin

    <hr> styles

    So you have seen this (posting it mainly for others):http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_hr.aspSimilarly:http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/tagpages/h/hr.htm<hr> is not presentational, but structural: a lightweight section separator.The only thing wrong with <hr> is that it is not (necessarily) horizontal, and not (necessarily) a rule!So, here is your answer:color = no problem using CSSwidth = no problem using CSSsize = no problem using CSS (use height)border = no problem using CSSbackground color = no problem using CSScenter = assumed center, but can be absolutely positioned with CSSHere is an example I whipped up:http://www.iribbit.net/_files/hr.htmP.S. The <hr> tag assumes the center alignment - the ONLY way around that was to do this "position:absolute; left:5px;" in the style tag. If you take out the absolute positioning, its much more manageable.
  3. Skemcin

    include files

    just put numbers throughout your code:1begin if2else if3else if4else5end if6and look for the numbers in your rendered page.
  4. Your problem, aside from blatantly violating our rules, is actually VERY simple and has actually been answered somewhere else in the forum. But no one will be given the opportunity reply to you and I will not give you the answer either.Topic closed and warning issued - check your PM.
  5. Skemcin

    Ruby on Rails

    IMO, there ought to be a Cold Fusion tutorial way before Ruby gets one!
  6. I'm not quite following your comment, but colors can only be used for text and backgrounds - according to the W3C standards. Microsoft (feels inclined for some reason) to add their own "capabilities" to their browser in an undermining effort to push a tag or attribute out to the public. This, they hope, get widely used and then ultimated adobted by the W3c - the <iframe> tag is a perfect example.Having said that - scrollbar color settings is a Microsoft Internet Explorer "feature" only - and hopefully it iwll stay that way. I, personally, feel that all the buttons should also not have the ability to change but all of tehn should be able to be substituted with an image - the drop box and browse buttons currently can not.Here is a better reference to colors:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colornames.aspBut what is exactly your question? If your monitor or screen resolution is not set correctly, then you might only be seeing 256 colors versus 1000 colors or even millions of colors.Assuming your using windows, right click on your desktop, clikc properties, then settings. Toward the bottom on the left, you should see a drop box labeled "Colors" - mine is set to "True (32 bit)" if you'rs says "256 Colors" then that is your answer (or your rpblem depending on how you look at things)
  7. Skemcin

    smallll query

    When you buy a domain name, you buy mydomain.com. What comes before that is entirely configured on the domain name server that keeps track of your site - mydomain.com. Each hosting provider has different ways that they allow you to set this up. Obviously, if you are your own host (like I am here at work) I can do what ever I want.Typically, it is common to not see anymore than ONE prefix infront of your domain name. As aspnetguy pointed out, that is called a subdomain. But to answer your question, www.javascript.internet.com will only work if it is configured to. Since teh domain name is "interent.com" then you would typically only see ONE prefix, in this case "javascript". That cannot be preceeded with "www" becuase each single prefix is programmed to point to a different place. Think of it like an intersection in a roadway where the intersection is internet.com. You can either turn left and go to www.internet.com or you can turn right and goto javascript.internet.com. You cannot turn left and turn right at the same time - www.javascript.internet.com.This analogy even helps you understand how these subdomain can often point to a subfolder of teh main "www" site. In the intersection think of the right hand turn being a road that by-passes the whole town and later meets back up to the main road in a different place. That's waht a subdomain would do - forward you to a folder (nested however deep) in the site - a short cut if you will.
  8. are you talking about <img src="xxxxxx.xxx" hspace="5" vspace="0" .... >
  9. nope and you can't change the button on the "browse" html input either - it sucks.:)BUT, with the right CSS, you can position the button you want over top of it and then pull an <iframe> in with javascript to simulate the idea:https://www.pedialink.org/search/
  10. ASa developer, you will need to make sure any browser you check your work on has its cache set to "get the latest file from the server EVERY time".Where that setting depends on your browser - what are you previewing in?
  11. Ajax is also my favorite futball team:http://english.ajax.nl/I love crisp and clean layouts. Nice work.I'd like to see w3schools.com list as one of the resources though. (fourth on the list, rigth above Microsoft)
  12. can you post your URL for us to take a look?
  13. Hi ghost,The model you layout is ONE way to do it. Its what I prefer to do, (a form page and an action page) because it keeps things contained. And as you build bigger applications, you will need to keep things contained as they are far more manageable.But, understand that Chocolate570's solutions is a combination of the form and action in one page. This is very common for things like this - its called a postback - a page posting to itself. There is always more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to web development - so its tough when your looking for a solution down one road and you miss the one on the site street.:)So, look at Chocolate570s solution as an HTML page with the mail action hidden inside. It is hidden until the page is "posted to" - that triggers the PHP code to execute and not sit dormant. Personally, I'd like to see his code check the referring page to make sure it is posting to itself and not from anywhere else - otherwise I would be worried and email spiders piggy backing my mail server. Hope this helps you get a little more focused on your solution and not your problem
  14. Since kaijim has said all that needs to be said - I'll close this troll. I don't suspect hypocrit planned on making his/her presents felt again.
  15. Skemcin

