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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I had trouble getting it to work too. I rewrote it to this: <html><head> <title>test</title><script> var mySprite = new Sprite('sprite.gif'); function Sprite(imgsrc) { var newSprite = '<img src="'+imgsrc+'" alt="" id="newSprite"/>'; this.params = new Object(); this.obj = newSprite; document.write(newSprite); }</script></head><body></body></html>
  2. You will need to learn a server side language (ASP or PHP) and have a web server.
  3. guess they are really serious about stopping rank cheaters. This ensures you actually get results related to what you search for.
  4. If you posted the full code for this page and the page with the submit buttons I will try and run some tests. This is very bizarre behavior...I will have to see it for myself.
  5. ignore that and look at the next post I made...I am pretty sure that has been the issue all along
  6. I just noticed an error in the SQL statement sql=sql & "Telephone1='" & Request.Form("Telephone1") & "'," sql=sql & "Telephone2='" & Request.Form("Telephone2") & "'," <---error here WHERE tblCustomer.[CustomerID]=" & CustomerID " Remove the comma (,) after the Request.Form("Telephone2") and add a space sql=sql & "Telephone1='" & Request.Form("Telephone1") & "'," sql=sql & "Telephone2='" & Request.Form("Telephone2") & "' " WHERE tblCustomer.[CustomerID]=" & CustomerID " since your code has onerror resume next this means if an error occurs it will continue anyway...so what was probably happening was this error in the sql but hte code just continued on.Try this new sql and see if that works.
  7. The only thing it said was thats it??? If you are clicking the save button and getting this result (and using hte exact code provided) then your page is not getting the value of the button you are clicking.
  8. do this and then copy and paste whatever is displayed in your browser to a post. if Request.form("action")="Save" then CustomerID=Request.Form("CustomerID") sql="UPDATE tblCustomer SET CustomerID="' & Request.Form("CustomerID") & "'," sql=sql & "Last_Name='" & Request.Form("Last_Name") & "'," sql=sql & "First_Name='" & Request.Form("First_Name") & "'," sql=sql & "Address1='" & Request.Form("Address1") & "'," sql=sql & "Address2='" & Request.Form("Address2") & "'," sql=sql & "Address3='" & Request.Form("Address3") & "'," sql=sql & "Post_Code='" & Request.Form("Post_Code") & "'," sql=sql & "Telephone1='" & Request.Form("Telephone1") & "'," sql=sql & "Telephone2='" & Request.Form("Telephone2") & "'," WHERE tblCustomer.[CustomerID]=" & CustomerID " Response.Write(sql) Response.Write(" yuppy, we did it !!")else Response.Write("Submitting records has been disabled from this demo")end if
  9. aspnetguy

    Starting Point

    you use it in your php code.Just GOOGLE php connect to mysqlThis will get you lots of results
  10. just use this <html><head> <title>test</title></head><body><select onchange="window.location=this[this.selectedIndex].value"> <option value="#">Choose a serach engine</option> <option value="http://www.google.ca">Google</option> <option value="http://www.msn.ca">MSN</option> <option value="http://www.askjeeves.com">Ask Jeeves</option></select></body></html>
  11. I never said you weren't helpful...you do know a lot...you just get carried away sometimes.Hopefully this matter can be forgotten and we can get back to what this forum is here for...
  12. They wanted you to post the results of the above staement that way they could see exactly what sql statement is being executed and to see if infact the sql is wrong
  13. thats because you can't...you need to use the onchange event of the list and redirect based on the slected option
  14. I would just like to say that it only seems far that if Eric's accusation was taken into consideration by the mods then there should be a review of his conduct...which is very well documented by Jonas above, and proper action should be taken with him as well.
  15. please post your code we cannot guess
  16. Those a fairly common and basic programming tasks...you should read through the ASP tuts if you haven't already, also look at other website tuts you will most likely find a lot of answers there.
  17. 1. Create a form that they can input their username and password.2. when submitted check against data in database.3.If valid redirect to page that displays their dat ain a form.4. On submit update databse.If you break each step into a sperate page it will probably be easier to manage,
  18. the variabel you are using as your datascource is not declared (dtrclassification) and ther is no where in your code that the command gets executed.Did you just leave that piece of code out of your post??? If so please post the entire page thanks.
  19. aspnetguy

    sizes please?

    you can do decimal numbers 1.1em, etc.
  20. that's funny...there is no way of knowing but it is in the millions for sure.
  21. var animal = new Array ("cat, dog, mouse, rat, cow");int i;for(i=0;i<animal.length;i++){ if(animal[i] == "mouse") { animal.splice(i,0); }} try that
  22. Thanks for the reply...I have looked at this already and can't seem to find an answer to my situation.
  23. I need to know something about Exchange Server.Is it possible to point it at a remote email server?What I want ot do specifically is to access my ISP email through my Exchange server.my email address from my ISP is jsbezanson[at]eastlink.ca and the pop server is pop.eastlink.ca.Can I set up Exchange to get and send my email through this server??? Sort of like managing it through Outlook except I want to use Exchange becuase of its web interface.Thanks
  24. I am not sure...I don't use SharePoint...I was just answering aqbout your Exception message.
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