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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    IN Operator

    no problem, glad i could help
  2. aspnetguy

    IN Operator

    I just ran the following query on my Access DB with no problems SELECT *FROM RelatedPagesWHERE Label IN ('IBM','Spatter'); Is UserID a number or is it of the type text??If it is a number then try this SELECT * FROM CustomersWHERE UserID IN (1004,1005,1006)
  3. I can't see any reason why it should work...maybe someone else can spot the problem..sorry
  4. aspnetguy

    CREATE table

    MySQL: CREATE TABLE Customer (SID integer AUTO_INCREMENT, Last_Name varchar(30), First_Name varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (SID));
  5. it would be more like this..sprite would be the objectfunction Sprite(imgsrc){ this.params = new Object(); this.src = imgsrc;} you could then call this object like so var mySprite = new Sprite('sprite.gif');
  6. aspnetguy


    the equivalent to <table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> for the above example would beCSS table{ border: 1px solid black;}th{ border:1px solid red; margin:5px; /*spacing*/ padding:5px;}td{ border:1px solid blue; margin:5px; /*spacing*/ padding:5px;}
  7. aspnetguy

    IE 7 and CSS

    javascript seems to be fine for me
  8. aspnetguy

    IE 7 and CSS

    I don't have very high expectations for IE7...I am still hoping that IE goes down the toilet so we can finally ignore it...forever....MS gave up on IE for the MAC maybe FireFox will push them out altogether......here's hoping.
  9. well you will have to run your flash program through a browser. Why did you want to run it on a LAN? Do you mean a local intranet???
  10. aspnetguy

    IE 7 and CSS

    it looks like we will have to have WinXp x64 or up to use IE7...that is the impression I got from the like you gave me. (winXpx64,WinServer2003, WinVista)if thats the case...that sucks...I need a bunch of upgrades before I would even think of upgrading to x64 or vista.
  11. are you using a server side langauge too? maybe php??If not you will need one if you want to process the data you get from forms.
  12. aspnetguy

    IE 7 and CSS

    how did you get a copy??Are you a MSDN Subscriber?? I thought it was only available to MSDN subscribers? By any chance could I get a copy from you???
  13. aspnetguy

    IE 7 and CSS

    some reviews I have read say that it will still not be as standards compliant as Firefox, but will be a huge improvement over IE6...hopefully it provides what it promises our users realize IE is a piece of junk and switch to FireFox.
  14. onyour page you have a page declareation (the first line) something like this<%@ Page Language="C# or VB" Debug="True or False"....etcplace ValidateRequest="false" into this declartion so you have something like this <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" ValidateRequest="False"%>
  15. On the 2nd page place this piece of code as the first line in your ASP code.. Response.Write(Request.Form("action")) This will show what values are really being sent as action. Click both buttons and post the values you get for each
  16. please post the page that contains the 2 buttons then...I need to see the code that sends the querystring 'action'
  17. the line that actually executes the delete staement is commented out.Is the exact code that you cannot get to work????If so un comment the delete staement and let us know if it works or what errors you get.
  18. aspnetguy

    CREATE table

    MySQL: CREATE TABLE Customer (SID integer, Last_Name varchar(30), First_Name varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (SID)); Oracle: CREATE TABLE Customer (SID integer PRIMARY KEY, Last_Name varchar(30), First_Name varchar(30)); SQL Server: CREATE TABLE Customer (SID integer PRIMARY KEY, Last_Name varchar(30), First_Name varchar(30));
  19. ???Then I guess you haven't been on too many boards...I have met a lot of offensive ppl...and Jonas doesn't even come close to comparing.For the most part this is a very peaceful message board...I have seen many flaming threads and the moderators have a hard time keeping the fights under control...yes some are web design forums too...in the end if the members involoved refuse to cooperate they get banned...AFAIK nobody has been banned from this forum...ever...so lets keep it that way and stop arguing over issues that do not matter.
  20. This is how I declare my objects. function Player(type) { var newPlayer = new Image(); newPlayer.src = (type=='pacman')? pacmanImage : ghostImage; newPlayer.width = playerSize; newPlayer.height = playerSize; newPlayer.style.position = 'relative'; newPlayer.style.top = (type=='pacman')? '0px' : (boardHeight-((playerSize)+borderWidth)) + 'px'; newPlayer.style.left = (type=='pacman')? '0px' : (boardWidth-((playerSize*2)+borderWidth)) + 'px'; newPlayer.setAttribute("id",(type=='pacman')? 'playerPacman' : 'playerGhost'); gameBoard.appendChild(newPlayer); this.params = new Object(); this.move = function(){playerMove(newPlayer)}; } This is my Player object.based on the type of Player it creates an image for the player and write it to the board and defines a .move method which is tied to the playerMove function.
  21. I didn;t say you were a bad coder...you just need to get some more practice before tackling game design...game design needs a very firm understanding of objects and how they work...I would focus on that.
  22. Eric if that is the way you feel you should just not respond to his comments. I have found Jonas to be helpful most of the time. Although his comments can seem rude I don't think they are at all intended that way.If we can't make jokes for fear of others being offended this will become a boring place.And perhaps Jonas you could refrain from making humorous comments to Eric sense there is a misunderstanding between the 2 of you.I personally don't think this issue needs to go any further than the 2 of you...just agree to stay out each others way if things can't be worked out...and I do not think Jonas should lose his moderator status over such a silly issue.
  23. aspnetguy


    sample table <table><tr><th>header 1</th><th>header 2</th></tr><tr><td>column 1</td><td column 2</td></tr></table> CSS table{ border: 1px solid black;}th{ border:1px solid red;}td{ border:1px solid blue;}
  24. ff and ie render width and height differently you will have to adjust your css to accommodate bothCSS /*when setting pixel values set 2 one for ff and one for ie*/width:100px /*FF*/-width:105px /*IE*/ FF will ignore the (-) but IE will read it, resetting the width value to 105....play with the values for each browser until you get them looking hte same.
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