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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    IFRAME height

    man the life of a developer would be so easy if the clients didn't interfer...but we'd probably be living in a cardboard box without them though...
  2. ah yes that is true...why do you have to change the extention to shtml if it is still html? is it a security thing????
  3. no i do not see the code.
  4. If you want to get technical if you use xhtml 1.1 you will need to send it as xml not text/html (yes I am opening that up again) if you want to conform to w3c standards. All well and fine except IE6 does cannot read XHTML 1.1 unless it is sent as text/html. So I would recommend XHTML 1.0 strict or even HTML 4.01 Strict.BTW I was reading hte specification for the new XHTML 2.0...it looks cool but IE will have to get on board if we ever hope to use this. It will not have any backward compatibility for HTML so browsers that can't parse xml won't work and it will get rid of HTML forms and use XForms and XFrames instead of HTML frames...it is going to be very different.
  5. you will need javascript...I just can't find an example anywhere
  6. Well thats 2 members out of about 2300 willing to pay...I think if you stop and think the majority of users would not be willing to pay...either they have high speed internet or they just don't want ot pay for a service that can be found for free elsewhere.It is a good idea but not a practical one for w3schools.com
  7. if you provide a link to your page we can understand better what is happening. And also please post your code.
  8. its funny how stupid things like that can cause so much trouble.
  9. I believe the saying goes "You and me both" :)Oh...include me too.
  10. J2EE is complicated compared to ASP or PHP...it has to be compiled and uses OOP.I would suggest ASP or PHP, not much difference between the 2 except PHP can be run on Linux (if you use Windows then it does not matter).I would recommend ASP just because I know it better and to use Access for simple, small websites and MySql for more complex, larger websites.I have not tried it yet but you can download the Express edition of SQL Server 2005 for free and use ASP to connect to that.
  11. you can use the code on this pagehttp://javascript.internet.com/page-detail...ight-click.htmlNote: Some people usae the right click menu for other things besides stealing pictures...it may annoy people, even enough not to come back...it annoys me that much
  12. My guess would be it is a restriction of ASP.Net (I read that before) but I am not 100% sure now because you did get some results to write to the screen.
  13. aspnetguy

    Rounded corners

    I was confused about that too. thx
  14. It does take a long time for specific questions like that...It took over a week for me ot get an answer to a graphics programming question (I had solved it by then )Well I am out of ideas...sorry again.
  15. aspnetguy

    Rounded corners

    enough said, thx
  16. if you go to forums.asp.net and ask there you will get an answer for sure...there are 100,000's of members and there are a lot of MS certified people there too.
  17. aspnetguy

    Rounded corners

    Eric...you have some anger issues...but you are right.At the risk of being verbally bashed by you.... What are the REAL advantages/disadvantages of send XHTML 1.1 as text/html instead of XML???I know IE does not support it if sent as XML but really what is the big deal??? I send 1.1 it as text/html all the time...it isn't any different then 1.0 strict (so I guess it defeats the purpose) but so what?
  18. That is weird I only have MS Outlook 10 and 11 and I cannot find the dll...as you can tell I don't do alot of integration with other products.
  19. aspnetguy

    load text

    Come on you know what they meant!try this article it explains it allhttp://www.macromedia.com/devnet/flash/art...lashmx_php.html
  20. what dll did you use as a reference? what class does this code need to Inherit?
  21. What is so special about your code...if it is as you said just a few lines of PHP. It is not like you have coded a whole page or application that someone could sell or something...There are probably tons of snippets out there to give a random bg image.This seems a little 3rd grade to me...don't look at me or i'll tell
  22. although the marquee tag is no longer used I think it would be interesting to compare how the html tag compares to the javascript equivalent based on performace and efficiency.My guess is that the javascript will take longer to load and it will constantly 'hold' the page which will affect performance as well.
  23. that is true ASP is tied to Windows....I was just comparing the languages based on their ease to use.
  24. aspnetguy


    I have never had this problem before...I don't see what could be wrong with it...sorry.
  25. this page generates the JS for you...I don't know how compatible it will be with FireFox though but it is worth a try.http://rumkin.com/tools/marquee/
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