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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. It's probably too late. In fact, I'm sorry that I forgot this topic, but you should see PMXHT (Praetje's Method of XML to HTML Translation ) for the solution.
  2. boen_robot

    XML Link

    Some of the attributes don't have quotes. Either that, or you are using Firefox or Opera. Data Islands are not avaiable for any other browsers after all.
  3. What happens instead? The script is displayed as plain text? Where is it from? Another file? In the XSLT file directly? Aanother file imported with the src attribute in the XSLT? Else?
  4. Just four letters: XSLT . It holds the answer to every of your questions and a lot more.
  5. Just for the protocol. I see "exeption occured" every time there's something wrong in the XSLT. Are you sure your XSLTs are ALL correct? If any of the used ones is wrong, this would crash the whole thing, so it would be pretty obvious why do you see such error.
  6. You must use entity codes to write the special XHTML characters. Forum boards such as this have a PHP file that automatically transforms special characters into entities, but without it, you must manually type for example > every time you need to write >.I can't say anything about the scrollbars though.
  7. The only way I know is a server side scripting language(PHP, ASP(.NET), Cold Fusion, etc.). There's no way by using client side technologies only. If there was, then XML's security would be critical.
  8. boen_robot

    XML Storage

    In my point of view, MSAccess is useless anyways, but that's only my opinion.XML is not meant for replacing a database engine such as Access or MySQL. It's suppose to be used everywhere you would rather include only plane text on the visual parts of the site. The reson being to "separate data from presentation". Such thing would be for example a menu. Instead of making a server side include, you could store all the presentation for it in the ASP file (or in XSLT and use ASP to execute it- that's what I would prefer) and keep all the data in XML. When you want to add/edit/remove a menu item, you would only edit that easy-to-read-file, instead of going deeply into the whole system's hard-to-read-and-find core.
  9. Conditional statements maybe? <xsl:if test="EmployeeName=Joe"> If you would like to have more than one employee selected, there are several ways to do this. I would personally go to grouping the table row in another template and use the "apply-templates" element to apply it for every desired employee.
  10. boen_robot

    CSS "Exclusion"

    <style>body {display: none;}.doNotHide {display: block;}</style> maybe this?after all, the fact that doNotHide is a class name and (supposibly) belongs to a child of body, it means it's treated with higher priority, making everything besides it invisible.Just notice that in the above case, your elements from this class should be block elements. Otherwise, they'll get the features of block elements.
  11. And how would this tutorial be written? What it should contain?... honestly... I have never seen such tutorial. I can't image how would such thing be like.
  12. Creating tableless layout is a matter of skill, not about knowing the possible things. A single pointer in the table section of the HTML tutorial about not using tables for layout would be enough.
  13. boen_robot

