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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    this explains how to send it using VS.Net and C#http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....upport_6gs0.aspWhat language are you going to use? PHP? ASP? ASP.Net(C#/VB)?
  2. aspnetguy

    Sql 2005

    here is the MS propagandahttp://www.microsoft.com/sql/default.mspx
  3. This is wierd...it won;t validate either. W3c keeps saying its MIME type is text/plain.I set the content type to text/html and it still said it was text/plain.I'll look into this further.
  4. this should lead you to what you needhttp://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/informix/
  5. this would be a better method <html><head> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .Menu{} .Menu li{display:inline;padding-right:5px} </style> </head><body><ul class="Menu"> <li><a href="">Home</a></li> <li><a href="">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="">Portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="">Site Map</a></li> <li><a href="">Contact Us</a></li></ul></body></html> you can play with the padding to space the links the way you want.
  6. That depends, what DOCTYPE were you trying to use???
  7. aspnetguy


    I like to keep it at the top of the page, even before the <html>It helps seperate the ASP code form the HTML code. But that's just me.
  8. I suspected you were kidding...believe me...I hate IE as much as the next guy...but even 60% over developers that come ot w3schools still use IE...I fear it will not go away nearly fast enough especially witht eh release of IE7.IE7 will still not be web standards complient, but it will appease many users and developers by mimicking many FF features and fixing some bugs (that are a direct result of lack of web standards complience)...just bite the bullet already and do a rewrite...stop adding more band-aids!!!!!
  9. Yes it will be supported in IE7...regardless of our opinions or the fact that Microsoft is sticking it's head in the sand when it comes to Web Standards...they do count...they count for 85% of all users/browsers.As much as it sucks to work around IE...IMO...we have to!
  10. Ive been around here a while now but never introduced myself.Full name: Justin BezansonAlternative name(s):Birth date(dd/mm/yyyy): 28 April 1982Gender: maleZodiacal sign:Country of residance: CanadaCity of residance: KingstonHeight: 6'0Weight:Eyes: blueHair: brownSmoking/Drinking/Drugs: no/no/noFavourite Music: Classic/light rockFavourite Movies: Jurassic Park (all of them), Braveheart, Troy, Last Samurai, you get the picture.Interest: Music, guitar, bass guitar, drums, gamingPets: Dog: Rusty, Cat: Oliver, Budgie: ChesterAdditional comments:
  11. But PNG is still not fully supported (transparency) in IE, which still, unfortunately, makes up about 85% of the overall browser share.
  12. try putting 7zip.exe in the same folder as notepad.exe, it may be as simple as a permissions issue.
  13. is the code you provided for save_feedback.asp?The error isn't coming form that code.It is a file structure problem.Do you have a folder called 'ledet' in the website root folder? is save_feedback.asp in the ledet folder?The error is saying that it is not.
  14. use the lcase() function when comparing values if lcase(userPhrase) = lcase(dbValue) then...match...end if This will change all values to lowercase.
  15. what is the code??? what error message do you get in IE???
  16. If you are looking ot stream live video over your website, you need to be aware of the large amounts of bandwidth this will take. It will increasingly become a problem if you have a lot of visitors to your website.I used a product in college, can't remember the name, that allowed easy streaming of webcam video over a website. It was soooo slow even over localhost...you need a high end server with the added horse power and good graphics card to do this, at least if you want it to be viewable.
  17. Your mistake is in your SQL statement sql="UPDATE greg SET "sql=sql & "Monday='" & Request.Form("Monday") & "',"sql=sql & "Tuesday='" & Request.Form("tuesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Wednesday='" & Request.Form("wednesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Thursday='" & Request.Form("thursday") & "',"sql=sql & "Friday='" & Request.Form("friday") & "',"sql=sql & "Saturday='" & Request.Form("saturday") & "'"sql=sql & " WHERE Sunday='" & time & "'" change the above to sql="UPDATE greg SET "sql=sql & "Monday='" & Request.Form("Monday") & "',"sql=sql & "Tuesday='" & Request.Form("tuesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Wednesday='" & Request.Form("wednesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Thursday='" & Request.Form("thursday") & "',"sql=sql & "Friday='" & Request.Form("friday") & "',"sql=sql & "Saturday='" & Request.Form("saturday") & "',"sql=sql & "Sunday='" & time & "'"sql=sql & " WHERE time='" & cid & "'" or something ot that effect. You weren't setting the Sunday field you were using it as a condition...I don;t thing that is what you meant to do, is it?
  18. try replacing //SERVERNAME with the actul IP Address of the server.If this still fails try setting the EVERYONE account (I know this is a bad idea, but it is just for testing, as soon as you have tested it change it back) to Full Control on the folder(s)/file(s) you are trying to save to. This will determine if it is a permissions issue.Post your results if you still have trouble.
  19. I think you are looking for something like thishttp://javascript.internet.com/miscellaneo...ge-rotator.html
  20. Hey thanks Skemcin, I was just trying to do something similar and was playing with setTimeout but couldn't get it to reset.
  21. in css .someClass{width:100%} HTML with inline css <div style="width:100%"></div> This will cause the elements to take up 100% of the available space and if the window is resized the page will resize it self to match.
  22. That is just the way IE is...I don't think you can change it. In IE6 there is no horizontal scrollbar it just gets cutoff.
  23. aspnetguy

    CSS Help

    man, seriously...this is weird, we keep posting at the same time. lol :)Also Jonas your code only changes the color of the link to blue, you need to use background-color instead.
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