    free websites

    there is no file extension - its just "index" when it should be "index.htm"
  16. As more and more americans become more and more spoiled, we/they will tend to feel lower paying jobs are "beneath" them. this will continue to lead to the unfortunate trend where Americans will not take certain jobs (i.e. trash collector, fast food clerk, landscaping, etc.). There will be a time when Americans have become so self absorbed and the capitalist society that it gave brith to will catch up to it in the end and we/they will only be seeking executive positions. If the education system catches up to this greedy trend, the demise will only come more quickly.The moral of my opinion, work fast and hard to reach the top and get out before the government finds your accounting error.Or, be grounded and live happily with what ever (little or great) you have. I, personally, love the middle class - and I will likely remain here - no pressure from being at the bottom trying to sratch my way out, and not pressure from the top to make big money and big mistakes (I've been in both places).
  17. Skemcin


    try your local library (or Mac store) - I'm sure they'll have a Mac there. Bring a pad of paper and take some notes. Bring your code and a means of uploading it and you might even be able to do some quick edits there - otherwise, its just taking good notes, going home and code in the blind.
  18. Skemcin

    Where are you?

    fyi - google offers the api tool to create this application. frapper is NOT associated directly with google it's just another website that uses google technology to get ahead.
  19. Skemcin


    Its best for teh web server to handle the redirect. Your hosting service (or yourself) should allow this type of configuration.However, if you do not have access to this type of configuration, then Chocolate570's solution will work. The other he mentions is the meta tag:Refresh page every 5 seconds:<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" /> Of course, if you are using a scripting language, each has its server-side redirect command as well. Doing it on the server saves you bandwidth and saves you visitor the time to wait for teh <meta> or <script> tags to be downloaded and executed.
  20. Skemcin


    Microsoft actually only suggests to use Apple's Safari. This is because its one of the few browsers (including icab) that are only developed for the Mac. If MS were to suggest anything like Firefox or Opera in their announcement, that has the danger of introducing people to other PC compatable browsers.That may seem like a stretch, but since every Mac use knows someone using a PC (and I say that very confidently) then a trickling effect could happen. Microsoft will do anything to "protect their lead" so I do not see them suggesting anything other than Safari (for Mac users).
  21. This is a very nice compliment to kaijim for a job well done. To such a solid tutorial based site be associated with the standards organization is no doubt a great "side effect".Just more proof you've done a great job kaijim.
  22. Skemcin

    Microsoft Acces

    Creating an Access ODBC: click start, run paste "odbcad32.exe" in the prompt adn click ok goto the SYSTEM DSN tab and click ADD select "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and click Finish in the "Data Source Name" input area, type the name that you want to use to access the database the description field is optional, but I recommend adding something in there In the "Database" section of the prompt, click "Select..." Navigate to the database, select it and click OK When it appears in the "ODBC Microsoft Access Setup" prompt, click OK Let us know if this helps.
  23. I moved this into Suggestions so it would be more visibile to the site administrators.
  24. Skemcin

    RSS feeds

    I was just being sarcastic . . . but since you mention it, a test would be intersting to conduct. Cold Fusion is similar in that the CFM page is compiled into a java cached file . . . . send me a PM on your idea on how this can be tested - this will be interesting. :(Now we just need a competant PHP developer to join us . . .
  25. Skemcin

    RSS feeds

    lol -oh yeah, but my code is faster than yours!!! :) well, aspnetguy has already offered both possible solutions. I feel the later is best. In Cold Fusion, I can create a Cold Fusion page that when loaded queries the database (the same way the other page does) but then instead of outputting it as HTML, I output it as XML and pass it in that format. So, the code that reads the RSS feed gets XMl even though the page is not an XML file. Sounds weid, but that's what he's talking about. This way, you only update the information once, and it is published on the fly.example - I love RSS, tons of stuff to play with:<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes" showdebugoutput="no"><cfparam name="url.newsID" default="0"><!--- get XML content ---><cfquery name="spNewsUpdates" datasource="#data_source#"> EXEC aap_news_updates <cfif #url.newsID# GT 0> @newsID=#url.newsID# </cfif></cfquery><!--- create XML content ---><cfsavecontent variable="newsXML"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><cfoutput><rss version="2.0"><channel><title>Pedialink</title><link>http://www.pedialink.org</link><description>Pedialink News & Updates</description><language>en-us</language><copyright>Copyright #dateformat(now(),"yyyy")#</copyright><lastBuildDate>#dateformat(now(),"ddd, dd mmm yyyy")# #timeformat(now(),"HH:mm:ss")# CST</lastBuildDate><webMaster>csc@aap.org</webMaster> <cfloop query="spNewsUpdates"> <item> <author>csc@aap.org</author> <category>#XMLformat(newsCategory)#</category> <title>#XMLformat(newsTitle)#</title> <link>#XMLformat(newsLink)#</link> <description>#XMLformat(newsText)#</description> <pubDate>#dateformat(newsActivateStart,"ddd, dd mmm yyyy")# #timeformat(now(),"HH:mm:ss")# CST</pubDate> </item> </cfloop></channel></rss></cfoutput></cfsavecontent><cfcontent type="text/xml"><cfoutput>#newsXML#</cfoutput> the last line makes the XML and makes the file mimitpye XMl so a reader reads it properly.
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