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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. yes you can draw graphics and images (ie curved lines) with javascript...you need to ask a specdific question and give a detailed situation inorder for us to be able to help you.
  2. Well he obviously did! It makes a big diffence if you are writing JavaScript becuase IE5 and 6 handle things very differently...At first your smart ###### comments were humorous but they have become inappropriate especially for someone that is representing this forum as a Moderator...whatever grudges and 3rd grade vendettas you two are holding toward each other is not good for this forum and needs to stop.
  3. have you gone through all the JS tutorials on www.w3schools.com????
  4. yes it would be far simpler to just reteive the values and then do the calculations on the server side.
  5. aspnetguy

    SQL certification

    I don't have it but this topic has been discussed before...it is only useful if it impresses an employer. If you are going ot work for your self it is useless. It does look good on a resume when applying for college or a job.
  6. what troubles??? what error messages do you get...you need to be very specific. You won't get many people to help if you make them work hard just to discover what your question is.
  7. I think it is great that you want to tackle such a large project but from what I have seen of your code and what you have told me I really think you should do some simpler projects so you can get a better understanding of what javascript can do.
  8. aspnetguy

    html hoster

    you point the domain at the site...you don't point the site at a domain.
  9. What exactly is your question??
  10. let we just say....vague questions do nothing for anybody....be specific
  11. read the CSS tutorials and look for hte position and float attributes
  12. were is the CSS file stored?? and where is the images stored...the path must be percise.
  13. are you asking about a table with rounded corners????
  14. you will need a server side language in order to connect to a database.
  15. Microsoft Certified in 6months huh? How much did it cost?
  16. AJAX is just a dumb buzz word...the technique ahs been around for a long time...but yes it is an awesome way to make impressive applications.
  17. aspnetguy


    definately your browser has javascript turned off
  18. you will need to download the C++ compiler and you may want to try and find a free editor...I believe Visual Studio will let you write C++ but I am not sureAlso check out my blog on this #d Game Engine in C#http://aspnetguy.com/Entry.aspx?e=8
  19. It is not as difficult as you might think...download this to see what I have so farPacmanGameIt is mostly just generating the game board the 2 players and allows pacman to move arround using the arrow keys...it also confines pacman to the board.I hope to get more done soon.
  20. looks good...it is probably better to keep each action seperate anyways
  21. Because the <span> does not have an error...the style attribute does if it doesn't load the background.Loading an image and loading a background image are different and obviously trigger events differently.AFAIK there is no way to catch an error when a bg doesn't load.
  22. aspnetguy

    Web address

    lol...I wasn't implying it was...I guess I should have said a very large website like microsoft...
  23. if you were doing it at the HTML level...which is depreciated since XHTML...He ask how to do it in CSS
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