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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. For this you do not need a database....you can link to the files directly and load them into a textarea then make changes and save them with a submit button.As far as applying formatting and styles you will need a rich text editor control to place on the textarea.Also I recommend upgrading your version of .Net there is 1.1 and 2.0 now...2.0 has alot of new features to make repetitive tasks easier, better security, etc.
  2. ok ok I see what you are asking...the w3c dom is the Web Standard and no not all browser support this...meaning IE. FireFox is (cliam to be) w3c compliant while you will have to do some work arounds to get it to work in IE.As far as I know all modern browsers are w3c compliant or at least trying hard to be...except IE....MS seems to be ignoring W3C and the wished of developers...but what can you do...too many users still use IE to write it off.
  3. You can make a note on the main page telling user they need to allow popups or with javascript you can send an alert message when the popup is blocked.
  4. There is no way to stop people from taking your pictures...you can only slow them down...but that will probably make them more determined!
  5. I don't think you can. You could use window.print() on a button but that prints the whole page.You could have in addition to the page that contains the 2 forms 2 other pages (1 of the forms on each page). Then depending on the button that is clicked you could redirect to the correct page that could be set to auto print on load.
  6. aspnetguy

    IFRAME height

    The size of the content in the iframe or the content beside the iframe?
  7. You do not need a data base unless you want ot store the data for future use...you can create the doc directly.http://www.programmershelp.co.uk/phpcreateword.php
  8. You can have your computer hooked through a modem to your phone line but without a ISP (Internet Service Provider) you will not receive any data. The ISP provides you with the connection to the internet...your phone line is just one method they can use....without the ISP you have nothing!
  9. You will need a box to enter your message, a send button, and a window to view the messages and a database to collect messages. Will this be a box were multiple people can chat or just private messages???What I would do is have the viewing window in an iframe like you were thinking then when you hit submit the message gets submitted to the iframe which stores the message in the database then redirects back to the page that displays the messages.
  10. aspnetguy


    'Ok if the button were taken out how would you update the code??? It is there so you can modify the code then click that button to run the modified code.It is the same as all the other examples you can experiment with!!!
  11. why don't you make that an option button when posting? It would make more sense then expecting people to know it is there....which I didn't. Sorry :)Also why does the codebox stretch the page so much...I would rather scroll down then over!!!
  12. you can disable right click but there are a million other ways to steal your pictures. There is no way to prevent this...you could make 'preview' images with your copyright through them or something.
  13. aspnetguy


    From what I can see, I have never used XForms before, it is sending some XML to the server. You just need to read the XML tree.This should help you through it if you are using ASP or PHPhttp://www.formsplayer.com/community/howto...-scripting.html
  14. yes that should clear everything up....lol....good luck.
  15. I am not sure I have never tried because of the above article saying it was not possible...I am stumped on this one.Can you post your full page code...I will give it a try.
  16. it boils down to you cannot insert 0 or null into ClientID of the ClientsToKeyboards table because there is not record in Clients where ClientID equals 0 or null because it ClientID of Clients is set to auto increment.If ClientID was not a FK of ClientsToKeyboards it would work but since it is a FK it will not.We can discuss this all day but those are the facts, you cannot do it.
  17. Do you mean is JavaScript supported by most browsers??? yes but each browser has its differences so your JavaScript usually has to have some object or browser detection in it.
  18. please read thishttp://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/a.as...&NoWebContent=1it clearly states that You cannot ause the Outlook Object Model under IIS, this includes ASP and ASP.Net.
  19. not really but it would help if you posted the structure and full contents of the Clients and ClientsToKeyboards tables.
  20. The reason some of the things you are doing don;t work in IE is becuase FF uses CSS2 while IE6 is still using CSS1 (min-width is not part of CSS1) so when IE7 comes out at the end of this year it will have full CSS2 support.
  21. aspnetguy


    use the VB6 Replace function and make (') into (''). SQL uses (') as part of statements but when it sees 2 in a row treats like an apostrophe.
  22. you are allowed to post links but if you'd rather PM me then that is fine too.
  23. put a left and right border on the middle column instead of on each outside column.
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