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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    Yes you are right being compiled code is another big difference, but IMO OOP is the biggest, most significant difference.ASP.Net can be written as compiled code or as scripting...I like having the choice based on what I need the app to do.
  2. aspnetguy


    please post the code of the form and of the update page
  3. Please do not use PERL...it is very old and very slow...PHP or ASP would be up to 5 times faster and ASP.Net is faster still.
  4. aspnetguy


    How is that?? PHP or ASP programmer don't have/need skill??? It requires a different approach/type of skill. You have probably insulted a lot of people with that comment...including me. I use ASP and ASP.Net. While they are different both do require a lot of skill.The main difference is that yes scripting languages are stripped down (some) so they have don't have as much power. But the biggest difference is OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Scripting languages do not have objects...you can break up the code into functions, etc. Other languages like JAVA, ASP.Net, C++, etc allow you to create objects and classes and they can be easily reused on multiple pages/forms.
  5. aspnetguy

    more help

    If you have a static Ip address nad you leave your pc on 24/7 (and dont use it) your friends can connect to your website through the ip address. If you are not using a windows server family or linux equiv. then you are probably limited to 5 simaltaneuos users.If you are using your pc (for games especially) then the sites will be super slow if they load at all.You could register a domain and point it at the ipaddress.BUT...chanaces are you do m=not have a static IP address unless you pay extra to have one. Regular residental accounts have dynamic Ips ehich means they are changing all the time. This means your website would be inaccessable everytime the ip change suntil you tell your friends the new one or change your domain settings which can take 1 - 48 hours to take effect.Again you can get dirt cheap hosting accounts (even free ad supported ones) which are far better...usually hosting packages come witha free domain name.
  6. MS does not support IIS on XP Home...you will have to upgrade to XP pro or you can hack your Home edition...this article will tell you how.WARNING: This may nullify your warranty or service/support contracts with MS.http://www.webthang.co.uk/tuts/tuts_server...ph/pippo_xp.asp
  7. MS does not support IIS on XP Home...you will have to upgrade to XP pro or you can hack your Home edition...this article will tell you how.WARNING: This may nullify your warranty or service/support contracts with MS.http://www.webthang.co.uk/tuts/tuts_server...ph/pippo_xp.asp
  8. yeah one-stop scripting languages not server configuration
  9. aspnetguy

    IP address

  10. the (') are generally for text only. numbers, dates and other things usually don't work if you add the (').
  11. give this a tryhttp://www.irt.org/script/288.htm
  12. most likely the reason you got an error when inserting in to a datetime field the quotes around the variable.did you insert the variable like this??? sql = "INSERT INTO greg" _ "([Date], New) VALUES(" _ "'" & dateVar &"','" & newVar &"'" I am pretty sure having '1/1/2006' will cause an error.Try this sql = "INSERT INTO greg" _ "([Date], New) VALUES(" _ dateVar &",'" & newVar &"'" The different is I removed the (') from around the dateVar
  13. ok, believe it or not I think there is still an error occuring. I should have seen this earlier.comment out this line on error resume next to 'on error resume next This line is telling the code to continue even though there is an error. This should cause an error and we should see what is really going on.Also The fields Date and New, have you used these in any queries on other pages??? I think Date is a SQL key word. You might want ot try writing it like this INSERT INTO greg ([Date],New) Just a thought, let me know the results of both of those.
  14. Okay that sounds logical. Did you get this code form a tutorial??? If so please provide the link to it.Have you used an approach like this before? Did it work? Can you post some code from that.I am sorry I haven't been more help...I have not used this control yet (I'm still in transition from 1.1 to 2.0).
  15. Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end ifconn.close%> you need to remove the 'end if'
  16. what is contained in the eventdb variable???This is a sample of an Access connection string I use Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\........\tpc.mdb I haven't used this new control yet...you are using .Net 2.0 right???
  17. what error(s) are you getting??? Know this makes a big difference
  18. aspnetguy

    more help

    so you would spend a ton of money setting up a server(s) just to host 1 site (your own)???? That is a huge waste of money.I would just buy a reseller account with a reputable hosting company.
  19. ok if you have XP home you do not have IIS. If you have professional you can insert your windows cd and install IIS from there. Then you just need to install the .Net frameworkYou can download the framework and many .net tools from my website.www.aspnetguy.comThey are under the resources menu on the right hand side of the page.
  20. this should be under .Net
  21. Well that all depends on what you want.First you need to deside what you want it to look like/do and maybe even draw it out on paper.Then you can get started on creating it to be like your design. If you run into any trouble or have questions we would be happy to assist you.
  22. change if err<>3 thenResponse.Write("No update permissions!")else Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end if to this Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>") That way we can see the real error that is occuring. Post the error you receive from this.
  23. ASP.NET is different from ASP in many ways...it is Object Oriented and has the full power of VB and C# not just VBScript or JavaScript.It is difficult to learn, i was a first for me, but once you get it is writing a book. The concepts of OO programming are more important than syntax. If you understand the lanaguage and know what you want to do you can find a million examples on the web.JAVA is good if you are a Linux person because it is cross platform while ASP.Net is tied to Windows. Both are great languages you just need ot know what best suits for goals and needs.
  24. try reading thishttp://www.w3schools.com/ado/default.asp
  25. aspnetguy

    Why DOM?

    DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is specifically about the document object of javascript and what you can do with it. It is the same as when programmers talk about COM or COM+ it is all C/C++ just a specific portion of the language.hey, ActiveX is just Visual Basic....there is lots of that out there. ADO referes to the database connectivity of ASP.
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