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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. That is depreciateduse this instead<input type="image" src="img.gif" onclick="window.location='your_url'"/>
  2. AFAIK that should work!
  3. var img1 = document.getElementById('img1Id');document.body.removeChild(img1); This should not be img1Id because you do not have an <img> with that id. if you want the switch to disappear when the collision happens. plus you have to <img> names img1...id's must be unique...chnage the <img> of the switch to id="switchId" var img1 = document.getElementById('switchId');document.body.removeChild(img1);switchPull();
  4. <input type="button" value="Click Me" onclick="window.location='your_url'"/>
  5. aspnetguy


    You the iframe will load the whole page but there is no way to focus on the movie
  6. This is actually a relavant issue if you are on a Shared Server or the Server is old/slow
  7. aspnetguy


    ok i understand now....if the page witht he movie has other things on the page there is no way to isolate the movie and show only that...sorry...you will have to create a page with only the movie.
  8. You will have to actually delete it from the document not just hide it var switchObj = document.getElementById('switchId');document.body.removeChild(switchObj);
  9. <html><head><script>var switchPulled = false;function stairs(){ if(switchPulled) { ...code to go to next level... } else { alert('you kmust pull the switchbefor continuing'); }}function switchPull(){ switchPulled = true;}</script></head><body>...<img src="stairs.gif" id="stairs" onmouseover="stairs()" alt=""/><img src="switch.gif" id="switch" onmouseover="switchPull()" alt=""/>...</body></html> Something like that
  10. aspnetguy

    Web address

    I doubt microsoft started there website from a Hello World....
  11. Hey that is worth at least $.05
  12. a:link {color: #FF0000}a:visited {color: #00FF00}a:hover {color: #FF00FF}a:active {color: #0000FF}
  13. aspnetguy


    then you just palce the <iframe> on the page where you want it to be and use src="pagename.html" to display a page.
  14. what database are you using??? SQL Server? Oracle? MySql?
  15. When a player gets tot he stairs do a check to see if the switch has been pulled...Start the level with var switchPulled = false then when they get to the switch change the value to true...only allow the stair function to execute if wsitchPulled = true;
  16. javascript onmouseovers will not recognize the images with the code you have because they are not visible for you to out your mouse over.
  17. that is true it takes more work to do that with server side unless you are using ASP.Net. .Net allows you to fillout the form, check the form, and process the form all on the same page easily.
  18. oh i misunderstood I thought you didn't want to let the mouse go over the stairs...you can tie a onmouseover event tothe stairs image that will trigger the function to move you to the next level.
  19. basically what the names inply...serverside code is run on the server while clientside code is run on each individual users pc.If you run everything as serverside code you have 100% control on what it can do because it is running on your server...but with clientside, users all have different browsers with different settings, you have to try and accommodate all the diffrent browsers and try and foresee problems with possible settings the user has on their pc (which in some cases is impossible).
  20. it is not possible to prevent the mouse from going over an area but you can prevent events from happening while over an area.
  21. It is possible but you'd have to check for a range of numbers not just 1.This thread has inspired me to attempt to make a PACMAN style game. The concepts should be fairly simple for me but generating the computer AI will be a challenge (make the ghosts move).
  22. I made them 10x10 because each time they move it is in increments of 10. That way the movements will always line up.In the switch statement change the 10 or -10 to 100 or -100 or what ever size you make the images
  23. He did tell you...you were calling the clock function from within the clock function this creates an endless cycle which eats away at the memoery...look are his solution to understand where you went wrong
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