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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. where id you hear this??? I don't understand what you are asking.If you read it on a website please provide link so I know what you are talking about.
  2. HTML <img id="img1" src="something.gif" style="position:absolute;top:#px;left:#px" alt=""/> JS var img = document.getElementById('img1');img.style.top = "#px"; //new location based on arrow pressimg.style.left = "#px"; //new location based on arrow press
  3. nope you are stuck to javascript for that...if you could write the code so it would bypass popup blockers....ther would be no point in having a popup blocker!!!!!!!!!!!You can do nothing about except warn the users that your site uses popups or find another way to do it without popups
  4. The :visted means that the user has visit that link since the last time the browser flushed it's cache.If you do not want the strike through to stay then you should not put it on the :visited...you are defeatring hte purpose of the :visited by not wanting the styles to stay.Put the stike through on :hover or somewhere else.
  5. Unless you set it as a required field and it is not a Primary or Foreign key it already accepts null.What is the Primary Key of the table? Are any of the fields required fields (if you did not set them as required they are not)?Is the age field a number or text (string)????
  6. it did not work...I just needed that info to help debug.Is your database set to allow null entries in lastname, firstname, etc..fields that are currently null???Another possible problem is age...if you are trying to insert NULL into a number field...BTW what DB are you using? Access?
  7. Here is an article about getting flash movies to work with only the <object>http://www.alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay/and this is one to get Quicktime movies to work with only <object>http://realdev1.realise.com/rossa/rendertest/quicktime.html
  8. aspnetguy

    split forms

    you could acheive this with javascript but it would be far more complicated than just placing them all in one form.And 2 forms cannot have the same name.
  9. comment out the execute line response.write "sql=" & sql'conn.execute(sql) Then post the result of the response.write(Sql)
  10. aspnetguy

    split forms

    If you are using HTML,ASP, or PHP you can use multiple forms on a page...ASP.Net however only allows 1 form per page.
  11. ok...I am out of the loop on the specific details on issues like this...I just now what you have to do but not always why.
  12. since grade was poassed to the function as a string...I needed to make it into an int (integer).parseInt is a built-in JavaScript function that takes a string and turns it into an int as long as the string is a in the form of a number. If it cannot complete the conversion it throws and exception.
  13. try this <script type="text/javascript">var t=setTimeout("document.getElementById('ritari1').style.display='block';",1000)</script> You cannot use (") inside of (") the timer thought the end of the code to run was display= and then didn't find a number after that so it choked.
  14. aspnetguy

    XML and PHP

    the moderators read all the posts.
  15. aspnetguy

    problem in inner join

    You cannot runa delte staement in a select statement...i think.try some like this DELETE FROM cust c, prd pWHERE c.id = p.pid --if these are the sameAND {some condition for table cust}AND {some condition for table prd}
  16. if you have ASP and PHP setup on your server/pc with MySql you can use phpMyAdmin to work on the MySql database and then write your pages in ASP.I would start with deciding what data you want stored in the database. then design the pages around that to display the data how you want to.
  17. here's an article on comparing timehttp://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1350
  18. aspnetguy

    event handler

    <html><head><script>function onFormSubmit(){ var nip = document.getElementById('nip'); if(nip.value == "") { alert('you must give nip a value'); return false; }}</script><body><h1>Adding_record</h1><hr>input new record<p><form method="POST" action="add_confirm.asp" onsubmit="javascript:return onFormSubmit()"><p>nip <input name="nip" id="nip"><p>name <input name="name"><p><input type="Submit" value="ADD"></form></body></html> That should work.
  19. if you are not already you will need to open the popup with javascript...target="_blank" is no good for this.The values you get from the database will need to be stored in input fields, even hidden if you wish.Then get those values using javascript and send them as part of the querystring when you open the new window.
  20. aspnetguy

    text editor

    please post the full code for both pages...i'll test it out
  21. I use VBScript for ASP programming and C# for ASP.Net programming.ASP does not use C#.
  22. because it was created over 10 years before FireFox!!!! Back when MS ruled the world...wait they still do...but they are slipping in some areas....hopefully
  23. You could give the image an absolute position then use this article to capture key presseshttp://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=javasc...row+press&meta=based on what arrow key is pressed you can change the absolute positioning of the image
  24. some...er...most just simpley don't know how...my sister has been using ta cimputer for over 5 years and she even can write html but didn't know how to download a program and install...just because she had never done it before...it is ignorance not brain washing.
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