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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. WOW if it weren't for competition we would still be using IE2. It forces everyone to put out the best product they can. We are not talking about methods to chat with your friends here...we are talking about browsers...if you call yourself a designer you should take pride in your work...that means making it work for as many people as you can.What you are saying is like Me creating this awesome game, but only configuring it to work on Intel Processors...oh well screw AMD...I don't like them (actually it is the other way around).You are throwing away a huge chunck of the internet market by only making your pages for IE.
  2. That is true you need to use them at least for testing. Dan the site (pinkvalley...or something) you were asking for help with a while back....it looked horrible in FF...that reflects on you as a designer.
  3. not sure, I was refering to LIMIT 1
  4. javascript is not disabled in FF
  5. I downloaded FireFox and used it right away and Javascript was not disabled!!! Where id you hear that???
  6. I realize that id are preferablet o name...I just didn't realise id would work for anchors
  7. Generally yes, I do not know if this situation would work with id...some things still require name for time to time.
  8. me too...i hate it so much
  9. Have you experienced Windows XP 'Group Similar Task Buttons' crap...it is even more irritating.
  10. Are you you going to ask???
  11. you can do this. string js = "<script>...</script>";this.RegisterStartupScript("key",js); Note: this is for .Net 1.1 so it might not work but I think is should.
  12. Yeah...without quotes cuz if it has quotes it is a string not a number.
  13. <html><head><title></title><script type="text/javascript">function changeBg(img){ var bodyObject = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; bodyObject.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + img + ')'; bodyObject.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; bodyObject.style.backgroundPosition = 'center';}</script></head><body><a href="javascript:changeBg('bgOne.jpg')">One</a><a href="javascript:changeBg('bgTwo.jpg')">Two</a><a href="javascript:changeBg('bgThree.jpg')">Three</a></body></html>
  14. aspnetguy

    Layout Problem

    um...exactly...if you were arranging your data in a grid or spreadsheet style then tables is okay...for everything else (ie. layouts)...W3C wants you to use CSS
  15. Forms send ONLY string values (quoted or not)!!! So you can send value="false" and then cast it $flag = (bool)$flag; like was stated before...no way around this!
  16. the use anchors like this <html>...<body><a name="top"></a><a href="#bottom">Go to bottom</a>....whole bunch of code....<a href="#top">Go to top</a><a name="bottom"></a></body></html>
  17. Quoted digitals are strings...anything that is quoted is a string...period!
  18. aspnetguy

    Layout Problem

    Dan look here for some reasons why you should use CSS instead of tables for layoutshttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4126oh and W3C has set it as the standard :)Tables are for tablular data only! But there always has to be some exceptions....somethings are just not possible with pure css at this point due to browser limitations.
  19. try this SELECT TOP 1 propertyID FROM tablename ORDER BY propertyID DESC
  20. aspnetguy

    Layout Problem

    No it won't...they are trying to create a 3 column layout without tables, using CSS....you need to use hte float and clear properties to acheive this.
  21. I might not be working considering that statement only works in MySql. What database are you using???
  22. You will need to look into AJAX and you may want ot consider using JSON as the datastore instead of XML. JSON is more effiecient for large data transactions.
  23. wow...right on!!! That is why I think programs like Exploere Destroyer are going to back fire....user don't care...they just want the content they are looking for...if developers start messing around and trying ot force users to switch they are going to get annoyed and just leave. I think FF will continue to be a big favorite among developers and some advanced users but the majority will not care.
  24. wow, that is confusing...I read the wiki and didn't get half of what you got from it.
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