    DTD for XML

    The only wrong I see here is the first line. It has to go(be removed). What it shows is DTD's basic syntax. It's not suppose to be part of the DTD. Also, at the end of the whole code, there's the "]>" missing.
  14. Execuse me for being so honest, but: hahaha . I never though I would see someone confusing Schema with XSLT. I mean, the overall fact that you've written something and use the XSL namespace should tell you at least that .Schema is a way to define legal building blocks of XML documents.XSLT is a way to transform XML documents to other documets from the XML family, another XML or just a plain text.Anyway... back to the problemYour XSLT actually worked when I tested it. The only adjustment I made was the reference to the XSLT file, because I stored the XSLT in the same folder as the XML, so I didn't needed the "C:\". Try this for starters...I also notice that you want XML output, but you haven't pointed any XML tags to use. XSLT uses XPath expression that extract the content of the desired element or attribute. This means that you must "manually" write the names of the new XML elements and attributes.Try this XSLT: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8" indent="yes" version="1.0"/><xsl:template match="/"><goods_nom_item> <xsl:for-each select="//goods_nom_item"> <id><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></id> <expimp><xsl:value-of select="expimp[@typ]"/></expimp> <dat_start><xsl:value-of select="//dat_start"/></dat_start> <dat_end><xsl:value-of select="//dat_end"/></dat_end> </xsl:for-each></goods_nom_item></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet> My tests display the output as a text though. There isn't any XML tree shown. I haven't tryed converting XML-to-XML so I don't know if that's how it's suppose to be.
  15. Darn good point what vshris said . By the way, I think that if the background was... how do you say... light brown, beige, fown? Anyway... such a background would be more in W3Schools theme. Of couse if such is used, it would requre black text too.
  16. What do you mean by "export"? If you want a link to it, you could always do something like <xsl:variable name="href" select="XPath to the node containing the URL to the video" /><a href="{$href}"><xsl:value-of select="title of the movie if there is one?" /></a> And if you want to embed it in the XHTML output, you could use the <object>. <xsl:variable name="name" select="XPath to the node containing the name of the video" /><xsl:variable name="href" select="XPath to the node containing the URL to the video" /><objectclassid="clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"><param name="{$name}" value="{$href}" /></object> P.S. Not sure which videos is this classid going to play...If I haven't understood correctly, please paraphrase yourself.
  17. And have you published this in the IE newsgroup?
  18. boen_robot


    Height to tell you this, but loading content from extental XML based languages is one of the main reasons I prefer SVG over Flash. If there's any way with Flash, it's probably really complicated. After all, Flash is suppose to run on pages, not pages on Flash .Unless you are already too deep into Flash, try doing some stuff with combinations of SVG and XSLT and you'll see what I mean
  19. As far as I know flash could have form, could display previously entered in a form data, and can send form's content to another file(simmilarly to HTML ), but it can't alone process the form. Server side script is the one true way of processing AND saving form data.
  20. A rule such as "duplicate posts not allowed without AT LEAST 24 hours delay" sounds good to me. Infact, I happen to be an admin of a forum where there's already such a rule .btw, in the above poll I voted for "don't care", cause there really isn't a best answer to this.
  21. In theese particular cases: yes. But you shouldn't be so harsh either. It's true that most people just can't see everything and that it has to be on the top to be seen. I have happened to helped with a problem that was two weeks away, but I didn't knew about it until it's author said "anybody?". This makes people try to get their attention without writting real bulls*its (believe me, I know what I'm talking about by saying "real bulls*it"). Look at my topics(not posts) to see what I mean. I have written very few(5) and there are replies to only 2 of them. The other ones have "anyone?"s, scince they truly feel lonely.Infact, I feel kind'a bad that I can't help on theese topics above, you know...
  22. boen_robot


    You may do something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?><xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:output method="html" version="1.1" encoding='UTF-8' indent='yes' doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"/><xsl:template match="/"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <xsl:apply-templates /></html></xsl:template><xsl:include href="header.xsl" /><xsl:include href="body.xsl" /></xsl:stylesheet> The XML file this would be attached to would be the XML files that contain the real content. The included XSLTs (header.xsl and body.xsl in this case) should contain whatever you want to put inside theese parts and the header should include reference to another XML document (using the document() function) that would display their content.This is actually pretty neat to get rid of the frames and still keep the flexibility of it. Infact... hey! You were the one who showed me this method .
  23. Not quite... It all matters which stylesheet is ran first. That stylesheet imports the rest and all the things inside the included stylesheets are ran if the stylesheet was one and all.That doesn't matter though. The importaint thing here is that:<xsl:for-each select="skill"><xsl:apply-templates /></xsl:for-each> Is (as you suggested) going to (try to) apply all other templates at that spot, but technically speaking, if there are no possible relative matches inside, XSLT doesn't have anything to apply the templates on.In short:1st line. Correct2nd line. Wrong
  24. Oh well... another idea:Apply all the properties of sub2 to the container. This creates the illusion that it's sub2 which is configured. This would look ugly if there were margins though.
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