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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Alot of ads I see say a degree in computer science or equivilant industry experience. But I know there are some that won't even look at you with out a degree.
  2. I would like to know what site this is from...oh the endless hours of fun hehe
  3. I think that is a good idea. We are getting a lot of pinned topics
  4. I think how we got here was the arguement that not all browsers fully support CSS2 and that is one reason not to completely stop using tables.I think we are still, sort of, on topic, just focusing on one point at the moment.
  5. afraid not...no js in css
  6. yup you have to add height for IE since IE only knows CSS1 not CSS2
  7. now it is my turn to say "nicely said".
  8. Well I think you are misunderstanding as I certainly was not insulting you...I can't speak for anyone else's intentions, I was as you put it, defending my position. Personally I have made my views known as have you and we clearly disagree so, that is that.You make it sound like their is a different verison of CSS every 6 months. I takes years to develope the specs and then present them. And no they are not ment to be used the second they are available. They are provided as a standard for browser developers to live upto.And yes IE6 has major issues, it does not support CSS2, thats because it was released 6 or 7 years ago...of course there is a lot that it is behind on (I don't know why MS waited so long for a new versoin) but htey are releaing IE7...the betas have proved that it will handle CSS2...beyond that I am not sure if it will be as good as FF (probably not) but it is a good start to help devlopers write standards compliant code.As for your bandwagon comments...it is a matter of the technology fitting your needs or making your job easier, thats what I look for in each technology. You have clearly jumped on the MS haters bandwagon. No, I don't think they are the best but they have some great products and windows is a good OS. There are plenty I hate about Linux and Mac too and I don't like everything about windows but that doesn't mean it is useless.If you can show me I can play Cod2 and all the new games on Linux or MAc, or that I can write .Net code on anything but Windows, I'll ditch windows now
  9. Yeah that is all IPB does. It uses string replacement to add the proper HTML when it finds a BBCode.
  10. Plus if you have a small portfolio with some sames of your work, that speaks louder than a piece of paper.I can garuntee that 99% of the time if you don't have the paperwork to prove your competance but have excellent examples of high quality work you have done that will be enough to prove you have hte skills.
  11. I am finding it hard to understand your question could you be more specific. Web gallery??? Do you mean photos of the website creators??? There isn't one but there is a page with some information about them http://www.w3schools.com/about/about_refsnes.asp
  12. Personally I hate the idea. I surf with a combo of IE anf FF and occasionally Opera.If I where to browse to a site that won't let me view unless I switched to FF I would write that site off and never return even though I already have FF. It is very unprofessional, childish (my toys are better than yours).If they can't be bothered to take the extra time to make their site compatible then I don't think they deserve quality traffic (at least not mine anyways), Thats my opinion on ExplorerDestroyer.I personally hate Netscape but I haven't started a campaign to destroy it (then again Netscape did a good job of destroying themseleves lol).
  13. can you post the .aspx code...I'll give it a test.
  14. Yeah, in Canada, most job ads ask for University or college degrees or lots of industry experience. Besides, just being certifie in HTML will get you nowhere. You need much more than that to obtain a full time web development job these days.The opportunities I see near where I live require(X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, SQL Server or MySQL, and ASP.Net or JAVA(JSP) or PHP.
  15. You could recommend it and use the tutorials as references in other forums you visit.You could link to w3schools from your personal website/blog.If you feel that strongly about donating (if you ever find some money ) I wouls suggest taking one of the certification exams instead of straight out donating, that way you can benefit too.
  16. Most likely FrontPage IS the problem. I have coded pages in FrontPage before (because I had too, barf) and pieces of the page would actually disappear when switching from Design voew to Code view and back again. (FP 2000).I hate FRontPage and strongly recommend against it, ALWAYS. Give me Notepad any day!
  17. Opera can 'imitate' Internet Explorer in an attempt to be more compatible. Chances are that is why it is happening in Opera as well as IE.As for the cause I am stumped.Does it only happen with this 1 file????Does it happen when you try and view any webpages in IE (on the internet or local)???Can you provide some more details. Thanks
  18. aspnetguy


    Regardless wether you think IE is a "real" browser or not, it is still used by over 80% of users.
  19. You can run Opera, Internet Explorer, FireFox, Netscape, Mozilla, and many more on windows. There are just no KHTML based browsers like Safari or Konquerer that run on windows.
  20. My work computer is actually our development server so it is decked out nicely, dual processors, 2GB RAM,ectc.We have ASP.Net 1.1, Visual Studio 2003, Sql Server 2000, Windows Server 2003
  21. BBCode only exists in this forum (and other forum software). It is not even a language. It is just a way to format posts in a forum.It was a way to allow post formatting without allowing full html coding.
  22. I don't imagine you will find any for the other browsers since they are easy to install on your pc. The reason there are a couple special sites for testing in Safari is because it is only for Mac.There seems to be alot of discussion of getting a KHTML based browser (like Safari) available for windows. There have been rumors of Apple releasing a windows veriosn of Safari but that seems to be just that, a rumor. So someone, thankfully, decided to provide a service to test your website in Safari...layout only mind you, we still can't test functionality but this is certainly better than nothing.My suggestion would be to install the other browsers, like Opera, for testing. My computer at work has IE, FireFox, Opera, and Netscape for testing.
  23. In visual studio if you double click the checkbox (design mode) it will create a function for the on click/change you would do a check to see if the checkbox is checked there then assign the variabl;e value to the first column of the datagrid.
  24. IE7 will have full CSS2 support nad they have fixed a lot of CSS bugs. It should be out the end of this year (offical release not beta).So once that starts to overtake IE6 hopefully things will get easer.
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