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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. This should be moved to .Net since it is for VB.Net and not VBScript.
  2. marquee has been depreciated by w3c and is no longer recommended for use...if you want standards compliant code anyways.
  3. aspnetguy

    Rounded corners

    I wish I had as much time as he does to play with this stuff...lol....oh what...I probably do I just spend it playing GTA3.
  4. aspnetguy


    change window.onerror = handleError; to document.onerror = handleError;
  5. -you did not put semi-colins at the end of your lines (-you where trying to assign the letter to lettergrade instead of letterGrade (case sensitive).-you were comparing grade which is a string to numbers.
  6. aspnetguy


    your closeConnection function only disposes the command are you calleing your destroy function everytime you call the closeConnection function???your destroy function is the function that is actually closing the connection not closeConnection.Why did you write a class for this stuff, it only takes a few lines anyways.
  7. You really should do your own homework...you will learn nothing from peoplpe giving you the answers...have you at least tried to do this question?? If so post the code you have so far...if not...give it a try first.
  8. aspnetguy

    How Old Is He ??!

    SELECT Name,Birthday,(DATEDIFF("dd",Birthday,getdate())/365) AS Years,(DATEDIFF("dd",Birthday,getdate())/365*12) AS Months,(DATEDIFF("dd",Birthday,getdate())) AS DaysFROM People Well I played around with this query I made but just can't get the math right. It givews the total years, total months , and total days...not what you are looking for but I found this article that has a T-SQL function to get the exact number of years, months, and days are between 2 dates.http://www.dnzone.com/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=156I hope this at least gets you started.
  9. here you go <html><head><title>Grade Script</title><script Language="JavaScript"><!--function getGrade(name, grade){ grade = parseInt(grade); var letterGrade; if(grade >= 90){letterGrade = "A";} if(grade <= 89 && grade >= 80){letterGrade = "B";} if(grade <= 79 && grade >= 70){letterGrade = "C";} if(grade <= 69 && grade >= 60){letterGrade = "D";} if(grade < 60){letterGrade = "Loser";} document.write(name + "-" + letterGrade + " (" + grade +")<BR>");}//--></SCRIPT></head><body><script Language="JavaScript"><!--getGrade("Maria", "76");getGrade("Jared", "78");getGrade("Carrol", "87");getGrade("Arnold", "86");getGrade("Derrick", "65");getGrade("Aricia", "87");getGrade("Janice", "56");getGrade("Chris", "93");getGrade("Sammy", "64");//--></SCRIPT></body> </html>
  10. aspnetguy


    Please post your code...it sounds like the connections and objects are not being closed/released properly.
  11. aspnetguy

    XML and PHP

    please don't double post the same questionthank you
  12. a:link {color: blue;text-decoration: underline}a:visited {color: blue;text-decoration: underline;}
  13. try giving your search button the lowest index number of all the other buttons...that should make it click when return is pressed.
  14. cache not cashe...sorry I had too.
  15. aspnetguy

    Rounded corners

    Jonas, Eric you are being petty...your energy could be better used helping people with your vast knowledge instead of this pissing match.
  16. That is the only way I know to get the result you want.
  17. sorry I don't code in php much either so someone else will need to help you on this.
  18. aspnetguy

    How Old Is He ??!

    Well you will need another column with the persons name...I am assuming that the column you have of DateTime is their birthday???
  19. instead of using document.forms[0].elements['NormalFrameWorkControl:center_middle:SearchBodyControl:btnSearch'].click();] give the button an id then use this document.getElementById('buttonID').click(); or even better document.forms[0].submit();
  20. You will need 3 pagesdefault.asp - this page contains a form to input your message and an iframe which loads show.asp.show.asp this retreives all the messages from the database and displays them (this page is in the iframe of default.asp).add.asp - this page is loaded (into the iframe from default.asp) when the send button is click (on default.asp). This adds the new message to the database then uses response.redirect("show.asp") to then display all the messages including the new one you just added.
  21. aspnetguy


    I do not understand what you mean... <meta http-equiv="Refresh"content="5;url=http://www.w3schools.com"> This will cause the page to refresh automatically, whether you push the button or not, 5 seconds after the page loads.The 'Edit the text and click me' button is only needed if you decide to play with the code and then want to run the code.
  22. aspnetguy

    asp converting

    yes the user would have to ftp it to the server...that is if they happened to give javascript write permission which is very unlikely. 99% of the time you would get an error when trying to save the file because javascript won't have write permissions.
  23. aspnetguy

    event handler

    change this nip= request.form("nip")name= request.form("name")conn.execute "insert into tkelas(nip,name) values('"&nip&"','"&name&"')",recordsaffectedif err<>0 thenresponse.write("You dont have any permission to update the database")elseresponse.write(recordsaffected&" record was added")end if to nip= request.form("nip")name= request.form("name")if nip <> "" then conn.execute "insert into tkelas(nip,name) values ('"&nip&"','"&name&"')",recordsaffected if err<>0 then response.write("You dont have any permission to update the database") else response.write(recordsaffected&" record was added") end ifelse response.write("you must give a value for nip")end if
  24. aspnetguy

    asp converting

    You could probably get the source with javascript but that is client side so if ou tried to save it it would be saved to the users computer not the server and the user would have to give javascript write permissions to their harddrive which is a big security risk and is turned off by default.
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